
  1. G

    Broody not leaving nest

    Hi all I'm new to chickens as of last year but learnt super fast. I started with 4 Columbian Rock last April and attained 2 light Sussex in the fall. Betty(light Sussex) went broody so I got her fertilized eggs(no rooster here) and she's been taking her job very seriously. A little too...
  2. J

    Broody hen help!

    I’m sure this question or a similar question has been asked many times but I am newish to broody hens. I have had two successful hatch eggs before sitting for the roughly 21 days. However the question I have now is I had a hen go broody today and I honestly don’t want to wait the 21 plus days...
  3. 3RowdyRoostersHomestead

    Broody call duck help

    Hi there! My call duck has gone broody it appears. Shes laying on everyone’s eggs from last nights lay and hasn’t gotten up even. I’ve only ever had Pekins and they haven’t been broody so this is new to me. They have a community nest that they all lay in. (5 hens) it’s just the corner of their...
  4. think_fast_chicklenuts

    Is it legal to keep a wild turkey in the flock if they joined in on her own?

    I have a couple chickens in my backyard (loads more being raised right now) and a female wild turkey decided to lay her eggs in one of my bushes. She spends most of her time on her eggs, obviously, but she seems to enjoy the chickens' company, and she even crouched for the rooster, who then...
  5. Paz

    My hen is broody

    So one of my hens became broody and I think I’ll let her sit, but the others want to lay in “her” spot. Can I just move her with a bunch of eggs to the baby coop and she’ll do fine? When I took her eggs a couple of weeks ago (she was broody back then) she stopped sitting and went doing her usual...
  6. S

    Broody hen. Can i introduce ducklings?

    I have a Rouen hen on a nest. I started seeing her there 5 days ago. The second day a rat snake got into the nest and she was real alarmed, but wouldnt leave the coop. Then, she was back on the nest every day since. The first day I thought I had come upon her while she was laying. She was...
  7. G

    Monique, Belvedere and Silky crosses.

    I have the chance to buy two young hens - Belvedere/silky cross and a Monique /silky cross. They are being hand raised. My research tells me that both the Belvedere and the Monique tend to be broody and silkies are really broody! Anyone had these types of crosses or can give me advice on what...
  8. M

    Chicken sits in nesting box but doesn’t lay

    A bit of [hopefully relevant] background: I had a small flock of four chickens, Petunia, a Cinnamon Queen - also the head hen, Rose and Lily, Rode Island Reds, and Dahlia, a Barred Rocks. They are all a year and a month old and I got them from my local tractor supply. Sadly, my Petunia suddenly...
  9. BerthaBoo

    Urgent - 1 left to hatch, no pip?

    Hi all, day 22 here, had a broody sitting on a nest on 7 eggs, 5 have fully hatched by yesterday morning. I decided to lift up momma's chest to took a look at the last two. One dead, likely before the 11th day when I last candled as even then I wasn't sure. I tossed that one. The other I candled...
  10. Australorpfamily

    Survivor: tale of crushed hatchling

    Following the story of our Survivor. Backstory, Mama Noisy Girl went broody and we got her some Easter Egger eggs, yay! Thursday, March 14, we had some severe weather, and when I got home from work, I checked on eggs and noticed one had been crushed. I could hear a cheep, and honestly didn't...
  11. BerthaBoo

    What day would a broody stop leaving the nest?

    Hi All! First time letting a broody mama sit on eggs. She's got a clutch of 7 that were all viable at day 14. She's so determined I've been physically removing her from her nest once a day to eat/drink/poop since day 3, as I noticed she wasn't leaving at all. She's currently on day 17 - when...
  12. ElGoose

    Ganders fighting over me!

    I have a small flock of 4 geese currently two ganders and 2 females which all usually get along fine. 2 of those 4 we raised from eggs (boy and a girl) and both are very affectionate toward me however now that it’s becoming broody season my girl (Polly) is getting more timid around me and my boy...
  13. PhoenixManz

    Give newly broody hen ready to hatch eggs from incubator, or freshly hatched chicks?

    Hi all! I have a some eggs in an incubator that are due to hatch starting Monday, 4th March. Goldilocks: has been broody since two days now and she should get the babies in the incubator. I've read that that should be possible. My question: would it be best to give the eggs to her before they...
  14. PhoenixManz

    When to start lockdown for eggs that started incubating on three different days?

    Hey all! I have some eggs in an incubator that started incubation with a broody, and we're given to her over three consecutive days. i.e. 12th 13th and 14th February. When should these eggs be put into lock down? On the 18th day for the earliest ones, or for the latest ones? So should they go...
  15. KathiQuacks

    My drake is acting broody 😆

    Before anyone asks, yes, he is a drake, no doubt about it. Most drakes, from what I hear, will simply hang out near the nest while his hen does her thing. Some will stand guard over the nest, and very rarely, drakes will actually sit on the nest themselves. My drake has gone a little beyond the...
  16. Timbers Happy Hens

    Broody hen, temp too cold?

    My silkie hen just decided she wanted to brood some eggs. My question is, will it be too cold once they hatch? Is it too cold for her to even successfully incubate? It’s and 35 degrees Fahrenheit here at night and 50 during the day. On another note I’m not even sure she can brood in the coop...
  17. Montymoo

    Is this broodiness? Pullet

    My 8 month old golden cuckoo marans has been very moody the past week. Grumbling about everything to everyone, yelling, growling and just being a general diva. The past 3 days I’ve had to go out and take her off the nest because she will sit there for hours, even if it’s only fake eggs under...
  18. Emrosenagel

    Hen kicked pipped egg

    Hello! My broody left her nest for a romp and snack, so I went to check the eggs (day 19) and saw one had pipped! Heard some peeps too, very cute. But when she got back in the nest, she basically kicked the poor thing and it rolled over. And then she scooped it back under her. I expect hens...
  19. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    Hi, I'm new to keeping backyard chickens. Currently have two Delawares and three Jersey Giants. All of them started laying end of October and early November. Today I noticed one of the JGs sitting in the nesting box, figured she was taking her time laying her egg but she was there still in the...
  20. J

    Hen with very droopy skin below keel - is it a problem?

    Hi meet Millie a 10 month old Australorp exceptional layer and a regular broody. I noticed last week (after being on holiday for 2 weeks - neighbours kindly looked after my 2 chooks) that Millie had very saggy skin below her keel bone. The skin is normal colour and there is no fluid just skin...
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