
  1. N

    is it coccidiosis if chick had symptoms for 2.5 weeks?

    Hi, I had an 7 week old araucana chick who was vaccinated against coccidiosis (covering 4 strains: e. acervulina, tenella, necatrix, maxima), recently pass away from suspected coccidiosis. Unfortunately I did not decide to do a necropsy or fecal float at the time as I assumed it was coccidiosis...
  2. raisingthelma

    How long until corid starts working?

    Hello! I noticed bloody stool yesterday morning when I opened up the coop, so I ran to the store and got Corid. My 11 week old chickens do not seem to have any other symptoms, and none of them are injured. I dosed their water correctly, 2 tsp per gallon. It is the only source of drinking water...
  3. talkinboutchickens


    Hi guys, this morning I noticed a very very bloody poop on the ground from one of my two chicks (yes, they sometimes escape in the night.) They seem to be acting completely normal to me. The only thing I have on hand right now is Poultry Cell, but I read that it's only used after the treatment...
  4. N

    Mystery Chicken Illness?

    I posted in December ( about a sick chicken that did not survive. She was treated with Corrid and sulfa antibiotics. I have another chicken that is starting to exhibit the same symptoms that the previous chicken had. I am hoping I...
  5. B

    Is bloody stool always an indication of coccidiosis?

    Howdy, As of this evening my beloved bantam hen has been defecating what appears to be watery blood. All the research I've done says this is a symptom of the deadly coccidiosis bacteria but she is showing no other signs of illness. Her appetite is verocious as ever and she's acting normal...
  6. Grace8269


  7. E

    coccidiosis? 2 week old silkie chicks.

    I just picked up five silkie chicks this morning, 2 weeks old. They went straight into the brooder. It looks like their stool is solid but watery (if that makes sense). The puppy pad absorbed a lot of liquid around the stool. Also it looks like I see some specks of red/orange in it. I can’t...
  8. PrettyBirdRocky

    Urgent! Possibly of what's wrong with our 5 week old chicks? Graphic pic poop

    Out of our 9 easter egger chicks, two started acting weird yesterday. Thought they were cold outside so we turned on the CHE, it did drop here from the normal. We lost one this morning. The other is still hunched over. In almost a standing sleeping ball. Barely chirping and moving. We have...
  9. W

    Coccidiosis and prolapsed vent?

    I have a 4 week old silkie mix chick who has been “off” since I got him. His (her?) butt feathers have become crusted with white poop, and he smells awful. I gave him a bath yesterday and noticed his vent seems to be swollen and halfway prolapsed? It has a “lip” that looks flipped out. It...
  10. K

    Unsure what’s up with our hen…

    Hey all!! I made a post a little while back about my hen having worms. We treated for worms and she seemed to be getting better!! We did the dose each day for 5 days and then we did one more at the 14 day mark just to make sure we got everything. Worms were never present in poo. Now she is...
  11. B

    Urgent help please!!

    Unfortunately my male quail is very unwell. This has happened all of a sudden as he was fine midday but nearer evening time he became very sleepy, tired, keeps shutting eyes, lump near throat area. Not eating or drinking, blood a few times in poo. Very slight redness around backside. I’m...
  12. ChookieChicken

    Buff Orpington

    This is Chip. she’s a 7 month old Buff Orpington. hasn’t began to lay yet. about a month ago I noticed that Chip had stopped eating. Upon first glance it seemed like she was, but she was pretending to eat by picking grains up and flicking them away. her crop was empty. she was drinking water...
  13. Smartbomb71

    Coccidiosis? Pictures

    These poops are from three month old sapphire gems. I’m on day four of treating with corid just in case. I took these photos this morning. Thanks in advance for your advice 😊🦕🐥
  14. A

    HELP! 3 Month old Ameracauna dying!!!

    Hey I need quick answers please, doesnt matter if its a sentence or bullet points, etc. My ameracauana had, had a change of attitude since monday but I thought it was just going at a slower pace since i had started letting them free range, and thought it was looking for bugs. Well today I come...
  15. M

    Corrid question

    Hi all, I’ll be going out of town and have somebody watching our farm. I noticed today on the poop shelf so clear liquid in two different spots. All droppings looked normal. All chickens are acting normal and eating/drinking well. I have 4 days before I leave- should I treat the whole flock...
  16. Relleoms

    Unwell hen-poop pics included

    Hi all, thank you in advance for your help. One week ago I brought in a 10 month old hen after finding green poop on the dropping board a number of mornings. She weighs just over 6 pounds and it’s remained relatively unchanged. She drinks excessively but has only been eating raw eggs and very...
  17. Chickenpapa77

    Help, Coccidiosis? red gel balls in poop

    My 3.5 yr old Silver Laced Wyandotte is just finishing a molt and has pale comb, decreased energy, and decreased appetite. I thought it was just the molt, but then I found poop with red gel balls in it. I would not characterize it as blood. I found one poop chart saying it was coccidiosis, but...
  18. Saraschickens

    How often do chickens shed their intestinal lining? When is it ok and not ok?

    Hello to all, I need help. I've been noticing my chickens shedding their intestinal lining. I'm so confused on all of this. I have 72 chickens (12 of them are 1 & half years old, and the rest are about 6 months old). I see about 6-10 intestinal lining poops per day, and it's been happening for...
  19. A

    Please Help! Quail with blood in her poop!!!

    I have a pet Quail for 3 years now. I noticed it today that she has blood in her poop. I'm assuming it's coccidiosis. We don't have Corid available here. I'm currently using oregano oil with garlic. Is there anything else I can do to help her?
  20. T

    Please Help, I don’t know what to try next!

    My olive egger, Gertie, is about 18mos the old. About a month ago we started having issues with her - lethargic, losing weight, not eating much if at all and excessive thirst when she would drink. She started molting but seemed a bit extreme compared to the others. She was also having diarrhea...
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