
  1. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Hello! I got a 12 week old hen off of Facebook (I know, not the best idea 😭) and she seems sick. We’ve had her for 11 days now. We noticed bloody diarrhea the second day, which we treated for coccidiosis using CORID for 5 days, and now she’s on the preventative dose. She immediately had more...
  2. Browniethechicken

    Bloody watery Poop!?

    One of my hens just pooped in front of me and it’s bloody and watery. I don’t know which hen as they were clustered together in front of me eating treats. What does this mean? What should I do? They are all one year old. I keep the coop fairly clean and they are well taken care of. They have a...
  3. W


    I have talked to about 10 different poultry experts and this is the Solution that best worked for me! For the treatment of coccidiosis in birds, it is highly recommended to use Corid at the rate of 9.6ml or CC per 1 gallon of water. The medication should be used consistently for about a week to...
  4. TaylorGlade

    Corid: Is a maintenance dose necessary?

    Back on August 6 I started giving our flock 1.5 tsp/gallon Corid. It's time to stop the full treatment dose, but is it recommended that I drop to a maintenance dose? Or is recommended that I give them a two week break and then retreat (like some parasites?) Thanks!
  5. ChickenTenderKesha

    Potential coccidiosis? Or is it something else? Help!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Cream Crested Legbar, 14/15 week old pullet, very under weight (judged by prominence of keel bone) 2) What is the behaviour, exactly. Lethargic, puffed up, tail droopy, wings away from body...
  6. Alipete21

    Coccidiosis or Intestinal lining?

    I have 2 possible cases. 1st is a chick in the brooder. She is 3 weeks old. Smaller than other chicks her age, but not vastly different. She was tiny from the start. Is acting a tad less rambunctious but not overly lethargic looking. 2nd is in my coop. Went to clean the poop shelf and it was...
  7. bacibeau

    Bloody poop in day old chick

    I just got two easter egger chicks and they are two days old today. I noticed that one has some blood in her poop. Does anyone know what it could be? Is it coccidiosis? Could they just be some weird poops because she's so young? She hasn't really been eating yet and her sister has normal poop...
  8. PankakeZillA

    Thoughts on what this could be?? Need help please

    Hi there, long time follower of the forum and first time posting. I have been searching and searching for similar situations to what's going on with our chicks but seem to be getting all kinds of results. Some background, we have 2 older hens that are around 5 years old and aren't displaying any...
  9. Farmgirl805

    11 wk old BR suddenly stands like penguin

    This is actually day 2 of my BR pullet standing like a penguin. Yesterday it was very off/ on so I wasn’t sure if I was imagining things. Today I’m sure. So here’s the deal- this is about the end of the first week of the 4 pullets being outside in the run all day. They are segregated from the...
  10. C

    Help! Watery Diarrhea in Chicks

    For just over a week, my 5-week-old Giant Cochin chick has had very watery poops; before this, her poops were normal. Five days ago, I began Corid treatment for coccidiosis as a precaution, in addition to fresh Purina medicated feed which they’ve been eating since week one. Just today, my Golden...
  11. JoanieShrubs

    Please help: sick Aracuana pullet with confusing symptoms

    Hi, my Aracuana pullet Lady Featherflower is sick and I can’t work out what medicines to give her because her symptoms are confusing. :/ Background: She’s in a covered run with 10 others, divided into 4 prefab coops with added ventilation panels. Poop trays are inspected and cleaned every day...
  12. Kattzombiee

    Cocci or something more serious now?

    Hi all, 2 weeks ago we had our first sign of coccidiosis with our babies (now 6 and 7 weeks old, then 4 and 5) it was the obvious first signs with bloody Poo from one or two chicks, and another one had very mucusy poo. I got corid, I followed 1 tsp to 1 gal dosage for 7 days. Things were cleared...
  13. K

    Help! Scaly leg??

    Hi there, My Silkie rooster (“Poof daddy”) has fallen ill again for some reason! The flock just recovered for coccidiosis. Poof daddy was hit hard and was in the chicken hospital (our house) for 4 days. He made a recovery. Two days ago I noticed him being lethargic and hunched over again...
  14. Chickenwithnobrim

    Feeding back eggs during amprol treatment

    Im treating my whole flock for coccidiosis due to a chick having it that im brooding indoors, and this includes 2 grown outdoor hens. Im not a huge fan of eggs and only one is laying right now so i feed their eggs back, usually 3 eggs once a week. So heres the big question: Is there enough...
  15. K

    Help!! Prolapse??

    Hi there, My year old laying Silkie hen expelled a large blood clot yesterday so I started the whole flock on Amperol for possible coccidiosis. This morning, it appears the hen had pushed out her bowel? Does this look like a prolapse and should I gently push it back in??
  16. D


    Noticed some bloody/mucus poop under one of my chickens when I closed them in tonight. Assuming it’s cocci and going to start the whole flock on corid, but wondering others opinions and if it could be anything else.
  17. LiizardWiitch

    Corid and toltrazuril

    I've been treating my pullet with the powdered corid in her drinking water for a week and it is definitely helping her and she's slowly getting better but I want to just knock this thing out since she got pretty bad before i could get my hands on some I have some toltrazuril...
  18. chocalaqua

    Coccidiosis in 6 week old chicks.

    My chicks are now about 6 weeks old and I’ve been letting them free range during the day and bring them inside at night since we had a bit of a warm spell. It looks as though a couple of chicks are beginning to have bloody stools and act lethargic. I’ve been feeding them medicated starter with...
  19. A

    Coryza? Coccidiosis? Help!

    Hi all, I'm afraid we're going to lose one of our original hens. This morning, she wouldn't come out of the coop with the rest. She was laying down, legs not working, BEET red eyes (they're usually yellow/orange). We brought her inside and laid her in the bathtub. This is when we noticed that...
  20. E

    Chicken Poop

    I've started to notice some really smelly, foamy specimens from my hens the last few days. Does this look like coccidiosis?
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