egg abnormalities

  1. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Pullet (Possibly an EE) layed a sack of blood and 2 yolks?

    I'm wondering if this is concerning... I didn't get a picture (Probably because they ate it the moment they saw it and I couldn't stop them), but just imagine a double yolker but instead of the white stuff (that I don't know the name of yet), there's blood...
  2. tinylittlegrain

    Hatching on the Underside!

    Hi - I’m on day 21 of my first hatch (6 silkies, shipped) with a brinsea mini. Last night I noticed a pip on the underside of the egg but thought nothing of it. This morning, got up and all the remaining eggs had pipped on the right side. Two have hatched but the one that pipped on the underside...
  3. I

    Help! I don't know if my duck egg already had an internal pip

    Hi, today in the morning I saw my egg did some wiggling inside the shell. I don't know which day the egg is and I've been candling it with a cellphone flashlight hopefully not that much. I don't know if it already pip or what should I do. It's been more than 12 hours and about an hour ago I...
  4. chickpeasoup

    Red ears, but white eggs??

    My BR just started laying, and her eggs are white. I'm just a bit shocked,I know there are a few breeds that don't follow the red ears=colored eggs, white ears=white eggs rule. However barred rocks shouldn't be in that category, right? It's pretty neat! Does anyone know how this could happen? As...
  5. V


    What does this look like to you dont be fooled
  6. Watermeat

    Long bloody strand in egg

    I understand that its normal for there to be a blood spot in an egg, but I was a little concerned to find this much blood in an egg. I have no males in my flock, so it couldn't be a baby. I just want to know if this is okay and there's nothing wrong with my girl.
  7. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    What The-

    So, I was planning to eat the big egg from yesterday () but when I cracked it open... this happened... Anyone know what happened?!?! What did my chicken lay?!
  8. Kale the Quail

    Tiny Quail Egg

    why does a mature female quail who has been laying normal sized eggs suddenly start laying small eggs (1/5 of its regular size)? :confused:
  9. LizzzyJo

    Pics of weird yolk spot - advice?

    I posted before about a weird spot on the eggs of one of my girls and today I finally got a pic! Is it a meat spot? What can I do to stop them?
  10. Dfarago

    Eggs became liquid. Why?

    my Muscovy had a clutch of... 19ish eggs. I candled them every two weeks removing duds and such. However every so often there would be one that became liquid. Eventually all of them had to be removed for this reason. Is this just a thing that sometimes happened during the summer? I live in the...
  11. Dfarago

    Fertilized eggs turned to liquid. Why?

    my Muscovy had a clutch of... 19ish eggs. I candled them every two weeks removing duds and such. However every so often there would be one that became liquid. Eventually all of them had to be removed for this reason. Is this just a thing that sometimes happened during the summer? I live in the...
  12. danalovesdogs

    White Egg Mystery

    Hello! I'm rather new to owning quail, so I'd appreciate some insight on this topic. One of three hens in my larger cage laid an egg completely devoid of pigment, except for a little smear on the fat part of the egg. When I opened the egg, I also found that it lacked a membrane. All three of my...
  13. BarryTheBold

    Strange Soft Eggs for the Month?! Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Thanks!!

    My 1.25 yr old Amerucana has been laying soft eggs for the last month or so? I feed them fermented organic grains (Scratch n Peck Layer) and they have oyster shell available. This is the second time I’ve gotten an egg like this though. With the part of a second egg attached. Is it beyond just a...
  14. Fairywoodducks

    Duck pooped egg yolk out

    So I've attached a few photos of what appears to egg white and yolk. No shells. I have 3 girls that could be the culprits but I cant figure put which on because they are all acting 100% normal. They all laid eggs this morning with very hard shells. They have plenty of calcium in their diet, no...
  15. Rainieb

    Abnormal egg

    Hello Everyone! Question please. One of our Rhode Island red hen‘s which are now two years old, lays rough feeling, oblong whitish and sometimes dented eggs. We don’t know exactly which hen it is coming from, as they all behave normally and seem very healthy. We give them grit, oyster shell as...
  16. C

    Large chicken egg

    My chicken has been laying some abnormally large eggs. We do have ducks but this doesn't look like a duck egg. This is the second type of this egg we have found. If you could confirm that this is a duck egg or how to help that would be greatly appreciated.
  17. jwebs94

    Anyone have Speckled Sussex from Cackle with egg issues?

    Anyone have Speckled Sussex from Cackle? If you do, egg issues? My girls have always tended to lay strange eggs. Thinner shells (If I find broken ones, it's theirs), the shells all have the "sandpaper" calcium bumps on the pointy end, and now they've lost their pigmentation. I have 7 SS, 6...
  18. T

    One hen always has cloudy eggs

    i have a lavender orpington that ALWAYS lays cloudy eggs. Her egg is also thin shelled. The yolk it perfect but the white is very cloudy and looks bad. I’ve read about cloudy yolks being freshest but all others in my coop have clear whites. All eggs are collected each day and no others hens eggs...
  19. dehowery

    Egg shell

    We have recently started to notice 1 or more of the chickens producing these eggs. What is the matter with the egg shell? It appears to be getting worse. Any ideas out there?
  20. DuckWhisperer06

    Double Air Sac?

    Is this a double air sac? I’m pretty sure it was laid by our Pekin. If I were to incubate this egg, would that cause issues?
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