
  1. C

    Offering a quail hatching service?

    Hi all, I am thinking of offering my incubator out and providing a quail hatching service. Where I live there are very few places to purchase quail. Therefore, I was wondering if anybody had done this in the past and how much you charged, are there any risks other than the eggs failing? Do you...
  2. Just Rosie

    Easiest to clean incubator models?

    Hello all, I am a hobby breeder of silkies who has been on hiatus until this year. I've been letting my girls do all the hatching for a while, but I'm ready to get back into it. I'm looking to buy a new incubator, because I really struggle to clean the ones I have. Currently I have an...
  3. 508pips

    Mille fleur d'uccle Hatching help??

    I just bought a dozen mdf's hatching eggs but Im just wondering if there are different rules from hatching normal sized eggs? I've hatched silkies and they worked out fine but I'm I really need this hatch to go out fine so asking for some advice
  4. T

    Candy Corn polish?

    Would this polish be a candy corn? If so can I hatch out more candy corns when paired with a cuckoo polish?
  5. Shipgirl

    Ducks… and chickens?

    So I have a problem. My grandpa gave me a duck egg to hatch out almost 12 days ago, which I put in my incubator. He gave me another today so I put that one in. And my mom asked me to put 4 silkie eggs in on Sunday. I only have one incubator. How do I manage these hatch dates when they are...
  6. Quacking ducks

    Any tips on hatching Guinea fowl?

    Hi, I am looking into hatching some Guinea fowl. I’ve tried a couple of times unsuccessfully and was wondering if anyone had any tips. I’m used to hatching chickens and ducks. Are guineas more difficult? Thanks
  7. R

    Quail egg emergency on day 17

    So, this is my first time hatching quail with an incubator. I had only two broody hens before, so I'm not completely new to the game. My eggs are on day 17 now, and so far everything went good, chicks developed great and the first ones started to pip the shell yesterday afternoon. However , I...
  8. Timbers Happy Hens

    Sick chicks right out of the egg, help!

    So I just hatched a batch of 22 chicks, 19 made it to hatch and then yesterday one of the chicks started acting weird in the brooder. It was in the incubator about 12 hours before I moved it to the brooder. After about an hour in the brooder I noticed it was weak and panting and also seemed to...
  9. Timbers Happy Hens

    Day 21 and no pips or movement

    Hello, today is day 21 and I haven’t heard any Chirps or seen any eggs moving around. I have a batch of 24 bantam eggs in my NR 360. They were at 50-60% humidity until day 17 and then I bumped it up to about 70%. The temps been steady at 99.8. We had a power outage for no more than 2 hours on...
  10. J

    Quitters all the time

    Hi there, I’ve been having issues with quitters in my hen’s eggs for a third time now. We have a mixed flock with bantam Barnevelders and a Belgian chicken breed, our rooster is from the bantams. When my barnevelder became broody on eggs from both breeds, they all developed very well. Sadly...
  11. Patiocoturnix

    My covey thread.

    I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but I’ve seen flick threads a bunch so I thought I should make one for my quail this will be where I post updates on my birds. When I get new birds sell birds or hatching and also just post pictures also can double as a place for chatting.
  12. ChickaChicka1

    Tips for hatching shipped eggs

    Hi there! I ordered some Barred Rock hatching eggs from Meyer Hatchery last week, and they are supposed to come sometime next week around Tuesday or Wednesday. This will be my first time hatching eggs in an incubator. I have a Kebonnix 12 egg incubator set up at home. Do y'all have any tips for...
  13. W

    Day 23 winter broody hen, candled & accidentally cracked egg!

    So I let a broody hen incubate eggs during the winter, a risk I know. I candled them on day 16 and all was good. I was planning to move mama and her eggs to a private brooder on the evening of day 17. Unfortunately in the afternoon of day 17 she was kicked off her nest by other hens and the eggs...
  14. T

    Advice for a first timer

    We are attempting to hatch some eggs this year. Over the winter we lost 2 hens to cats. We have one hen that's been pretty broody lately so we decided to see if she will hatch the eggs. We had to start removing the ceramic eggs from whenever she was brooding because she wouldn't leave them...
  15. chloemae

    Worried about shrink wrap

    I just had my first serama hatch. Day 20, pipped yesterday. 5 more have pipped. I am so worried about shrink wrap. That happened in my old Brinsea Eco Minis so this new Maticoopx incubator has been awesome. I stopped turning at day 16. Temp 99.5 and prelockdown humidity 50-55. Lock down humidity...
  16. F

    Umbilicus exposed after hatching ?

    First time hatcher here. One of my Silkie eggs just hatched a day early. I am hatching vertically in egg cartons due to some questionable air sacs (they were shipped). The chick seemed to be stuck in the egg but eventually rolled out onto the incubator and remnants of the yolk still seemed to be...
  17. Timbers Happy Hens

    Broody hen, temp too cold?

    My silkie hen just decided she wanted to brood some eggs. My question is, will it be too cold once they hatch? Is it too cold for her to even successfully incubate? It’s and 35 degrees Fahrenheit here at night and 50 during the day. On another note I’m not even sure she can brood in the coop...
  18. Emrosenagel

    Hen kicked pipped egg

    Hello! My broody left her nest for a romp and snack, so I went to check the eggs (day 19) and saw one had pipped! Heard some peeps too, very cute. But when she got back in the nest, she basically kicked the poor thing and it rolled over. And then she scooped it back under her. I expect hens...
  19. T

    Forgot to date silkie hatching eggs

    I was dumb and thought that I would remember what day I started incubating my silkie eggs. I did not remember and now I’m not sure how much longer they have. Could anyone take a guess based on pics? They are quite active. I saw feet and legs kicking and could see their individual toes inside the...
  20. R

    Egg candling day 5.. how does it look?

    Hello! I am brand new to hatching eggs using an incubator. I have hatched some previously under a broody hen (which I never candled) but this is my first time using an incubator. Does this duck egg look good to you so far? It’s been almost 5 days in the incubator and they all look similar...
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