duck eggs

  1. K0R3

    Selling Duck Eggs

    I’m just wondering if selling my duck eggs $2 every 3 eggs is expensive? The demand for duck eggs in my area is pretty high but I stuck with $2 quarter a dozen. A girl wanted to buy two 18 cartons of eggs which totals up to $24 since 18 eggs would be $12. Am I overcharging my eggs? People still...
  2. H

    Mother duck died, can eggs be saved?

    A friend of mine had a mother duck lay eggs in their backyard. Today her husband found the mother duck dead, but they are not sure how long it's been. We just finished hatching chicks, so we have put the eggs from the nest in our incubator. After candling a few I'm not really sure they are...
  3. I

    Rehoming ducks in Idaho

    We have 9 indian runner ducks about 5 males and 4 females, we need to find a home for them, hopefully in pairs. about 2-3 years old, good layers, and last year we hatched out about 60% from their eggs. They are used to having a pond with live water stream that flows in and out year round...
  4. StinkyAcres

    How long until my Muscovies lay?

    I have found a couple round nest-like indentations in my Muscovies' bedding. Does that mean they're going to lay soon? How long do you think it will be? They are 8 months old now. Also, do golf balls work to fool Muscovies into laying in a certain spot like it does with chickens? Or do I...
  5. zoereef1221

    Help!!!Rust colored spots in eggshell!!!

    Posted in emergencies/diseases group as well… This is my second year with ducks, we just have three female Indian runners. I cracked this egg today and noticed some slimy orange/rust colored spots inside the egg shell. I tossed the egg as there was a slight off putting smell from that spot. The...
  6. DuckDuckPromise

    Duck Eggs

    Hey! Let’s play this fun new game where YOU ducky people drop the name of your favorite place to order duck eggs from, and the winner gets the honor of knowing that they helped a clueless person find quackers!! Annndd, GO!
  7. K

    Internal pipping?

    My duck eggs is 21 days old. I have 4 ducks but this is my first time incubating there eggs. I do believe one has internally popped but I wanted to ask some of you experts? Is it to early?
  8. DuckDuckPromise

    ISO North Alabama Fertile Duck Eggs!

    Hey y’all! I realize this may not be the correct forum to post this on, but maybe some of y’all who are more familiar with the how’s and where’s can point me in the right direction! Lord’s Willing, I’m trying to find fertile duck eggs in the North Alabama area. We’re not too picky about breeds...
  9. R

    Egg candling day 5.. how does it look?

    Hello! I am brand new to hatching eggs using an incubator. I have hatched some previously under a broody hen (which I never candled) but this is my first time using an incubator. Does this duck egg look good to you so far? It’s been almost 5 days in the incubator and they all look similar...
  10. D

    Helping duck eggs hatch- photos please help

    Hello all! Please if you have any advice on assisting my duck eggs hatch. Number 16 has been working hard and chirping/ trying to get his beak out. I believe he is resting right now, but when do you try to help? Number 12 had a lot of movement yesterday and made a lot of progress through the...
  11. D

    HELP Incubating Duck eggs first time- mama duck was attacked and nest was abandoned

    Hello, I found an abandoned nest of 22 duck eggs. The mom duck was a Muscovy duck, the neighbor who had them in her yard said it probably happened early morning (I found them later in the morning). This is my first time attempting to incubate eggs and I tried to do the candle test but have no...
  12. Ronnie_

    How often do Campbells Lay?

    Hi all! Seems everyday I have a new question about my ladies. My Campbell, Tina is recovered from her “sprained ankle” and is no longer limping Yay! but I’m curious to how many eggs Campbells lay a day? My Cayuga lays an egg every 3 days or so, and both my Campbells having been laying every...
  13. Frodo the Pekin

    Mite infestation on broody hen 1 day before hatch

    Hi! Here's yet another panicked post from my first hatch adventure. This one might be the most 'panicky' yet. There's mites all over my broody and her nest, about one day from her duck eggs hatching. Tonight I went to check on her 2 duck eggs, both of which have externally pipped last night. And...
  14. M

    Advice Needed for hatching Duck Eggs

    Hi there, I am new here and new to hatching. We have 8 viable eggs in an incubator and on day 27. 7 of them internally pipped and then almost 48 hours ago externally pipped. Yesterday one of them cracked the shell around 12 hours ago at the wrong end. Deciding to let nature takes it course and...
  15. L

    HELP! No electricity from storm

    We just lost power from the storm & I’ve got duck eggs in the incubator. How can I keep them warm enough while also keeping proper humidity? All I can find online for no electricity incubation is it being supplemented with sunlight which we don’t have right now.
  16. beardielover3

    Hatching Muskovy duck eggs for the first time

    Hi, I am hatching Muskovy duck eggs for the first time. I had 5 eggs but 3 weren't showing any growth so I put them back in the carton. In the other 2 eggs there are small orange-ish dots in the yolk. One of the eggs is on day 9 and one is day 5. I'm not sure if the eggs are alive and taking a...
  17. Skipper Carnes

    Duck sitting on 4 duck eggs, don't know how long they have been there?

    Hey BYC friends, my duck, Cocoa, has been sitting on 4 duck eggs. We found her today in the woods on her nest. I have no idea how long she has been there, but I think she is trying to collect a clutch. How do I relocate her to a safer location?
  18. L

    Wild mallard duck on nest attacked by Fox

    I'm at a loss a duck that was in my yard behind a bush with seven eggs was attacked tonight by a fox I did everything I could trying to keep the fox away she has a big wound on her chest a bite on her back right at the bottom of her neck and I'm not sure of any other damage or how bad it is when...
  19. J

    Day 28 no Pipping Call ducks.

    Hello! Please can I have advice for an expecting duck mum 😆 I feel stressed and worried about my eggs. Brought 6 Call duck eggs from eBay. All looked good when candling. Around day 7 one died it had the ring of death. Around day 18 another one appeared to of died too, the egg was mostly yellow...
  20. CypressFowls

    Worried about duck egg; dead embryo?

    Hi folks, I'm incubating some eggs for the first time that were abandoned (the ducks in my park look like farm breeds that have been dumped). I decided to take the eggs home with me and incubate to give them a second chance at life; they've all been doing well but I'm concerned about my oldest...
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