Hi, so one of my newer pullets I’ve had for a few weeks now along with another hen, seems to have just laid her first egg I’m assuming. It’s very VERY small haha! It’s smaller than a pigeon egg. At first, I almost thought it was a young cockerel soon to be rooster because her hackle feathers...
My girl laid her first ever egg and unfortunately that one and the one after it was infertile (I incubated and candled to be sure) and yesterday she laid her third is it possible for this one to be fertile or are they all gona be infertile
Hey guys! We got our first egg today! I have five hens that are of laying age and I can't figure out which one laid this giant egg! We have a barred rock, a blue copper maran, a production red, a silver laced wyandotte, and a light brown leghorn. I think I have narrowed it down to either the...
Hey all! I have four ducks - two Pekins (one drake) and two Golden 300 Hybrids.
It’s been nasty rainy here in the PNW for two days, so I stupidly let myself be lazy and not clean the run for two days. OF COURSE, I come out this afternoon to clean, and find FOUR eggs in a little nest. My these...
Hello all!
I have a forum that explains the story of our sweet rescue chicken and this will include her new flock of friends we recently adopted.The link is here: Mabel's Story
The exciting news is that we got our very first egg today!
We adopted 3 one-year-old chickens from a local suburban...
Pullet is wheezing and sneezing. Laid first egg today, so might heNone of the others in the flock (7 hens, 1 rooster) are showing these symptoms. Isn’t lethargic and is eating normally. Nothing obviously wrong or dirty in the coop.
Video of the wheezing and sneezing:
My super sweet and quiet Buff Brahma Flossie Nugget finally laid her first egg yesterday! I can tell she is going to be laying big ones, as her first pullet egg was the size of a regular egg. It felt like forever, but I knew last week when she squatted that the time was finally near. Hopefully...
I found this in the coop this morning, on top of the nesting boxes. Current situation: of my 6 hens, 4 are laying. Two EE's are freeloading, but they have both squatted, although not regularly. One squats more/longer than the other. All 4 hens laid eggs yesterday, so I have no reason to believe...
After being very impatient about the first egg our chickens will lay! And after researching that it was normal for them to be a little late, one of our chickens finally lay one egg just on time for my birthday!!!
Finally! This was my first time raising day old chicks and I’m so glad we did it- our 7 ladies are sweet as can be and that just makes caring for them so easy. The chicks arrived May 28, all “Sapphire Splash” from Hoover’s via TSC.
Rickets laid it near the nest box, so I guess she gets points...
A sunny October day - late week 20. Nice firm shell, small tan and smooth. 6 of our 7 will lay brown. I think this is from RiR Rusty...who has an awesome egg song - and some said was a Roo from week 8 on!! Rusty laid eggs 3 days in a row now, about 24 hrs apart! Happy mom!
Hi. My Barred Rock is trying to lay her first egg. She’s been constantly digging in the nesting box and has been panting with her beak open for 2days now. I’ve been with her all afternoon. Is this normal behavior for the first egg to be laid? I’ve given her oatmeal with some calcium and she ate...
Two of our chickens began to lay eggs for the first time this spring. They were free ranging and laying consistently. Over the last few days 0 eggs! Today we kept them in their coop all day, still no eggs!! Is this normal to go three to four days without eggs?
I was observing the squatting behavior for a few days and then yesterday noticed Lucy's vent looked a little different... Fast forward to today. She kept going back in the coop alone and putting nest straw around a favorite place even occasionally settling in for several minutes in the indent...
My buff Orpington is 23 weeks and started squatting almost two weeks ago. Her sister laid a week after starting squatting. What's your guess on when she will lay?
so excited! 😊
Please, tell me they get quieter after they have laid their first half dozen eggs? I have nine hens 21.5 weeks old. White Leghorns. The first egg came with a lot of noise about two weeks ago. The daily quantity slowly increased with the noise. Yesterday I had seven eggs. And the racket has...
Hello Friends,
So my chicken Pigeon Toady (silkie hen) laid her first egg this morning!!! I am so proud of her. This is her bery first egg. Posted a pic below of her egg. Also she’s only about 6months old, so I was surprised.
How does it look?
Should I rinse it off ?
Is it ok to eat?
We had...