I have a egg bound hen, she’s been acting weird since Thursday but it wasn’t until today that I realized that was why. Her abdomen is really hard, and she’s very lethargic and doesn’t really eat or drink. I read about soaking her in warm water and giving her some extra calcium and her own dark...
Yesterday afternoon our guinea hens and peacocks alerted me to a big problem in the yard; I ran out screaming and a fox took off but not before trying to grab a chicken.
When I saw her lying on the ground I picked her up. At first she tried to fight me (probably thought I was the fox trying to...
I have a little one year old Silkie that I believe is egg bound. A few days ago I felt a Gary lump in her abdomen and I got really excited for her first egg... It's been a few days and still no egg. She's stopped eating a lot and she will barely walk. When I feel her abdomen the egg is...
This morning when I went to check on the chickens, I saw one of my RIR's who was basically sleeping on the roost with her head almost dangling towards the ground, like she couldn't keep her head up.
I grabbed her and looked her over, and it seems like she had something go with her egg. I didn't...
Every day for the last week we’ve had 1 or 2 eggs from my 4 females. They are different in shape and colour and we have 2 runners and 2 khaki Campbells so I’m assuming one or both of each variety are laying alternately. Today I noticed one of my khakis is off colour, she stays at the back of the...
Hi, my black Australorp, Agatha, presented this morning with a messy backside. I brought her in for a warm bath, and pulled out a piece of soft shell sticking out of her vent. I added Epsom salt to the water and cleaned her, realizing her entire abdomen is hard and swollen. I checked about an...
One of my black australorps have a pale comb, she’s extremely skinny, and when it looks like she’s about to eat, she just drops the food. She won’t roost, she only lies down on the ground. I came back from somewhere today around lunch time (I left super early so it was still dark out) just to...
I've spent the past couple days googling chicken ailments nonstop, and I'm completely overwhelmed. I don't know whether I have several different things going on at once, or what. I've been keeping chickens for a few years - they're not exactly pets, but I'm fond of them and want to do right by...
Hi, my faverolle chicken ‘Ariella’ who is 3.5yrs was eggbound last Wednesday (8days ago). The egg came out very soft but intact on Wednesday evening after baths & a calcium injection from the vet. She was unable to stand afterwards, knuckling both feet. Gradually with a lot of tlc she is walking...
i have 1 and a half year old pekins. I get an egg a day from each of them, all year round! They are very consistent except a few hick ups here and there. I noticed my one stopped laying about 3 or 4 days ago. I always see her in her nest, but never an egg. She goes back and forth to her nest in...
i was wondering if I could give Quackers, my duck, some olive oil for health and to make sure she’s doesnt get egg bound again. She was egg bound I week ago, passed the egg, and hasn’t laid since. She’s acting normally however I want to make sure it never happens again!
Any thoughts?
Okay so this is a little different than other posts on here. I have a parakeet that is egg bound. I know this site is for chickens but my problem isn't currently in the coop. I figured you guys would know about dealing with this stuff. She has been bound since yesterday but she has been able to...
My duck Quackers was hiding in her house when I got home today around 3pm. I can’t figure out what’s wrong, she is quiet and isn’t interested in food. Usually when I get home she and her drake greet me at the door and want snacks. Lots of talking and eating goes on.
She hasn’t laid an egg for...
My hen rose is doing this, I don't know if she's egg bound or if this is normal laying behavior. She seems to be having trouble what do I do!? Please help
Here's link to video
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this forum and actually joined because one of my 3 chickies became egg bound and I'm needing some after care advice. I apologize in advance for the very long post.
It's the first time I've tried to treat an egg bound chicken. You could see the empty egg shell (which...
Hi everyone! I have a two year old Buff Orpington hen who has recently fallen ill. She hasn’t been laying any eggs, lost weight, poor appetite, pale comb and wattles, and overall listlessness. We took her to the vet who did an x-Ray and discovered a mass in her stomach (perhaps an egg, rock...
My 3 year old brown hen(sorry idk what kind?) had maggots all over her bum yesterday! I talked with a vet and went to our feed store and got mild equine fly spray and used that on her...SO MANY CAME OUT IT WAS SO GROSS! I had to use tweezers and will never be the same. I also got some Banixx...
HELP,!!! My beautiful ex-battery hen, Brittany isn't doing well. She is sitting around puffed up with eyes closed and seemed to be sitting in egg white but I couldn't find the shell. (I've been dealing with soft shelled eggs for weeks and giving her extra calcium, but she lays eggs at a rapid...
UPDATE - good news, went to lift her to give calcium tablets and egg has been laid. Gave calcium anyway. She is now standing and eating! Phew
Hi, I have an ex battery hen. Had her for 5 days. She is one of six.
I'm not sure if she has ever laid while she's been with me but she is definitely...
Hi, I'm new here.
I have a silkie hen less than a year old. Yesterday when I went in the coop to feed them she was on the ground and couldn't get up. Whenever I would touch her or pick her up she would lose her balance and spread her wings out and go head first down and put her but up in the...