
  1. kelseym330

    Day Old Ducklings with Umbilicus Prolapse & Unabsorbed Yolk Sac

    Hey y'all, brand new to BYC so I appreciate any and ALL help and advice you have to offer. I had placed an egg in the incubator that appeared to be one laid by my sweet east indie girl, farrah.. much to my surprise it was actually a rare and weird white egg that is either one of my australorps...
  2. sady___

    Not active duckling, type or issue?

    I’m truly stumped. //Backstory This spring we let my broody fawn and white runner sit on a nest, producing two eggs around three days till hatch. The eggs were taken out of the coup and put in an incubator due to their being Drakes, but sadly only one egg ended up hatching, producing a gorgeous...
  3. KathiQuacks

    Only 1 duckling with angel wing?

    I’m a bit mad at myself for not noticing sooner, but one of my ducklings (6.5 weeks) appears to have angel wing in his left wing. I’m going to start treatment and get him wrapped up soon, but I’m wondering why he’s the only one who has it? The wings of his other 9 siblings all look lovely and...
  4. cueduckv

    What should I do with a lone duck?

    I had a pair of two female Pekin Ducks but recently one of them sadly passed away. What is the best thing to do in this situation? Should I adopt another adult or get a duckling for her? Or should I not introduce another duck for a while, but how long is too long? How long can she be alone for...
  5. FeatherSwift93

    new babies!

    Some of our older chickens have been passing away, or not laying as much we got some new babies! I usually incubate chicken eggs this time of year but decided to get some new babies...6 new baby hens and 2 ducks! So excited for this little mixed flock. (Don't worry we did our...
  6. J

    Impacted Crop on Duckling

    Hi, this is Donald, we found him loitering by himself on the road and decided to take him home. He's been with us for a week now and because I have no idea what to feed him as we were not prepared to have a duckling border in our home I've been feeding him uncooked rice grains these past days...
  7. Fangeddeer

    Anyone know what my baby, chicken nugget, is gonna grow up to look like?

    Hi! One of my brood hens eggs hatched, she’s (if I’m not mistaken) a Kiki Campbell x mallard, and the dad is a pekin x something (because his head has a spot and his left side has a patch of spots) He came out tricolor looking, which I love. Anyone know what colors he might have when he gets...
  8. C

    Why is my duckling so little!

    Hi! All of these call ducklings were hatched at the same time. The small yellow one was the last to hatch but only by a few hours. He eats and drinks well and acts like all the others but has barely grown! Is this normal? Will he make it? Is there anything I can do to help him? The other ones...
  9. I

    Duckling with crooked bill and foot/leg what can I do to help?

    This duckling hatched last night she didn’t seem to have any trouble getting out of the egg, but when I went to take a closer look her, I was all messed up and not opening on the right side. The left one is fine. Her bill is crooked and seems to be turned to the right and then her right leg is...
  10. G

    Please help! Muscovy duckling cant balance or lift her head

    Please help! I got home late from work and found this Muscovy duckling stuck alone outside the coop. (My ducks put themselves to bed using a ramp, for some reason ramp was down and she couldn't make the jump up into the coop this time.) I think she was stuck outside for at least an hour, maybe...
  11. O

    Ducklings hatching!

    I just got up to check the humidity and it stayed the whole night and the egg I thought was going to hatch today is hating!!!! He\she has made wonderful progress! I looked in the bator because I heard a lot of peeping and the baby has its beak out and a decent size pip but hasn't made a zip yet...
  12. S

    Duckling showing some problems but I don't know what kind?

    I have a few ducklings that we've hatched that are about 3-4 weeks old now, but one of them doesn't quite behave like the others and I'm not sure how concerned I should be- For some backstory this duckling did have a little trouble during hatch where it tired out in the egg for too long after...
  13. Stipenvlerk

    Cute lazy duckling

    Hi everyone, I hope to just put a smile on your face by how lazy this duckling is. I found his sleeping position soooo funny! It's a recue duckling. The people who found it waited an hour to see if mom would go back. By that time the little duckling was exhausted and couldn't walk anymore. So...
  14. Fangeddeer


    I bought a foal/horse halter for my buck and it’s not working at all, he keeps getting out bc how big the muzzle is on him. If anyone is in the Bay Area californa and have a goat or cow calf halter that fits his measurements please do let me know! But if you’d be okay with shipping I could try...
  15. J

    Ducklings legs bowed by food is medicated with proper vitamins.

    My Ducklings legs are bowed I believe they are at least six weeks old considering the size they weren't new borns when I got them either. I have been feeding them and my baby chicks the same feed but it has 45 mgs of niacin in it, I am also starting them up on chick boost that has will hopefully...
  16. S

    Help!! 13 day old duckling. Swollen belly and bumps on side of tail

  17. Kait Kat

    Poly vi Sol plus Iron??

    I have a my first hatched duckling now 3 days old who started having trouble walking and standing starting yesterday. I've read the Poly Vi Sol will help but I can only find the +iron formula in stores. Otherwise I'm looking at about 4-7 days for shipping. Will she be fine until I can get this...
  18. Lol123

    Male or female muscovy duckling

    Hey, my muscovy duckling is 1 month old, am i right in saying its a male? I have no other ducklings to compare him to but its looking rather masculine to me 😅 any help is appreciated, thanks
  19. S

    Orphaned baby duck

    Hi all! I work at a vet hospital for cats and dogs and we had a woman come in with an orphaned baby duck. I have had experience raising ducks but this was 8 years ago. I already called wildlife rehab but they said they couldn't take it in and gave me some resources for taking care of it on my...
  20. T

    Gosling/duckling identification

    Hey all, Ended up with three of these guys in last couple of days. Were either abandoned or parents were killed have come from farming property. Unsure of breed but looks like photos of Egyptian Gosling however they are definitely not local to our area. (Sa, Aus) Would anyone be able to...
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