help !

  1. I

    egg has started zipping but hasnt made progress in hours

    this is the first egg of the clutch and pipped this morning and started zipping soon after but they have not made any progress in more than 4 hours and the membrane looks like its dry and looks like its going hard humidity is 75-80% and temps are high end of 37c baby is peeping and trying to...
  2. Puddingtheamericana

    Chicken foot has gone limp, she can’t use it!

    i have a chicken who likes to roost and hangout in the dirt alot. although i’m starting to think it was because she couldn’t move around very much. i noticed her behind the food dispenser one wing out and one leg out, laying there, alive though. i picked her up and place into the middle of the...
  3. Puddingtheamericana

    Chicken’s leg has gone limp and she can’t walk

    i have a chicken who likes to roost and hangout in the dirt alot. although i’m starting to think it wasn’t because she loved it. i noticed her behind the food dispenser one wing out and one leg out, laying there, alive though. i picked her up and place into the middle of the coop, just kinda...
  4. C

    Can’t have chickens in Pittsburgh PLEASE HELP

    Hello, I live in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I own a property of 1 acre and I own 20 chickens and 4 ducks. Today an office from Ohio Township can to my door and told me I could no longer have chickens. He said I needed at least 3 acres of land, but before I got my chickens I checked and it said I...
  5. Laineybug

    Help! Lethargic and Limp chicken....

    Hey everyone. My family is currently taking care of a chicken that lives with a friend of ours with about 6 other chickens. We are chicken sitting while they are away. The other day we found a really cute polish who was very limp and lethargic. I wasn't home at the time and I assumed my brother...
  6. Sauron1

    Pullet with bleeding beak. What do I do?!?

    Okay, Our 14ish week old buff Orpington somehow made her beak bleed. We think she injured it it in a fight. My camera was out of batteries, so I have a couple grainy pics with her in the corner from my kwebcam on my computer. We dabbed some Antibiotic cream onto the cut. The cut was only oozing...
  7. A

    Cayuga egg help

    Hello all, I’m Andy and a complete newbe to forums and also egg hatching. I live in sunny uk, north west 🙌. We had 2 Aylesbury ducks from chicks about 2 weeks old. Picked a random 2 from 20+ chicks and they turned out to be male and female. Perfect luck. They where skittish at the start but soon...
  8. C

    Possible heat stroke HELP

    Hi all, I walked into my coop yesterday evening and found one of my girls laying on the floor all confused. I picked her up and she just fell back over, so we moved her inside with a fan blowing on her because she was panting and felt very hot. Over a couple hours of the fan she stood up and...
  9. E

    Silkie chick not eating/drinking

    I have a maybe 3 month old silkie that has stopped eating and drinking occasionally it will peck at some food but only when I encourage it. The poops look normal and all the other ones it was with are 100% fine. I gave this one electrolytes and everything but no luck so far. Please help if you...
  10. Greystone farm

    Swollen tummy/abdomen

    Hi there! My precious Rhode Island Red hen Oakley seems to have a bloated/swollen abdomen and I have no clue what to do about it. She has a rather intense medical history... over a year ago Oakley was attacked by a wild animal and her esophagus was ripped open. She underwent a surgery and...
  11. I

    new born chick cries all the time and is pooping clear liquid and poo

    hi there this chick hatched yesterday, and has cried ever since even in her sleep. she has pooped a huge amount of clear discharge not a thin as water, i was wondering if this is normal as i didnt see any of the other chicks pooping like that any advice welcome!!!
  12. A

    Help! Chick bit by dog

    My chick (month old) was bit by a dog. The chick has two wounds one on each leg and was bleeding pretty bad, she's stiff and I don't think she's breathing is there any chance I can bring her back to life?
  13. L

    Chick hatched late and is having trouble fitting in with the other chicks

    Most of my chicks hatched on day 20 but one hatched on day 23, now that the chick has dried mostly it sits at the window of the incubator crying for attention and i mean CRYING😭 I feel so bad for it but it just isnt quite strong enough to take on six curious and somewhat mean chicks, these...
  14. T

    My pirate crossbeak chick.

    I have this chick who was born about a week ago , he was born with a cross beak and missing one eye. He can’t walk , or stand he falls right over. He can’t feed or drink water himself. Anyone know what I can do to help it learn to walk. Or could it be he never will due to the deformities it was...
  15. 6

    How Come No One Will Help?

    This has puzzled me for 10 months…Literally. In fall 2020, my hens molted. However, one of my hens didn’t grow any feathers back on her neck and shoulder area. I saw some lice and treated with DE and Manna Pro Lice Spray. She never grew those feathers back!!! Then another hen had the exact...
  16. E

    4week old chicks not growing at same speed as siblings and seem weak

    I have 7 chicks and 5 of them are growing nicely but 2 of them are way behind (about half the size as the rest) And one of them seems a lot less energetic I separated the 2 smaller ones out but they are still alive at 4 weeks old so I’m assuming they are eating and drinking so just a little...
  17. 6

    Swollen Foot PLEASE SOMEONE

    My girls have always been prone to bumble foot, therefore I have treated them quite a few times. However; about 2-3 weeks ago, one of my hen’s feet were swollen. I soaked her feet in epsom salt 2xs a day for a week or so. No improvement. One of my others hens has a slightly swollen foot too…I...
  18. M

    My cat has this weird red spot and she has a red sore bum. What is wrong with her ?

    Idk what’s been wrong with my cat these past few days . she’s been getting these weird things on here . Can anyone tell me what these are and how much it will cost to to get her a physical exam at the vet ? Thank you .
  19. E

    2 week old chick constantly making swallowing motion and holding mouth open

    Ayam cemani keeps holding mouth open like that. I attached a picture of the poop as well and she seems to be sitting and resting a lot and is abit smaller than the rest please help!
  20. L

    Is this little guy gonna make it?

    This is my first time hatching eggs and it has been an adventure. They were Ebay eggs, a second batch because the first was smashed in the mail. 2 of the 18 hatched and are doing well. My incubator was great. It maintained 45-50% humidity and 99-100.5° pretty much the entire incubation period...
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