chick sexing

  1. sophi3

    4mnth old BLRW - Blue laced red wyandottes: hen or roo?

    I return with my 3rd post of these 3 chickens, who are now almost 4 months old (3 months 3 weeks). Hopefully they will finally be old enough to definitively sex! I've been confident for a while that I have 1 pullet (n.o 1), and 1 rooster (n.o 3), but n.o 2 is throwing me off. Has a smaller comb...
  2. sophi3

    BLR Blue laced red wyandottes - 8 weeks old

    Combs not very visible in pictures as they're a rose combed breed so hard to tell & at the moment they all look the same. Believe 3 is a pullet and 1 & 2 are roos, but wanted some input to be sure. Basing mainly off the neck feather shape and the fact that 3 feathered significantly earlier than...
  3. C

    Double Silver Laced Barnevelder pullet or cockerel?

    Hi, I have 3 Double Silver Laced Barnevelder that I hatched about 7 weeks ago, I’m wondering if anyone can tell if they are pullets or cockerels yet. I’m hoping for at least one hen. Thank you in advance for your time and expertise. Chick A Chick B Chick C
  4. O

    5-6 Week Whiting True Blue Sexing

    Any input on this guy/gal? They’re 2 days short of 6 weeks. I’ve been concerned about their comb coloring up. I got them from McMurrays on April 10th and they’ve been raised outside by a broody hen.
  5. LiizardWiitch

    Wyandotte mix sex?

    I have a blue laced wyandotte mix to silver laced wyandotte and im really hoping this is a pullet? There has been no crowing. I belive this chick is around 9 weeks old.
  6. LilHitzel

    New Chick Owner - Sexing 3 Week Old Easter Egger?

    Hi! I'm a first-time chick owner. This is also my first day on this forum, which I've heard a lot of great things about! I got 7 chicks from a really reputable guy in our area. He gets all of his chicks vent sexed at the hatchery where he orders from. They're all soooo friendly, and they...
  7. Cocohens

    Sexing 4 chicks

    Hi there, So I’m pretty sure I have two Roos & two hens. Would really appreciate any help and opinions on sex. They are 5 weeks old. The grey one is an Arucana & there is 2 copper Marrans & an olive egger.
  8. Snugglesandwigglespetcare

    Lavender Orpington Sexing

    So these two are about 2 weeks old. I know it is still super early, but wanted to get some feedback. I have ordered a roo just in case both of these are pullets and the roo chick is set to come the first week in April. So here is my observation qt. Between these two, their wing development is...
  9. C

    Comb to gender theory accuracy?

    I’m hearing that as far as the pea comb goes 3 means a male and one means female has that been accurate for you? Has anyone noticed what they thought was a pullet develop a 3 row pea comb and turn out to be a male or still female? Also with tail feather developing later has then been accurate...
  10. CindyK75

    Black Sex Link Pullet? Or what?

    I got 8 chicks Wednesday from a local feed store (Steinhausers) now this one is suppose to be a BSL pullet (Black Sex Link) in the first 4 pics but it's looking like the Barred rock chick I picked out. Do they have white around wing tips? White specks under eyes. No spot on head, not even a hint...
  11. faithyea4

    4 week old hybrids. Pullets or Roos ?

    Hi all, I have three 4 week old chicks that I’m beginning to ponder the sex of. They are all half lavender ameraucana. First one is crossed with a barred breed of some sort, the second is a buff Orpington mix, and the last is a silkie mix. I know it may be too early to tell. Help greatly...
  12. faithyea4

    Lavender ameraucana and silkie hybrid chicks. Can the sex be determined through wing sexing? Help!

    Hi all, I have two recently hatched (just a day old) chicks that I’m wondering can be sexed. There is a lavender ameraucana and another one crossed with a silkie. From what my knowledge is, I’d assume we have a hen and a roo- but I’m not very sure. May anyone help? Thanks!
  13. M

    6 week old Easter Egger, pullet or cockerel?

    This is my sweetest chicken, one of my Easter Eggers. I’m so hoping it ends up being a hen. But the new spots of red are throwing me off. Any guesses? 6 weeks old today. The gold one is her EE sister. Also added a photo of all my (hopefully) girls from today!
  14. A

    Easter eggers, roosters or hens?

    So today at Tractor Supply they had Easter Eggers but they were straight run. 😩 I already have a monster of a rooster so I don’t need any more. The lady working said she can “somewhat” determine the sex by the wings but couldn’t guarantee it. Some had very distinct wings and some it was hard to...
  15. froggyphore

    male or female chick?

    i know vent sexing isn’t for the unskilled but i’m curious. i have a silky chick who got pasty bum, and after cleaning and checking their vent, i noticed a small bump protruding. is it possible that chick is a future roo? tyia
  16. TheAlrightyGina

    Chick Sexing Project: To Be Continued?

    Hey everrbody! I'm sure those of you that frequent this forum ("What Breed Or Gender is This?") have noticed that stickied thread, Chick Sexing Project, started by @Direchicken, who seems to be inactive. I finally made my way through it and found that it has kinda...fallen apart. What was meant...
  17. H

    Cream leg bar chicks

    Hi everyone, I have been a few eggs in my incubator 2 of them were cream legbars and hatched yesterday but I don’t know if the are male or female, please can anyone help and tell me what they are. Thanks.
  18. TheAlrightyGina

    Silkie Sexing Project 2.0

    Hey BYCers (and random people from the internet who wandered in)! Last year, I did a project to try to determine the sex of Silkies with greater than 50-50 success before 9 weeks of age using growth rate. The results were mixed, I believe in part because I didn't exclude chicks that arrived...
  19. NatureGirl74

    Hen or Rooster

    I have a 12 week old chick. Not sure if its a hen or a rooster. I thought it was a hen, but it acts like a rooster. I need to know whether or not to put it with my other hens.
  20. StardustChicken

    Sexing Polish Chick

    My buff laced polish chick recently turned 4 weeks a couple of days ago on the first (9/1/2020). It's my first time raising a polish, are they old enough or do I need to wait longer to sex them similar to silkies?
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