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    Cuckoo Brahma Pair
  2. Sixandahalfacres

    Olive Egger Cuckoo Roo - recessive?!

    Chicken genetics never cease to amaze and baffle me. I did a late hatch of just 3 chicks last August because I knew a niece would be visiting me and really want to see some chicks. I bred a BCM roo with some of my Easter Eggers. I ended up with a fairly standard Easter egger roo, and a black hen...
  3. TwentyOneChickens

    Red raw skin on belly

    Sorry about the title, not sure how to describe it. Today I opened the nesting boxes to collect eggs, and one of my hens was eating an egg in there. (Totally different problem not correlated with this.) I took the half eaten egg out of there and threw it away. When I took the rest of the eggs...
  4. Denasmee

    Is this chicken a Pullet or cockerel?

    This chicken is a barred rock (I was told at the tack store) other people on here have said that it could be a cuckoo maran. I still don’t know. But that’s not my main question, is this lovely chicken a pullet or cockerel? She/he is seven weeks old!
  5. Aprils_Silkies

    15+ Bearded Silkie Hatching Eggs: Splash, Paint, Partridge, Blue Cream, & Cuckoo

    I have Bearded Silkie Hatching eggs available to ship. I breed the following colors: Splash, Paint, Partridge, Blue Cream, & Cuckoo. You can get a variety pack or choose your colors. Like us on Facebook and you will find more pictures and info: April's Silkies. $70 plus shipping Thanks for looking!
  6. Kezzahh

    Pullets or roosters

    6 week old
  7. Kezzahh

    Boys or girls?

    There are six chicks altogether . 4 are polish, one is a cuckoo and one (I'm pretty sure this ones a rooster) is a lavender. They are now 4 weeks old. I'm convinced 2 are roosters but unsure with the rest. Don't have much experience with this. I do know it's still difficult to tell but if anyone...
  8. sable43140

    What breed would you call these?

    I have a handful of lavender orpington roo over cuckoo Maran chicks in my backyard. Some have a splash looking color, two have copper feathering coming in on the neck and one is all lavender (may have been from a lavender hen). What would you call their breed, or are they just considered...
  9. Kezzahh

    Any clues on the sex of these 3 week old chicks

    4 polish, one lavender and cuckoo. I'm guessing 4 of these are boys any one have any insight?
  10. Thatothercrazychickenlady

    Help sexing these cuckoos

    Wondering if it’s safe to assume these cuckoo maran crosses (or maybe barred rock crosses) are pullets? I’ve gotten so many mixed opinions so far. 9 weeks old today. Don’t mind my other birds in the background. I got so many cockerels from my last hatch still working at finding them homes. 1. 2.

    Crele split to Isabel Cuckoo English Orpington Chicks

    We have lots of Crele split to Isabel Cuckoo English Orpington chicks. Walt Hicks and Twin Brothers line We ship. NPIP Message us or [email protected]
  12. FrankPrize

    Lavender Ameraucanas

    I recently acquired 2 Lavender Ameraucana chicks from a breeder a couple roads down; one is a day older than the other and that’s already enough for a noticeable size difference between the two but that’s not what I’m supposed to be rambling on about LOL. They’re both feathering in on their...
  13. viacky

    Confused Broody?

    Hiya, This is "little fatty" She's a young Cuckoo Orpington Bantam, and this is her first season of laying. She seems to have got herself into a bit of a pickle, as she's been apparently "broody" for several weeks, but isn't actually sitting on any eggs. She lays in the nest box but doesn't sit...
  14. C

    Chocolate Cuckoo Orpington - How to?

    Hi, We have a chocolate Orpington hen and a Cuckoo Orpington rooster (parents were, we were told, a black orp rooster x with a lavender cuckoo hen). My question is if I breed the two together, chocolate hen and cuckoo rooster together could I get somewhere close to a chocolate cuckoo down the...
  15. B

    Cuckoo silkie

    so I am looking at buying this cuckoo but have heard about the spot. I was told a bright white spot means it’s a boy and faded smaller spot means girl. Is this a boy? I already have a cuckoo roo so I wouldn’t be able to keep the little guy if it were.
  16. tinkerjessica

    Oh No Do I Have Roos or Hens?!?!!?

    I've got 2 EE, 1 silver laced wyandotte and 1 cuckoo maran, are they hens or roos?? Please help!!!!! They are 7 weeks today and no crowing so far!!!!
  17. C

    Hatching Orpington Lemon Cuckoo

    I have a black Orpington cuckoo rooster and he's in with my Buff Orpingtons to make lemon cuckoo. This is the way, right? Anyway, the chicks are hatching this morning and they are coming out blackish/grey. I was expecting buff puffballs. Are they coming out black cuckoo? Could they be solid...
  18. CaptainStumpy

    How to Produce Mottled Cuckoo

    This is one colour combo i can never see enough of, it looks really smart on the females with the Black, light grey and white effect, and Homozygous Cuckoo males look incredibly bright. It also worked on Barred, but personally i like the effect on cuckoo. You need to start with a Light...
  19. L

    Which breed of barred rooster should I use?

    I have been wanting to breed a new unrelated line of buff barred Orpingtons. I have been unable to find any barred orpingtons near me. Which breed of roo should I use to create this new line? I would prefer that the offspring of the first generation maintain good egg laying abilities and be...
  20. kittydoc

    Chocolate and Chocolate Cuckoo English Orpington Pullets

    Approximately 3-month-old solid chocolate and chocolate cuckoo English Orpington pullets available for sale. $20 each for the chocolates, $25 each for the cuckoos. Below are photos of last year's girls owned by a friend of mine. They are vaccinated against Marek's disease. The sire is from...
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