
  1. N

    Ducks in a small university dorm?

    Hi all! I just recently got two baby ducklings. One male and one female. I was hoping to take them back to university with me. I won’t have a roommate, so that is a bonus, which means more space. I will have a small locked room to myself in a small first floor apartment. I will most be on...
  2. Tapioca

    Any Veterinarians or Vet Techs on here? Do you mind taking a quick survey for me?

    Hi! My name is Margaret and I'm currently enrolled in the agriculture program at my local community college. For my animal science class, I'm required to interview someone in an animal science career. If you're a veterinarian or a veterinary technician (or know one that would take my survey)...
  3. Hoovesandfeathers

    Need some eager survey takers! :)

    Hey there everyone... I am also on BackyardHerds as SheepGirl -- some of you may know me there. I am in college and I am in a business class and our project is to complete a business plan. I was looking into setting up an online web store to sell chicken supplies and equipment for my project...
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