I have a 2 year old chicken who just started limping or raising her leg and breathing with her mouth open. She got up on the roost tonight but was breathing with her mouth open and gave a little cough (but just one). When I noticed the limping I saw that her backside was pulsing - very...
I have been looking on the forums to see if I can find something that matches the symptoms my 2 year old Australorp, Hildy, is experiencing.
She has had shell-less eggs in the past, but they were not that common. Last week, when I picked her up to greet her, a soft egg flew out of her vent. I...
It started about a month ago when one of my four chickens became egg bound. This was my first time dealing with this and after making sure she was we put her in an enclosure when the egg pooped out about an hour later. The next day she seemed fine and I put her back, but later that night she...
Hello all, my 1 year old ISA Brown hen, Chuck, has been eggbound for 48 hours now. I tried soaks, lubricants. I got her to drink a lot of water and eat with calcium, to give her strength. She lays huge eggs, and I had a feeling this one was misshapen or broken by the feel of it.
I really love...
My hen has been very lethargic every since I got her. HAsn't been laying eggs, pooping or eating. I gave her some calcium tablets and a warm bath but I'm running out of ideas, please help.
EMERGENCY :My favourite girl silky (who is a warren hybrid) would not come out of the coop this morning. I have done all of the proper procedures of egg bound (check with lubricated gloved finger etc) and I can not find an egg or egg shells anywhere. She doesn't want to move, drink or poop and...
my 1 year old silkie started laying in December and was laying consistently. She was still on the freedom chick starter crumble food. When that ran out we switched her to a layer pellet food. This was 2 weeks ago. About a week later she wasn’t laying and just sat in her nesting box consistently...
Managed to go 10 years without having one but I have an eggbound hen. She is currently soaking in warm water. She had a large amount of poop around her vent and her crop is empty. I can not feel an egg in her vent but her abdomen feels enlarged and she is doing the classic penguin walk.
I know...
I need some help solving an egg mystery...
My Silver Salmon Marans seems to not be laying, and I can't figure out what is going on. Here is her history:
Day 1, March 21 - she laid her very first egg, in the nesting box like a good girl!
Day 2 - she spent time in the nesting box, then came out...
I've a 1 year old Easter Egger hen. She has been laying pretty reliably this year, but i'm getting a little worried. I've found 2 different eggs on the poop boards in the morning, once in February and one a couple weeks ago. She lays very strong thick shelled eggs most of the time, so I didn't...
First let me say I love this site. This is my go-to site for my chickens.
I can't seem to find an answer on this though. I have a hen that is bloated, walking like a penguin, and has all signs of being eggbound. Everything I've read says she will die within 4 days if she's eggbound. Well, she's...
Hey all, my 2 year old Barred Rock hen jumped down from a tall planter last week and seemed to hit her belly pretty hard on the edge of a galvanized tub. It sounded pretty loud and she was ruffled up for sure but went on to seem fine. She is a regular layer and usually lays several large eggs a...
Hi, all! I'm fairly new to raising chickens and I'm very worried for one of my girls. I have a year old Buff Orpington who is usually the most energetic and entertaining of my small three hen family. However, for the last two days, she's been lethargic and has a decrease in appetite (I first...
Have an 8 month old leghorn (Ideal 236) cross. She is one of the top hens and feisty. 3 days ago she was not acting normally. I caught and felt her abdomen and there is an egg there. Massaged and rubbed. She is eating and pooping - witnessed both and her bottom is dirty and getting dirtier...
Hi Everyone
I have a feeling i may have left this too late , but my Isa Brown hen , Sweet Pea is very ill
Sweet Pea is roughly 2 years old and started laying eggs - last year in January.
She stopped laying "normal eggs" after about 6 months , and has completed stopped laying eggs since then...
Hi! A couple of weeks ago we lost one of our ~year old golden red comet hens - she escaped the run and disappeared. Today I went to look in the shed for something and found her sitting in front of the door. Her comb was dark and floppy. She walked out, moving rather slowly. We got her a bowl of...
We recently got 4 new laying hens to add to our flock, from a local farmer who was selling them. By the first two weeks, three out of four were laying. The fourth (Angel, an Ameraucana), had only laid one soft egg, so we just assumed she was too old to lay, and that it would go away. But 2 more...
I thought my hen might be eggbound because she seems to be disinterested in food, has not laid an egg today (she's one of our regular layers), is lackluster, and her abdomen seems swollen. Her abdomen is not hard, as I would expect it to be from what I have read if she were eggbound, so I'm not...
My 1year old production red "Tweety" Has been sitting in the nesting box for over a week now and rarely comes out to get food or water. I thought she may be egg bound so I soaked her in Epsom salt water, but that didn't work. I thought she might be broody but there are no roosters and no eggs...