hatch advice

  1. B

    Hatching help?

    I just recently hatched out my first batch. Everything went smoothly babies hatched out on their own and dried off, we're walking around and completely normal. All of the sudden 2 just flipped over and couldn't stand, eyes closed heavy breathing and then eventually died! I'm wondering what the...
  2. Smuvers Farm

    FOR INFO PURPOSES: Humidity Drop After Water Addition After Lockdown

    I have 3 faverolle eggs in my incubator. Put into lockdown on the 18th. Temp good, humidity at about 67%. Last night, one pipped: Without my knowledge, my DH opened the incubator and filled it with water, simply because he said the sponges *looked dry*..... although I had JUST checked the...
  3. chickyrookie

    When does Day 1 start?

    I'm hatching my first batch of chicken eggs and I'm freaking out because they're not hatching and it's day 22, or is it? Do you start day 1 as the day you "set" them? Or is Day one 24 hours later? If that's the case, I still have time, right?
  4. C

    Lockdown and hatching?

    hi! So my 3 eggs that seem to have been growing are at day 19 now, almost at the end of the day. I haven’t noticed any movement or shell cracking yet, and put them in lockdown yesterday, I have a few questions about what I should do to make sure I don’t do anything wrong at this point. I’m not...
  5. M

    How long can a chick survive after internal pip of no external pip?Going

    Have a turkey egg due two days ago... Believe it internally pipped at least 24 hours ago... hear chirping and movement but still no external pip. How long can he survive with out more air?
  6. L

    any advice for a new hatcher??

    hey y’all, i’ve ordered quite a few eggs, 27 to be exact, and they are about to come in the mail. i’ve received my incubator, and will follow the instructions for setting it up. i’ve never hatched eggs and am brand new to the whole process. i would love any advice about rotating, candling...
  7. J

    Hatching eggs

    Hi I'm new to hatching eggs. I lost my first batch and now my second batch is on day 22. There is no sign of pipping or movement that I can see. I bumped into the bator and a few eggs rolled around. Do you think there is still a chance of survival. The temp has been on 37.7c and humidity is now...
  8. R

    Need some advice

    Hi I never hatched an egg before so I just saw my rooster mate with one of my hens and I wanted to know wether he mated with them before so I wanted to know how to determine if they are fertile. I looked up some videos and most people had them incubated for a few days does that mean I incubate...
  9. Maggie1030

    Any way to store extra fertilized eggs and hatch later?

    Hi I'm getting 12 shipped fertilized bantam eggs in the mail today. I did not want to hatch out that many eggs. I only wanted 2-3 at this time. Is there any way I can store these eggs to hatch out down the road? Any ideas with refrigeration etc?
  10. Lubuto

    Hello I'm a newbie

    I just recently started keeping chickens, my desire is to grow and become big in this business. I recently bought an egg incubator unfortunately the first eggs I set in which where 60 only 10 hatched, so I was searching for answers on the internet that is how I landed here. I'm very glad to a...
  11. ZurcherFarms

    Need advice! No chicks day 24!

    I'm on day 23-24 with a batch of Marans eggs I had shipped and I'm at a loss. I currently have about 12 eggs in a large gqf sportsman incubator of my father's. (I've recently ordered an incubator of my own but it hasn't arrived yet. :( I've hatched several small batches of eggs over the last 3...
  12. GeoGreyWolf

    Hatching small duck eggs...

    So my 6 year old asked me when i was collecting the duck egg, why we cant incubate the smaller ones and have to wait for them to be bigger.. Tried to do some quick research, but couldn't really find an answer. Does anyone have one? I am figuring due to the size of a duck, but would a smaller egg...
  13. strawberricatt

    Can I Have Some Help?

    I set four fertile eggs under a broody hen. She rolled one egg out very early on. I only candled today and yesterday. I believe I set them on the 19th of December, BTW New Zealand time is one day earlier then american time, (so it's the 9th here) I believe today is meant to be hatch day I knew...
  14. chickmomma5683

    Thing hanging from newly hatched chick, looks like a worm

    I just hatched my 4th batch of chicks this morning and there is something hanging out two of their bottoms, I don't think it's the umbilical, it's too thick, it looks like an earthworm. I'm afraid it's the intestines but two of them have it and I've never had that happen. See pic below, it's not...
  15. R

    first time natural egg Incubation

    Hi i'm planning on doing a natural incubation that is if one of my hens go broody and the egg is fertilized and i am asking for any advice or tips.
  16. Justy0

    Advice on heating pad incubator for quail eggs

    So I have never had quails before and I have an incubator on the way so I ordered some eggs that were supposed to be shipped after the New Year, but they were shipped before and somehow the postal service got them all the way here already and my incubator is still on is way! I believe its going...
  17. Hannahschickys

    Help broody hen hatching

    Hi guys this is my first broody hen and she has a staggered hatch trouble ik 1st chick came 3 days ago 2nd chick 2 days ago broody was leaving nest all the time to look afta babies she has another 8 eggs under her. They keep going cold bc the babies which have hatched keep venturing off bc shes...
  18. IvanK

    Need advice for eggs on day 22

    Hi all! Ok, so I've scanned the forums finding bits and pieces of information but thought I'd ask directly as this is my first real go at incubating a lot of chicken eggs. I'd like to gather some thoughts on what's going on. Here's a break down: 1) Temp has been consistent and accurate. RH...
  19. strawberricatt


    About two weeks ago I found one of my ducks had gone broody. I had been monitoring her for that time. Anyway one morning I went to check on her, and one of the eggs had broken.I lifted her up and she went crazy. The nest was quite a climb uphill, she got the egg in her beak. Lodging her beak...
  20. Marynnaaa

    Hatching chicks in egg cartons.

    Hi I was wondering if I could keep my silkie chick eggs upside down in an egg carton throughout the whole incubation process not just the last 3 days. And would i have to flip them or just tilt them in the carton. In the carton will they still rotate up towards the air cell, or will them...
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