
  1. Sick and tired of pesky mosquitos? Try this trick!!

    Sick and tired of pesky mosquitos? Try this trick!!

    Here where I live the mosquitos are viscous in the spring! The baby mosquitoes are the absolute worst though. They are so tiny and fly so fast it is almost impossible to catch them! After scouring the internet and trying all the tricks we found one that actually, truly works. Like chicken...
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    Mites issue

    So I’m sure this has been asked before but I’m struggling with re infestation. For the last 8 months or so I spot small orange lice on my birds, mainly around the vents. I treat them with poultry dust on the vent, up the belly and back, but stay away from their heads. I completely clean out...
  3. A


    So I go outside at 4 am to check up in my chickens since it is starting to get colder (low 50’s, mind you I am in Az) but ti go outside and check up in them and my sultan is in a corner backed up against a fence stiff but still alive I rip the wire apart and quickly grab him and run inside, and...
  4. A

    Can dogs eat carpet beetles?

    I have a carpet beetle problem that hasn't gone away with a bug bomb. One of the dogs I had in the passed loved playing with and eating cicadas and they are around the same size both being harmless to animals. So my question is, will a dog eat carpet beetles and is it ok to let them?
  5. Kacijo3

    I need help identifying these tiny bugs in my chicken coop! Mass/NH

    I spotted quite a few of these tiny bugs in my chicken coop on the wood around the nesting boxes. I've had chicken & ducks for years & I've never seen these before! Hoping to get some help to identify & how to get rid of! I'm live on the border of Mass & New Hampshire.
  6. makNcheese

    I can not get my birds to gain weight!!!

    Hi everyone! I’d like to think I’m pretty knowledgeable about chickens at this point, but this is something I have never struggled with before. I absolutely cannot get my birds to gain weight. I thought it was their feed so I switched to higher protein and add game bird feed. After that I got...
  7. chiki1

    Possible fowl cholera??

    We're in Maine and just had a severely cold weekend (in the negatives) and it looks like two of our roosters have problems. They both have extremely inflamed waddled and one has bugs on him(mites maybe) as well as a new neck problem. I don't know wht to do - no chicken has ever had an...
  8. Aliceisalive

    Help! Where is Expiration/manufacturer date on Layer feed? I have Weevil bugs in Country Roads Layer Crumble

    🤢 Opened a new bag of 50 pound country roads Layer crumble for chickens bought last night by my husband. Black bugs inside. I see they are weevils. Please help me find the manufacturer/expire date??? I’ve been researching for 3 hours 🤦🏻‍♀️😭 all these codes make zero sense. Note: that big white...
  9. mushytrousers

    Identifying Bugs / Mites on Chicken?

    Terrible photo I know, but is anyone able to identify these bugs / mites I’ve found on my polish hen? I figure they’re mites but what kind? I see a lot of people have issues with red mites but these look nothing like them to me? And can mites kill a chicken, or cause neurological issues? This...
  10. TheBirdBabe

    Dusting? Dipping? How to prevent parasites?

    Hello! Our flock is growing quickly & I'd like to start doing more for pest prevention. I'm currently dusting with DE... but that's it. I haven't previously had any problems with any kind of parasites (we've had pesky bugs in the coop) that are actually ON my birds... but how can I prevent...
  11. A

    Peacock lice?

    Hi. My mother and I just adopted a baby peacock today and I noticed tiny white bugs all over it’s face. They’re very small and go near the eye. They’ll burrow into the fur and leave tiny white particles (what I think might be eggs) on the strange of fur. I’m super concerned. I’ve done some...
  12. creedatticus

    wasps and spiders

    barfhow do you keep wasps and spiders from living in the chicken coop? i live in utah where there are lots of both. there is already a wasp nest in a little bin where we put shaving and food, and there are a few strands of spider webs that i got rid of with the hose, and it has only been built...
  13. Djripke78

    Rooster isn’t responding to treatments

    We have a 7 year old giant white Cochin rooster named Hank. For about 12 months we have been struggling with him over-grooming and pulling out his feathers. A few of the hens had started pecking on him, especially on his feet and the tops of his wings. We initially thought the damage to the...
  14. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Feeding only in evening

    Hello everyone! I have 12 Free ranging Welsummer pullets. They are about 7 weeks old, and have been free ranging for about a week and a half. These are my first set of chickens. My plan is to let them forage during the day, and then in the evenin- around 6- I will feed them their store bought...
  15. K

    Lice? Mites? What are these!

    On several occasions now I’ve spotted a bug of some sort scampering between my hen’s feathers! It’s larger than what I would expect any kind of mite to be - about the length of a fingernail. It was dark coloured. And it was FAST. Zoomed away when I tried to flick it off. I’ve not seen any on my...
  16. J

    Rooster with red skin all around vent and little bugs!?

    I was sitting in the coop watching my chickens and my rooster was doing his little dance for a hen when I noticed his butt looked red. I caught him and quickly saw that his skin looked red and irritate all around his vent, I also saw some kind of white build up around some of the smaller...
  17. khloee

    Best backyard bug killer that won’t harm my chickens

    We live in Missouri and the mosquitoes and gnats have been really bad this year. We want to spray our lawn to get rid of really those two pests. Since our chickens and geese eat the grass everyday we want to find a pesticide that won’t harm or kill my birds. What is the best product we should use?
  18. L

    What are these bugs? (pictures)

    I found these bugs 2 days ago in my coop. Have no idea what they are, if they are harmful, or how to get rid of them. Looks like they have 6 legs, antae, they fly, are a brownish color with a slight red tint, and about the size of a poppy seed. I've checked the flock, but there are no signs of...
  19. eknielsen

    Help me identify this tiny bug!

    Apologies in advance to anyone who gets itchy from reading this, I got itchy writing it! I’ve recently noticed tiny bugs that make their way onto me every time I go out to the coop, and I can’t figure out that they are. They’re fast but I haven’t seen them jump. They’re so small that I can’t...
  20. Nica44

    Red mites?

    Hello I have problem. Never have problem with any kind of parasites in my chickens flock, until now :( Few days ago I've noticed tiny, and I mean TINY bugs on my young rooster, happily he is separated from the rest of the flock (because he is aggressive) but he was separated in the "summer"...
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