dual purpose breeds

  1. T

    3 Original breeds to create all the following;

    If i wanted to breed birds that would allow me to have the following outcomes; White Eggs Brown Eggs Blue Eggs Green/Olive Eggs Sex Link (Red or Black) Dual Purpose for all if possible. How many original breeds of chicken would i need to start with? I understand i would need to start with the...
  2. PhantomSlayer

    Cold Hardy chicken breeds suggestions?

    My mom threw the task of finding the right breeds for us. The main things we need is are cold hardy, kid friendly and dual purpose as egg and meat birds. Plus Breeds that give Medium-Large eggs only. I have done some of my own research and the one breed that stands out is Black Australorps (I...
  3. The Best Breed for Your Needs

    The Best Breed for Your Needs

    Are you interested in owning chickens? Are you trying to find the best breed for your chicken owning needs? If so, you found the right article! Craving Omlets: Best Laying Breeds If you have dreams of going out to your coop and collecting farm fresh eggs, and then taking those farm fresh eggs...
  4. ChickChic00

    Meat Breed/Dual Purpose

    I am thinking about ording some chicks to raise and breed for meat. The breeds I have in mind are Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, and Delaware. I would like to just cull some of the roos for meat and have any females I hatch as egg layers. I have a rir rooster that I want to breed...
  5. How the Dual Purpose Breed was Developed

    How the Dual Purpose Breed was Developed

    If you scroll a hatchery website, you may discover a category labeled "dual-purpose" breeds, such as Rhode Island Red, Australorps, and Wyandottes. Most dual-purpose breeds have American roots, however, all dual-purpose breeds have some foreign ancestors. I will elaborate on the influence that...
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