dying chicks

  1. A

    Free-range chicks disappearing and becoming wobbly

    I have 5 - 10 week old egyptian fayoumis and brown leghorns chicks who free-range. I've heard these breeds are suppose to be great free-rangers but some have died without any sign of sickness, attack, or anything. I let them roam around when I'm outside but if I turn my back for a few minutes...
  2. TundraFang

    Chicks suddenly dying

    So I had six Silkie chicks and they've had pasty but that won't go away. I've switched their food, given nutri-drench, and even fed them mash but nothing works. They show no other symptoms until right before they die. They start gasping for breath and eventually pass out and die. This happens...
  3. Justagoose_18

    Help! Humidity problems with chicks!

    Hi everyone! I need some help with some incubation issues I'm having. Today is day 22-23 for these chicks, which are Buff Orpington and Wyandotte mixes. The cabinet incubator I am renting/using is a GFQ 1202, large and holds temperature steadily but requires lots of water because of the fan...
  4. S

    Need Chick Help ASAP

    Hello, I have had an extremely difficult time with these chicks. My family has two hens in our backyard and one was broody but no rooster to make a baby. We got her some fertilized eggs from a farm near us, and five out of six hatched. When the first chick hatched, our hen did everything she was...
  5. Billylynn

    Chicks dying

    Received 14 chicks at 8:30 installed in broader. Everyone up and doing fine. Moving around, eating. One by one they are laying down, legs stretch out behind them, and they just gradually fade away. Temp is around 95. I have refilled food container twice. I have a Mason jar drinking dish and...
  6. tshirtdr1

    Coccidia Vaccine Warning!

    I ordered 25 chicks from Murray. I ordered the full vaccine profile (Marek's and Coccidia) because I thought, why not? I received 25 live and healthy, but chilled, chicks. 2 days later, one previously healthy one started to fade. He had "pasty butt" and I thought, "Oh, no, coccidia!" I ran to...
  7. W

    Help!!! Rescued Chicks and They're Dying!

    My boyfriend volunteers for our fair and 50 chicks were not picked up. Instead of leaving them there to die, he brought them home. I fell in love immediately but we are having so many problems. Seven have died at this point and we've had them for 5 days. We have them in our downstairs bathroom...
  8. Ashleynick

    Orphan Chicks Are dying!!!

    Hi I'm new to this! I have a question about my chicks. The mother disappeared a few months ago and came back with three chicks. Understand that is happened mid fall and it was already getting close to freezing weather. Anyways earlier this week I went to check on them and the mother tried to fly...
  9. B


    Hello, ive wanted chickens for years and my parents finally got me some. I started with 5 baby chickens but we had to give one away because he was a rooster so then we we were left with 4 hens, unfortunately one is sick!! Her name is Pretty Girl and she has always been a smaller chicken than the...
  10. Dr Peckenstein


    i received chicks through mail for the first time and I've had them for abt three days but one of my silkie chicks had been lethargic since we got her, at first she seemed normal, she slept a lot but I saw her eat and drink just fine then sleep again. By second day she was wobbling on one foot...
  11. Kealey

    Unknown Difficulties

    I raised the first half of my flock from chicks bought at a farm supplies store, I just recently started trying to incubate my own eggs now that most of the flock are laying and I'm running into a lot of issues. The first three eggs that were going to hatch did not make it. We had one the never...
  12. J


    HELP! I have 8 chicks, about a week old. I just got home and went in to check on them. One was sleeping and I didn't note anything of it. After I changed to water and food I noticed that the chick still hasn't moved. The other chicks were pecking it and walking on it so I picked it up and it...
  13. Adrien515

    How to dye young chicks BRIGHT colors?

    First of all- I do NOT want your opinion if you think I should be dying them or not. I was looking at other posts and got a big face full of people's unwanted opinions. The "Is chick dying humane or not" section on BYC is like watching Pro-Trump people and No-Trump people have a nuclear war...
  14. Lazy Farmer

    How do you stop a bleeding umbilical cord?

    3 hour old chick. Bleeding right at the Cord's beginning. Blood will not coagulate. Count down to fatality has begun. Any ideas? Yes it hatched on it's own. Was not bleeding until it was in the brooder for an hour. I am at a loss for a solution. Thanks in advance
  15. Then I Will

    Hatchery Chicks dying - 2 - 3 per day

    Purchased 15 Black Sumatras from Murray McMurray. They arrived Wednesday the 7th. When I opened the box, most were on tiptoe smashed against one another in the corner. One was already dead. It took them some hours to come off their tiptoes. I wondered if they would forever walk oddly. I...
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