
  1. |Aphrodite|

    Can a broody hen sit on old eggs?

    My hen started showing signs of being broody, and today she started sitting, but the eggs she’s sitting on are a bit old (some are about a week old and others maybe older). So I was wondering if she could still hatch them, or if I should buy her some knew eggs (though I might not be able too)...
  2. Meet my 8 little egg poopers!

    Meet my 8 little egg poopers!

    You love chickens, too? Wonderful~! Allow me to introduce you to my 8 feathered friends! Baoji the Silkie Bantam: My favorite and the only one who's truly mine. Ain't she cute~? :love I love my floof princess! Her name means "bun" or "little bread" in Chinese. Suiting for a little, fluffy...
  3. GoldenCometKeeper

    Bullied Hen

    I have a flock of 5 hens and one rooster. Lately we have noticed some bullying going on in the flock. One hen, Pinky, is being singled out by every single chicken. The rest don't let her get near them, they run her off, peck her, chase her. She has to forage by herself, she can't socialize, and...
  4. chickenkeeperUS

    Little about me and my small backyard chicken flock!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I had chickens for about 5 years now? We just got our first rooster though a couple months ago, so I am super excited about that. I always wanted a rooster with chickens. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have a rooster...
  5. |Aphrodite|

    Does anyone know the gender/breed of this chick?

    A guy brought three chickens, but one died and I’ll post about the other one later. But I’m unsure of its breed or gender, but I think it’s a hen.
  6. |Aphrodite|

    Is my chicken broody or not?

    I have a wonderful chicken named Aphrodite, and I was hoping that she was broody. I saw her in one of the nesting boxes two nights ago, while I as feeding the horses, and I got really excited but then in the morning she was up with the rest of the flock. She didn’t get back in the nesting box...
  7. |Aphrodite|

    Where to buy adult ducks?

    One of my ducks went missing and my other duck is very upset, so I’m going to buy him a friend. Does anyone know where I can buy them, and how to introduce a new duck to my flock?
  8. SugarGroveFarm

    Chicken Flocks: Mixed or All One Breed?

    Hello guys! I was just curious about everyone's opinions on different breeds in a chicken flock. Do you guys normally have several different breeds in a flock or is it more common to have a flock of one breed? Just curious one everyone's views on mixed versus all breed flocks! Let me know what...
  9. nszrmch

    About me!

    Hi everyone! My name is Nat. I have 2 chicken flocks, one from the summer of 2015 and a new flock of babies from this February! The chickens are currently between 3-5 weeks old. 2015 Flock: 1 Easter Egger, 1 Ameraucana(she unfortunately passed away a few months ago :(), 1 bantam(not sure of the...
  10. F

    Silkie vs. ISA brown

    Hi! I'm new to the chicken owning hobby and recently bought seven 1 week old chicks from my local TSC. These chicks happen to be Isa browns, and I'm getting silkies from a breeder in about a week and a half. By the time I get the silkies, they will be a few days old while the isa browns will be...
  11. ChikkiDoodleRoo

    Lone Chick-A little help

    Hey lovelies :frow, I have a lone chick I hatched myself recently :jumpy (we sort of rescued her, she almost became our dinner as the neighbors gave us the egg to try; they thought the egg was infertile, but it turns out it wasn't.lol) and I have a mirror in with her, but I don't want her to be...
  12. J&Kfeatheredfowl

    The future of my flocks...

    Hey, since my allotment has been confirmed, I have decided to post what I think will be my final list of birds. Please bare in mind that this is an end game list and a goal of mine, I wont be getting most of the birds on this list for a while... The list is.... Pekin duck x4 Pekin drake Khaki...
  13. Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

    Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

    Many people out there long to have our feathered clucking friends, but may not be able to free range the flock as most people are able to do. Because of this many people end up not getting chickens because they think the flock will be unhappy if they don't have access to a large yard... Well...
  14. BrandonMcfly

    Sexed chicks? & red sex link compatibility

    Hello I have to red sex link girls & i was thinking of adding a 3rd girl so I was wondering are there any type of other breed that can be easily sexed when chicks ? Also what kind of breeds of chicken would get along with the red sex links I have read people say they are an aggressive breed...
  15. ben0125

    What age to mix silkies with flock

    I have two chicken coops, one prefab one for my Silkies and one for my 6 month old chickens, and the biggest ones sleep in the trees. I Need to know when to put the Silkies in with the bigger chickens. They have seen but not touched eachother for over a month now but I'm still not very sure...
  16. RainForestBird

    Separating Broody Hen from Flock

    I have a little Serama hen that has been broody for a couple of weeks now, I tried to move her and the first clutch of eggs to a bin lined with straw, but she jumped out and abandoned the eggs. So I moved her back to the coop with the flock and this cured her for about 3 days, then she started...
  17. ourgirlsonmars

    Life with the "girls" on Mars

    We have been raising chickens for 8 years now here in North Carolina. Our oldest, original girl, is 8 years old. We were originally told that we had "mostly hens" when we obtained our 14 chickens from a local farmer. Well we found out that we had 9 roosters! One of our favorite roosters we...
  18. B

    Hi there, I'm Becky...

    ... and I've had hens in my life since I was about seven years old. About eleven years later and I'm still mad about them! Over the years, I've raised two batches of cream Legbar chicks from eggs and rescued three ex-bats. I've also had one miracle hen that lived to about 8 years old! (She is...
  19. venymae

    Monochrome Flocks with Rainbow Eggs

    I really like the idea of flocks where all the birds are the same color, but their eggs are not! So I'm putting together little lists. Because it's fun. Feel free to add any breeds & their egg color that I might have missed! Here is my first list: BLACK Chicken Flock: White Egg Layers...
  20. sstasiak042

    Rooster ran away....

    Hi all! I free range my chickens and yesterday one of my hens got snatched up by a fox. Last time one of my hens got snatched (raccoon), our rooster took off for a day and came back the next morning. I have not seen any of his feathers anywhere whereas there are TONS of the feathers from the...
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