Hey! I’m new to chickens and started with silkies and black copper marans. Between the 2 breeds there is no telling who is who and I’m trying to be patient but I’m thinking out of the 3 BCM I have 3 Roos. They are 7 weeks but from pictures online of the same age they all seem to have larger...
I was given this chicken by a friend because I already have a small flock, he doesnt know what breed or gender. Any and all opinions are greatly appreciated.
***number 5 is an unknown breed as we hatched it ourselves.
They are almost 6 weeks old, born on June 14-16 and I really need some help. Any is appreciated. Thank you in advance!!
My husband brought home this chick on the first of the month so about 4 weeks ago. My question is it a cockerel? He didn’t ask if they were sexed or straight run bantams. I’ve only had pullets. So if it is a cockerel is there anything different I have to do?
Hoping for any advice on telling the sex, these birds are 4 weeks old on Friday and looking to establish if they are male or female?
I don't know if tail size could be an indicator at this age, there seems to be a couple will smaller tail feathers and a couple with longer?
At what age would...
Hatched this lovely at our daycare under quarantine, they’re supposed to be moving to my house, but I’m worried that this lil lady may have a different gender identification. Thanks for helping this rookie!
sorry for the wonky photos I’m working on it 🤷🏻♀️
On June 5th I got to see my first ever live hatch. It was exciting right up until the chic cleared the egg and the hen attacked and scalped the chic. Yeah, no!! So for 13 weeks now I've had this baby in the house while she healed. Only egg in the clutch to hatch. The hen that laid this egg is a...
Hi there,
New chicken owner here!
So I bought these 3 lovely chickens and was told that they were hens. Well for the last couple mornings they have been crowing at about 6 am. I've looked up how to tell the difference and it seems that they may be cockrells... but I thought I'd ask you lovely...
We are trying to decide if any of these are pullets or cockrels. We are down to our last hen and looking to adopt two other birds to keep her company. We are not sure of these birds breeds. The guesses are seabright and maybe Brahma? Does anyone have any inclinings as to if any of these might be...
So... This might sound silly, but is it known for month old chicks- cockrels and pullets to start showing sexed behavior?
My chicks are becoming nice and tame, which is great for me. I'm not 100% yet who's a roo or hen, but I have a good guess so far.
Today, I scooped up one of my potential...
So I got an Asian Black from Tractor Supply and it has markings that my last Asian Black didn’t have, she was almost completely black except for and almost barred like feather on her wing.
I tried looking up if there’s differences between cockerels and pullets but nothing helpful came up, so do...
Hello, I'm new to raising chicks! I have 2 buff orpingtons that are 6.5 weeks old. One has always had a bigger comb and is slightly darker. But other than that, they have similar feathers and body's. What do you think hen and hen or hen and roo?
Thank you all for taking the time to look at this post! I am brand new to the chicken world, and having trouble determining the gender of this little one.
Its a blue old English Bantam, 9 weeks old and is the only chick in my young flock with red comb and wattles. What do you think?
Edit to add: Removed my extra question because I already have an answer so this essay I wrote isn't even longer haha :lau.
****I added pictures of my gorgeous little one, scroll down the thread to see!! I suspect pullet, enjoy!!****
Hey my loves, I have another question for all you amazing...
Hi all- worried my sexed speckled Sussex might actually be a cockrel. What do y'all think? It's comb isn't particularly big and not red yet, but the hackle and tail feathers have me concerned. It also holds itself and walks more straight up than my other pullets and hens. Am I just being...