
  1. WinniesHenHouse

    They're here!!! Wooo hooo!

    My first ever baby chicks have arrived and I'm in love. Rhode Island Reds! And a short clip.... My babies have arrived!
  2. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Finally, My Dream Came True

    Today I was contacted by a local breeder. She was retiring her Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and wanted a no-kill home for them. A thirty-minute drive and 80$ later I finally have hands on some of my ultimate dream chickens. I have always wanted BLRW, but I had this weird curse where something...
  3. Cassandra Lana

    Rick Riordan Fans Gather

    Hi poultry people! Are there any other Rick Riordan fans on this page? I hope this can be a nice little chat group for people who like Rick Riordan books (the mythology ones) and poultry! 1 God based exclamations discouraged ! I have nothing against those religions but it should be fun to use...
  4. Chicken_loverXx

    How my rescues have changed 🐔❤️

  5. HomesteaderWife

    Merry Chickmas

    "Piper" the rescue Dominique hen Merry Chickmas & A Quacky New Year - From HomesteaderWife's family & flock (P.S. Please feel free to share your own holiday flock and coop photos!)
  6. no fly zone

    The happiest chicken in SWFL

    Skekkers is enjoying the new yard
  7. Lukemjm

    Help! Ducks attacked by mink!

    3 nights ago, our two ducks (1.5 year old Pekin Male, 2.5 year old Saxony female) were attacked by a mink or weasel. I awoke at 4am to my dog (so proud of him) barking and growling incessantly out the window in the direction of our duck run. I was concerned for our little guys, and went out to...
  8. Dancing Bee

    Great Chicks become great Hens

    I'm posting this in the "Raising Baby Chicks" forum because that may be where newbies look first- that's what I did. I want to report that my 4 baby chicks, which I got on May 1, 2018, are now 4 wonderful, fun, friendly and healthy chickens. Yes, having healthy and happy chickens is possible...
  9. SniperGoose

    The Goose Train has no brakes

    I was going through old videos on my phone and found this gem! :lol: Taken back in 2017 when my geese were a few months old. They got a little too happy when I refilled their pool and this happened! No one was hurt, but it sure did give me a good laugh! I've since then gotten them a large...
  10. Stacyoung13

    Home from vacation!!

    I got home from vacation Sunday afternoon, and I don't know who was happier to see who. As soon a I got out of the truck I walked over to the Silkie/Polish run and said hi babies, and they come running and clucking. Splash, my roo, brought me food and dropped it at my feet, clucking. I picked...
  11. Stacyoung13

    THANKS !!!!!!!!

    About 90% of everything I know about my chickens I have learned from here, from all of you. I just wanted to put out a big THANK YOU :frow!!!! To everyone. From all the reading and great answers to my questions, I have happy and healthy chickens. Again : THANK YOU !:wee:wee:wee:wee:wee
  12. A

    Coughing, spreading like wildfire

    Hey guys! I had this beautiful blue Cochin pullet that came down with a cough. She starting getting lethargic, sleeping all the time and closing her eyes and unfortunately she died suddenly one day. Now the rest of my chickens are coughing. They aren't acting lethargic or down or anything, they...
  13. jsullivan704

    Yay for my hand built coop!

    I currently have a goose and a duck that are around 12 weeks old! We built them a coop instead of buying one, because we had a specific design in mind. My boyfriend wanted an opening roof, so he could reach in there, or air it out. I wanted a big door on the side so it was easy access for me to...
  14. How to keep healthy, happy hens!

    How to keep healthy, happy hens!

    Hi guys! these are my top tips [rules] in maintaining flock harmony and health. PS: these methods may not work in a high predator area or you may be buying a new flock pretty soon! 1; ALWAYS, ALWAYS make sure your girls have enough to eat, enough to drink and are given a balanced diet of greens...
  15. HuskerHens18

    Rooster Flock Observations

    Long story short, I was given 5 Silkie roosters. They hated my bantam flock who was working so nicely. They bullied my beautiful RIR/Silkie/Cochin and completely removed his feathers on his head and neck. So I decided to make a bantam rooster flock to put them all in and save my hens from...
  16. lsutigersec

    Newbie to Backyard Chickens

    Hi There, I'm a newbie to backyard chickens and chickens in general. I've been throughly into dogs and dog rescue, but this is my first venture into chickens. I decided to get some back yard chickens (which are separated from my dogs) for eggs and now I'm head over heels for my chickens...
  17. Age-of-Goositude

    Raccoon Attack; Amputation

    There was a duck local to me posted online (broody girl, raccoon attack, you get the picture) many people said to cull her but I stepped up and took her, I didn't think her injuries were so horrible and took her to the vet but since the raccoon didn't rip her leg off at the joint she needed...
  18. BiggeChick

    Some pics of my chicks! Lol

  19. Cayuga momma

    We made it passed the 2 week mark!

    We are new chicken owners. Back in March we ordered 3 chicks and 3 ducklings. We got our order, but all but 1 chick (Henrietta) died. My husband, my son Arie (8) and I were pretty devastated. Well we ordered again, from a different hatchery and our babies turned 2 weeks old yesterday and are...
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