#chick #chickproblems

  1. D

    Brooder problems

    I have a basic setup up in a long storage tub. We currently have 7 chicks and 1 duckling. Do chicks by themselves generally end up with soaked bedding or is the duck my issue here? I change the bedding 2-3 times a day because of how wet it gets but my chicks always end up having a wet...
  2. Dedetiger

    Baby Eye Injury

    For context: I got a bunch of bantam chicks from tractor supply just two days ago, and upon getting home with them and putting them into their new space, I had noticed one of them appeared to be missing an eye (as in, it was solidly shut with scar tissue and swelling - no blood so this must’ve...
  3. chickenlady2004

    i locked my neighbours chicken up with mine

    hi everyone so kinda funny story i have for everyone tonight. i accidentally locked my neighbours chicken up with my chickens (they hang out all the time and when i went to put them away i guess one of theirs snuck in) it’s 11pm here and i went out to check on them before i went to bed...
  4. Ambera

    6 day old chick, gaping/strange drinking motion?

    Hi, I just want to check that this drinking motion is normal? I've seen this old thread, which sounds like what my chick is doing, which scared me as their chick died. My yellow chick (pekin bantam) was doing some weird head movements after drinking - it was drinking a lot and not eating at...
  5. ellieV03

    How long should I keep the "parents" of the quail chicks separated?

    Hi again, So my quail just hatched four chicks a couple of days ago and they were in the cage with the parents, everything was fine, the mother was caring for them and the father was leaving them alone. Last night tho, the male first tried to mate with the female and then attacked one of the...
  6. ellieV03

    Is there a chance this quail eggs can still hatching?

    Hi everyone, my quail hatched four chicks two days ago and they are doing great; but she was brooding six eggs and when the four I mentioned before hatched she just left the nest. So I took the other two eggs since she was ignoring them, I looked at them through light and saw that they were...
  7. 2

    ***URGENT*** Baby Chick leg issues

    Hello BYC, I'm posting on two chicks that I've hatched out of 21, the first chick seems to have spraddle leg so I cut a bandaid in half the long way and am using that as a brace. However, it doesn't seem to be working as the chick is not even trying to walk at all. As for the second chick it's...
  8. poik1u

    HELP!! Chick hatched with inwards legs, what should i do?

    So this is the first time i’ve hatched out chicks, and one of them hatched with its legs bent inwards. Its hardly been walking because of how it’s legs are, and it kind of jumps? When it attempts to walk. The chicks been walking a lot better, and i’ve put it back in the brooder with the rest of...
  9. A

    Chick it’s not able to itch

    Hi my chick is shaking it’s head I believe he has an itch but isn’t able to itch this is a day old chick under the heat lamp why may be the problem he can’t itch?
  10. Lspears218

    Unicorn Chicken!? My chick has a growth on it’s beak.

    Hello- Recently I have noticed one of my chicks has a growth on its beak. It is hard and feels the same as its beak. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Any info will help, thank you !
  11. T

    Help! 4 week old Dutch bantam hen or roo?

    Help! We have two 4 week old Dutch bantams and we are unsure if we have a rooster. The one on the right (the one closest to the camera) is larger and has a comb coming in, aswell as a more grey and white, with darker browns and blacks compared to the other smaller Dutch bantam which is mostly...
  12. E

    New at incubation

    Hey I have a quick couple of questions 1: How long should I leave them in the incubator after hatching? 2: How long would it usually take for them to hatch? THANK UUU
  13. G

    Need to know what gernder my ayam cemani chick is 2and a half months old

    It has small comb no waddle short hackle feathers then it has some spikey hackle feathers were the sadle feathers are some round and short and like 3 are kinda long and spikey it already has spers coming in and I'm just so confused wethere its a boy or girl I'm a new chicken breeder trying to...
  14. E

    What should I Feed Quail Chicks

    My 13 Coturnix Quail chicks are going to hatch in a couple days and I am wondering what I should feed them. I have a 20% Organic and Non-medicated chicken chick starter and I have a 36% poultry supplement. I could mix those together to meet their protein requirements. I also have some chia seeds...
  15. L

    Need help!! Injury

    i have this older chick here standing like this all the time! Happened recently. Put a splint on her for her toe and it did nothing. Does anyone know what could be wrong and how I can help her out?? I’m first time chicken owner. I’ve never seen this, and I’ve even tried to look it up; found...
  16. F

    Baby chick not walking

    So I have a baby chick and it hasn’t started walking yet or opens its eyes it’s chirping like normal but a little concerned that it might be deformed Is there anyway I can help it
  17. N

    How long does the air in an egg last??

    I can hear some of my broody’s eggs cheeping, does this mean they have broken into the air sac? They have also been tapping a lot in the last 18-24hrs, when should I expect them to hatch?
  18. N

    Chicks tapping and pipping

    I have some mixed eggs under a broody, they have been tapping and cheeping for about 18-24 hours, when should I expect them to start pipping?? One is shouting pretty loud UPDATE one has pipped and is still hollering!
  19. CrazyChickenMom11

    4 Day Old Very Sick Chick

    Hello, I have a 4 day old Lavender Orpington chick who was going fabulous until I check on her tonight. Yesterday, she was running around with all her other buddies but was a little unsteady on her feet but otherwise was great. I had lost a chick earlier yesterday who didn't take the mail trip...
  20. Y

    Quail chick with eyelid problem?

    Hello! I just recently started hatching quails. I hatched a quail with some sort of eye problem, not sure if it was genetic. Both eyes are affected, it’s not as active as the other chicks and it cannot detect that there is food nearby.(possibly blind?) I’ve been putting ointment on both eyes and...
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