I have 11 eggs in my incubator, they were anywhere from a day to 2 weeks old when they went in, and all were laid within 3 weeks after I got rid of the rooster so I'm expecting a super low hatch rate. I'm still new to this but I wanted to only candle the eggs once (less chances of me dropping...
We’ve had 4 hens for about a year now. A couple of them had been broody before but none since we got them until a couple weeks ago. Our BCM “Scramble” went broody and I couldn’t break her. It was pretty clear she was committed. SO, I got 8 fertile eggs from a local breeder. 6 of the eggs are on...
can a clutch of eggs be in different development stages? I candled my eggs (being incubated by mamma) and they look like they’re in different stages. Some look like they’re closer to 20 days. Whereas some look like they’re close to hatching. You can see movement in the eggs. She is in the same...
Hi BYC friends,
This is my first hatch. I have 9 ducks eggs; 4 mallards and 5 runners. I candled them on day 5 because I couldn’t wait to see how my babies were progressing. I candled them again today, day 7, and they all appear to be healthy and progressing as they should but one (my...
She started about 8-9 days ago sitting on her nest full time. I candled today and see a lot of eggs that look like this.. what does this mean?
She’s a khaki Campbell.