
  1. couplepekins

    What colour is my Pekin/Cochin Bantam Rooster?

    Hi Everyone, I am curious what colour my 7 month old rooster could throw to his offspring. I was told he is a Cuckoo but I'm not sure if that means blue/black base colour or how it all works when it comes to Cuckoo/Barred in a Pekin. Thank you!
  2. Skyeknight

    Recessive Cuckoo/Barred genes?

    This will be my first post on the forum, so my apologies if my format/storytelling is wrong or I make mistakes. So a few months I started doing a deep dive into the genetics of my flock, since I always just bred with random roosters I got and never kept track of heritage. At this moment in time...
  3. alohapepesilkies

    Is this considered a Cuckoo Silkie Bantam?

    I am still learning. I actually have a question. Do you think this cockerel/roo [5 weeks old] is considered a Cuckoo based on the photos? Many thanks in the advance! I am including the 5 weeks old vs day 1 old photos just in case if you want to take a look.
  4. StefneyRSA

    How did I get WHITE chicks from a blue rooster and blue/black/splash/cuckoo hens? And what will happen if I breed the white back to the blue roo?

    I have Bantam Orpingtons in my backyard flock. This is a new flock that I started in April, all adult (or point of lay) birds from various breeders of bantam Orps. I only have one rooster, he’s blue. And the 5 hens who are the possible mothers are blue, splash, black, and a black cuckoo. My...
  5. StefneyRSA

    Color Genetics in Orpintons with Blue Rooster

    What colors can I breed with a blue rooster? I’m still building my Orpington flock and he’s young, so what color hens should I try to find for him? Currently I have 3 hens for him: 1 x blue, 1 x blue splash, 1 x cuckoo. What color chicks will I be able to expect from them? And what are...
  6. Timbers Happy Hens

    English Orpington color cross

    So I’m buying some lavender cuckoo English Orpington hatching eggs, I’m very excited about it. However at the moment I only have a muave rooster. I understand the colors would most likely be split. But I was wondering what colors to expect from muave over lavender cuckoos? Also have a silver...
  7. Fuzzychicken98

    Sickly Serama Hen

    I got home the other day and she had serious wry neck. She is an indoor only chicken. I immediately gave her an oral dose of poultry cell. I have polish and silkies, vitamin deficiencies are always a worry. But 2 days later. Now she barely walks. Her wattles are on and off pale. I finally got...
  8. T

    Bearded polish to non bearded polish.

    Hello so I have Two polish chicks. One is bearded,I was wondering if I were to cross them will I get bearded/non-bearded polish?
  9. C

    Cuckoo Maran Pullets (10 weeks old) - Louisville KY - $20

    All hens, will lay dark chocolate brown eggs. $20 each 6 remaining
  10. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Need help planning blue barred/cuckoo genetics

    I’m a total rookie so please correct me where I’m wrong. So the idea is: • Male barred + female blue = female blue bar • Female barred + male blue = male blue bar • female and male blue bar = homogynous My bird of choice is the ko shamo. I know of a breeder that sells blue wheaten’s, but then...
  11. Cloverr39

    Will their chicks be sexlinked? Will they be sexlinked by skin color?

    I have a cuckoo silkie hen with light skin and a dominant white silkie roo with dark skin. I know that cuckoo female x non-cuckoo male results in non-cuckoo females and cuckoo males. That would be fine if I bred my hen to a black rooster. But I only have a dominant white rooster. I'm wondering...
  12. Aziara

    Murray McMurray Cuckoo Marans genetics questions

    I've been goofing around with the Chicken Calculator, and I think I might have a crossbreeding gameplan. But, I want to know more about the genetics of the birds involved first. For example, the Cuckoo Marans from Murray McMurray, what is the 'extension of black'? 4 options on the calculator...
  13. CoopBoots

    Lemon Cuckoo Chickens: Picture Request & Reference Guide

    Hi Everyone! I'm interested in learning more specifically about the Lemon Cuckoo color pattern/type in chickens. I'd like to compile as many pictures of your Lemon Cuckoo birds as possible, along with their breed, if anyone here is interested in showing off their beautiful birds! I'll update...
  14. Cloverr39

    Is she a normal cuckoo or some variation of cuckoo?

    This is my 14 week old silkie pullet Smoky. Normal cuckoos should be darker right? Like with dark black stripes. Some lady once told me she is a chocolate cuckoo, but she doesn't look too brown besides a slight brownish hue on her back. I got a blue cuckoo (I think) from the same breeder. Is...
  15. KDY1042

    Cuckoo Silkie chick??

    I am fairly versed in silkies and I snagged this little one at Atwoods today. I did not know cuckoo silkies were a thing!! I am curious what color everyone thinks this one will end up. It seems to have a black "band" across its eyes and back of head. Has some lighter "fluff" feathers but mostly...
  16. Cloverr39

    How does cuckoo act in breeding

    I was wondering, since self blue in breeding breeding acts the same as black (the only difference being that the chicks carry lavender) How would cuckoo act? I have this silkie chick (I desperately hope she's a pullet) and I think she's a cuckoo. But from far away she looks blue. I'm not...
  17. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    Polish rooster - what colour would you call this ?

    Hi, so I have this guy… supposedly a white crested Cuckoo Polish but he obviously has another colour tone mixed in. My questions: Is their a name for this colour pattern ? If I breed to a standard white crested cuckoo hen am I going to get gold colour leakage ?
  18. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    Polish Colour mixes

    Hi I have 2 separate Polish pens (white crested black and black crested white)but also hope to get a few other varieties and make some fun surprise mixes. What would I need to make candy corn Polish? I was told a goldlaced with cuckoo but I want to hear it from a few other people. Question...
  19. orangesplash

    Is this good quality of crele cuckoo?

    I’m attaching videos of the parents and chicks. please can experts comment on the quality and color pattern.
  20. K

    Cuckoo Maran is sick but it is a mystery to us. Warning: Poop Pictures

    Chicken Poop Pics - Three separate days and taken in the morning after sleeping...these are the worst of the days (from the 7th, 15th, 16th). One of my hens (not even a year old yet) has been having diarrhea (very watery, green, sometimes really mucous-y but no blood and no yolky looking stuff)...
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