
  1. Lil' Jerry

    Feeding A Pet Turkey

    Hi, my family has had a pet turkey for a little over a year now and recently we've run into a problem feeding her. In the morning when we feed her we'll find a bunch of rodent poop in her food bowl and she herself seems to hardly touch the poultry feed we leave in there (she's more a fan of...
  2. T

    Enough chicken feed?

    Hello, I have decided that I want to get chickens. Currently I am working on getting a coop and making them a run and am taking this time to do as much research as I can. That being said here is my question, I would love to have free range chicken however I kind of live in the suburbs and for...
  3. KadeSilkies21

    Alpaca Help Needed!

    We have just finished building a paddock and shelter as we are planning to get goats. I heard that alpacas are good herd protectors. We do have many foxes here and i absolutely love alpacas so I thought why not!? I know the basics on keeping alpacas and that they drink plenty. They will be in a...
  4. KadeSilkies21

    Feeding Goats???

    We have almost finished building our new goat shed/shelter and paddock. We are planning on getting about 3 10 week-old goats. I have researched plenty but nowhere seems to properly explain what and how i need to feed them. My question is what do i need to feed them, how and when etc. Any other...
  5. S

    underweight mallard drakes???

    hello! first time poster and duck owner. about two months ago, my family and i acquired some mallard ducks from some terrible living conditions. we live out in the desert; it reaches 120 in the summer sometimes. not exactly an ideal place to own ducks to begin with, but the people who owned...
  6. Beginners' Show Tips

    Beginners' Show Tips

    I see it all the time. "I've got a show this weekend, how do I whip my bird into shape?" We have all been there at one point or another. A beginner ready to wash their favorite hen for the first time. The truth of the matter is, it takes a lot more than soap to get a chicken show-ready. To do...
  7. birdmandan

    How much feed to grow a quail to slaughter age?

    How much feed is required to grow a japanese quail to slaughter age? Up to 6 weeks, you are looking at over 1kg or 2.2lb of feed. Many people prefer to keep them til 8 weeks to ensure sufficient meat for a meal. That is an extra 350 grams of feed at least, if we assume they are eating 25...
  8. MissNutmeg

    Feeding cockerels and pullets.....

    Hey there! So I was just how old does my chicks need to be in order to eat adult feed? ~Meg, the very naive chicken lover :lau
  9. C

    How many Superworms to feed 20 chickens

    Hello! We are looking to raise our own Superworms to supplement feed and foraging. How many worms should we aim for, both to be raising and be feeding our chickens? Or is it more of an.. as much as you can sort of deal? 20 chickens!
  10. Grace birds

    Introducing 8 week old pullets to the flock

    Hello, hope I posted in the right thread, seemed like the best option. I have 3 18 week old hens and 1 18 week old rooster. they are in there coop and true free range from 9am until sundown most days and they return to their coop at night. however! I am picking up 2 8week old pullets today and I...
  11. JesterLady

    Dehydrated Vegetables

    Hi all! I live in western NC where we have had quite the growing season so far. I was thinking of dehydrating some of my bumper crop, cucumbers, squash, those sorts of vegetables I have a hard time preserving for my family's consumption, and supplementing my chickens winter diet with them. I was...
  12. CalMiniFlock

    Very Picky Eater

    I have had a RIR for a few months, she is approximately 5 months old and she will not eat the feed which is whole grain feed. She does eat kale and shell-less sunflower seeds mainly. Occasionally cucumber. I have tried many other foods, without success. I don't think she is getting proper...
  13. newbabyducks322

    Feeding ducklings at night and when to stop

    My ducklings are almost three weeks old and I wanted to know if this is an okay age to stop feeding them 24/7? I bring them in (it's been hot so I let them go outside during the day) around 7 PM and let them back out at 9 AM. Is that an okay amount of time for them to be without food or water at...
  14. ChickenNewB17

    Feeding chick-teens & baby chicks...

    I have 4 chicks that are about 7/8 weeks old, and I plan on getting a few more baby chicks in two weeks, I'll keep them separate for the first few weeks, but when the new chicks get their feathers and are introduced to the older chicks (who will be chick-teens by then), will I have to separate...
  15. bsides2007

    Best Duck feed?

    Hi everyone :) I am happy to say that I am now (finally) a duck mom! I have been feeding all of my ducks organic and non-gmo feed from the beginning, but am curious to get other opinions on types of duck feed. I know there are better options than Dumor (even though it's organic) but I'm stumped...
  16. wcfinklized

    Runt red....feeding question

    Shes about 12 weeks.... A third the size of all the others.... My question.... As she wont free range because of her leg issues (splinting to hopefully fix) should i just keep her on chick starter until she hopefully goes out with the others and learns to forage???
  17. jods

    Help with feeding different aged ducks/ducklings please??

    I've got older ducks (1y+) outside and I've got a couple ducklings (2 weeks) inside still under the light, hopefully going outside next week or so. The older ducks are on Fancy Feed (Protein 15.5%; Oil 4.5%; Fibre 4%; and Ash 6%); the ducklings were on chick crumbs but typically should be...
  18. fergi582

    Having the Right Coop.

    If you're new at taking care of chickens, then the first thing you need to know and have is the right coop! I assume that you would already know that, but the key to having the right coop is knowing that it is safe and reliable for protecting your chickens! If not your chickens are gone! That...
  19. Tractor Coops vs. Permanent Coops: the basics

    Tractor Coops vs. Permanent Coops: the basics

    Permanent coop vs. Tractor: pros and cons With the rise of backyard chicken popularity, many different housing options, both homemade and manufactured, have become available. It is a difficult task to determine which coop would be best for your chickens. However, most coops fit into two...
  20. Should I Heat My Coop

    Should I Heat My Coop

    Should I heat my coop? This question echos throughout the threads of BYC ever fall and early winter. This article addresses the tale of how one VermontGal resolved this question. I also endeavor to provide you with some information about chicken's environmental needs, coop construction &...
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