
  1. D

    Do we have a sick leghorn

    I visit my hens every day since I got them two weeks ago. At first everything was great but now I have an issue with not collecting any white eggs for the last 4 days. The Amber star has been Queen royalty while the white leghorn - who's also a bully - demonstrated her amazing laying prowess and...
  2. Chickenwithnobrim

    Sexing 4 week old bbs ameraucana

    Hi, i have two ameraucana chicks, im thinking cockeral but im wondering if anybody else had similar looking ones that turned out female. Black one charges at my gfs hand and look how pink he is 😭😭
  3. Paz

    Do roosters wait for spring

    I know some pullets wait for spring, but my cockerel still doesn’t crow, still doesn’t hump the girls, doesn’t court them or does anything cock like other than biting my fingers when I offer him snacks. I was hoping to make chicks out of him in the spring…
  4. Bigtom Turkey

    New gamefowl thread

    This thread is to talk about anything Gamefowl, within the boundaries set by the forum. Posting pics and bragging included.
  5. H

    Cockerel - black spots on comb

    Hello We recently gained a cockerel after a neighbour found him on a dog walk. We separated the cock from chickens before introducing him overnight after a week of them being separated by a netting so they could see each other but not get to. The day after introducing them, the cock had black...
  6. PioneerChicks

    Poor people at the fair getting confused by chicken terminology XD

    Spent all day at my local fair, and here was my favorite moment. I hope it makes you laugh too! :lau A couple walked up to me and asked, "Is that bird a rooster or chicken?" I checked the tag on the cage. "This is a rooster. But a chicken can be both a male and female chicken. We call the girls...
  7. M

    Cock that isn't doing his job

    Hi all, We have a 2 year old Rhode Island Red cock. Last year, we watched him strip feathers off the hens during his roughhousing. We also noticed the eggs were fertilized when cracking them open. This year, however, something has changed. We have tried to incubate eggs, but the ones from...
  8. P

    Chicken pants when hot, But Yawns under the fan?

    Hi my 3 months old cock pants in the summer heat but yawns a lot under the fan, but when i hand fan him with paper he stays cool what to do?(sorry for bad grammar)
  9. Pictorhens

    Chicken breed and sex?

    Hi, I’ve been left to rescue these two birds - we can’t decide if the one in the back is a hen or cock. And literally no idea on the breed!
  10. Weetamoo93

    Leg band on cock

    I banded my six hens and one cockerel Sept 12th at 20 weeks old. On all the birds, I used the 3/4" diameter (B) of the Aluminum leg bands for chickens from Pinnon Hatch. They are all Partridge Plymouth Rocks, too give an idea of sizing. The bands on the hens are doing well, but I'm concerned...
  11. TwoChicksChix

    ISO wheaten Ameraucana rooster and hen!

    Hi everybody I’m searching for a Wheaten Ameraucana cock/cockerel and hen/pullet. I’d prefer a splash wheaten male and a regular wheaten female but that’s not a dealbreaker. I’m also willing to pay for shipping if needed. I’m located in West Palm Beach, Florida. Thank you
  12. Methods for Dealing with Roosters

    Methods for Dealing with Roosters

    Roosters are a beautiful (and loud) addition to every flock. But fear of an aggressive rooster can make many people back down. Don't worry, with a consistent method and patience you can avoid this problem. First, check your area laws to make sure roosters are legal...
  13. A

    Oh Pony Boy

    Can we tak about the awkward version of puberty my ameraucana cockerel is going through? 🤣 he’s got 2 fully grown tail feathers and the rest still have that shaft cover and are short so he looks like a bit of a derp!
  14. A

    What is wrong with my cock??

    My cock suddenly got this on his eye. What is it and what could i do about it? He didnt have this before but my roosters have been fighting recently.
  15. nine9d

    10 week old Polish and Serama, can you tell the sex?

    Hi all! Here are some of my babies that I hatched. I've started to hear the beginning of crowing, and I think I know which are males, but was hoping to get a second opinion without influencing anyone here. Thanks so much for all of your help! Click image to enlarge...
  16. DecT

    What Breed?

    5 months old... what breed. I'm guessing roo So sorry for the terrible pics
  17. Chickensgalore11

    Silkie experts please!!!

    Got some silkies I need help with sexing please! I am aware Owen has cross beak. Owen wilson (speckled silkie) 11.5 weeks Cotton (mostly white silkie) 12.5 weeks Groot (grey black silkie) 13 weeks Thabkyou so much!
  18. dirkapitation

    his name is fancy boi and i would like for you to look at him

  19. dirkapitation

    my rooster snickles likes to mate with my leg

  20. Thechickentrainer1999

    Help with Cockerel having diarrhea.

    I have a golden laced Wyandotte cock who is nearly 20 weeks old and he has been living with the older hens along with 2 young hens his age for about 8 weeks now. He currently is eating a half chick starter and half hen layer food. And ever since he has been living with them, he constantly has...
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