
  1. sscaria

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    on friday i set up a brand new 20 gallon tank, let it sit with water conditioner. set up a water filter and tank heater (80° F) with thermometer. Saturday i bought three molly fish, three ghost shrimp, three algae eaters and three ADF (african dwarf frog). i set up gravel, some live plants and...
  2. Greaner_pastures

    Raw fish.

    I saw a few things about being able to feed my girls raw fish, but nothing about deboning them. Does anyone know if that should be done or can I throw it in whole, head and all? Going to be giving them a trout if that makes any difference. Tyia
  3. sscaria

    Betta fish questions!

    Hey everyone! I'm saving up for a 10-gallon tank as well as live plants and gravel. I'm planning on putting shrimp and betta fish in there. Is it fine if I put two female bettas together? I know that a ten-gallon tank is enough space, I'm just wondering if two is too little of an amount; just...
  4. ChickChic00


    Would feeding my young chickens (8weeks old) fish once or twice a week along with their current feed help them bulk up in muscle meat? They are mixed breeds that I hatched out. Delaware, Rhode island red, black Australorp, Barred rock, and Buff Orpington are the Mothers. Father is about 7-7.5...
  5. ShrekDawg

    Do you like seafood!?

    As the title says, do you like seafood??? For me, despite living in a seafood capital like New England, it’s a resounding NO. :hide At least for most things. I like certain fish depending how it’s cooked and I like canned tuna but that’s it. :lau so basically no. Clams, oysters, shrimp...
  6. ShrekDawg


    I just got salt and fresh water licenses and I’m curious if anyone else fishes. I normally don’t but now I live on a river so 🤣
  7. pondfriend


  8. ChickenWhisperer101

    Nemo and Friends aquarium in Houston Tx?!?

    Hi y’all! There is this fish store called Nemo and friends in Houston tx and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this store. It’s quite a long drive from me, so I was wondering if it’s worth the drive. I’m specifically looking for rams. Thanks for any help or fish store...
  9. My dear young female betta!

    My dear young female betta!

    This is my female young betta whom I’ve had for two months now. She has such a wonderful personality and a big appetite for such a little fish! As soon as you walk in the room she’s right out at the front of the glass!
  10. Mogul Moonshine

    Calling all fish keepers

    So I know there are some other threads like this but they’re kind of Diying so if. Any other fish keepers on this forum at one of those photos or questions about their tanks that be great I have a question is about the stuffy a couple days ago or some others but I cannot tell if it’s a male or...
  11. raccoonroom

    My ducks GO FISHING!! 😍

    Hey fellow duck lovers! I gave my eight week old Welsh Harlequin ducks some feeder fish in their pool for the first time as a special treat and they definitely loved it! I really enjoyed watching them "go fishing" myself so maybe the treat was really mine 🥰🥰 How do you spoil your ducks? ❤
  12. daChicBu-GI

    Can I have 3 discus fish in a 35 gallon non planted tank with a few small schooling fish?

    I recently got a 130l/35 gallon tropical aquarium and was looking into getting some discus, I know that they require a lot of maintanence but I’m sure that I’m ready to start keeping fish like them. Thxx. Also mabye a small school of fish.
  13. L

    HELP: What kind of heat source do I give my outside pond?

    Hello all! I am new. I have 3 Oranda Goldfish that need temps higher than 60 F. However, I cannot find a 300 gallon pond heater. I only see "de-icers" that circulate the water, but not heat it. I was hoping any fish/pond outside experts can give some knowledge to my situation. MUCH...
  14. ChickChic00

    Feeding Ducks Guppies From Fish Tank?

    Is it ok to feed ducks Guppies from a fish tank? Idk if that would harm them or not considering the stuff you put in a tank to keep the water clean and clear and alkaline good. Any help is appreciate! Just starting to think about raising some Guppies just for feeding to ducks.
  15. ShrekDawg

    Fish Thread

    Who else has fish!? I’ve had various fish over the years including an awesome planted 10 gallon betta tank at one point but then I got out of it for several years. Didn’t think I would get more as the maintenance was just too much and I didn’t really enjoy it anymore. That is until I...
  16. cluckmecoop7

    Cluckmecoop7's Thread *COME JOIN THE CHAT!*

    Come Join The Chat with Cluckmecoop7! I own chickens: I own fish: So why not share stories, pictures, facts, etc. about our pets????? I made another thread sort of like this one, but it did not get very many replies. It only went to page 3. I want this thread to GET...
  17. cluckmecoop7

    My chicken Adventure

    NOTE: This is also a Article. @MROO said I should also make it a thread, so I did: So, it all started two years ago when I wanted a pet. Something easy to care for and very friendly and nice. I new a dog was not a good idea, nor a cat. I thought about hamsters and mice but I did not really want...
  18. MarlyMonster

    At what age to feed live fish?

    Hi lovely people! My Muscovy babies are 3 weeks tomorrow and getting big fast! We had our first bath tub swim yesterday as opposed to their shallow kiddy pool and they LOVED diving down to the bottom! I’d love to get them some small feeder fish but just afraid they’re too young for those still...
  19. Button Quail 123

    Any Advice On Aquaponics (Flood and Drain) With Tilapia?

    Well, the title pretty much sums it up: Does anyone have any advice? Thanks, and Happy Holidays, Button Quail 123 :)
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