I hatched these little guys 3 months back and they’re the sweetest. I did the feather test with them when they were tiny and always thought the orange chick may be a cockrel while the dark ones are pullets but I’d like to see what others might think.
Hi everyone! Long time no see! Got some new babies >:3c
If I need to come back when they’re older, do let me know! Also willing to get more (better) photos!
Got these guys from a farm store so I don’t trust that they’re all pullets.
Chick 1 - breed unknown (got in an odd situation, the very...
First photo- I'm thinking the one with the large comb and wattles is a rooster. This is an 8 week old sexed batch from the local feed store.
Second Photo- two more orphintons from the same batch as the ones shown in the first photo. There are also two 10week old speckled gems in this photo...
I ordered some pullets a few weeks back and am worried one may be a cockerel and I can’t have another one!
I ordered a few different breeds so she’s my only (and first) SS and she’s starting to look a little suspicious lol
I’ve never had issues ordering from them in the past they’ve always been...
Hi everyone! I have 3 amber links that I bought as all pullets, but I am 100% sure I have a cockerel. What do you guys think about the other 2?
My rooster, and here are the other 2.
Chick number 2, I think she is a pullet but she is a bit larger than chick 3.
And chick 3, which I think is a...
First one
Second one
I just recently got chickens for the first time. 4 of them are barred rocks and they are now 7 weeks old. I can’t tell if these two are roosters or hens, any help would be appreciated.
I have a 5 month old silkie Cochin mix, and a 3 month old silkie (frizzle silkie?).
I’m not sure if both of them are starting to grow spurs - I’ve circled it in the picture below.
I really hope that atleast one of them is a pullet 🤞🏻
I have 4 chickens roughly 14-16 weeks old. Two Polish and two silkies. I think the white silkie and the black polish are pullets, and think the white Polish and black silkie are cockerels. (No one is crowing yet)
This is my first time owning chickens so am new to the whole sexing part. Please...
Tsc was selling chicks labeled Sapphire Gem Pullets but I think this one looks more like a Barred Rock and now I'm not sure it's not a cockerel. First pic is at five weeks
This is my first time raising an Easter egger. I hatched it out of my incubator and it's now 5 weeks. My guess has been it's a pullet but I'm not positive, although I know I will wait till it crows 🤪. Just curious what y'all think!?
I bought some pullets offline and these Welsummers are a little over 2 weeks old. These 2 are much larger than the other Welsummer chick that I got in my shipment and noticed a comb already so just wanted confirmation I was sent pullets instead of cockrels?
I ordered the suprise box of chicks from alchemist farm in California. Didn’t get to choose any of the breeds in the box. Was suppose to get 10 and pleasantly surprised with 15 beautiful babies. Would appreciate any help with breed identification and sex. The potential breeds are German...
Hi there,
Can anyone tell if this is a rooster or not? It is about 5 to 6 months old now. It has not crowed yet but based on pictures I see online it looks more male than female. Any help would be appreciated.
I got these chicks from TSC almost three months ago from the pullet bins. 4 are easter eggers, 1 ameraucana, and 1 black australorp. I think they were a week old when I got them due them having feathers on the tips of their wings.
Twin #2
Sparta #1...
I’m a fairly new chicken mother. My mom got me hooked. The black chick in the pictures came from Tractor Supply when I noticed all the other chicks pecking all the meat off of it’s toes. When it’s foot healed up I got the chick a lavender friend, and they have been smitten with each other since...
Hi all :)
First timer here. I’m picked up 4 chicks from our local feed store and they are all supposed to be females. I picked them up on 3/21 so I’d guess they are about 4 weeks old. Would anyone mind confirming they are indeed pullets? :) I have 2 Easter eggers, 1 silver laced Wyandotte and...
I know it is a bit early at age 5 weeks, to tell in appearance. But if ya'll could possibly help me with this POSSIBLE cockrel OE. He/she's personality and stance is very different from the others.
Meet Jasper...If indeed is a roo.
Jasper...If indeed is pullet. (Thanks Dad😑)
I think I have all roosters if that's possible. They all have prominent combs and thick legs and very dominant behaviors. I love them and I can't have roosters. Then I found out you can order chicks already sexed. I will next time, and I'm trying not to worry...yet. What do I do if they are...