Hello, I was reading an article that was an interview of Lisa Steele I believe. She was talking about using herbs for her chickens, which I’ve been wanting to try. I ended up buying French Lavender, lemon grass, oregano, parsley and mint. Does anyone have experience with these? How do I...
Hi all. I’m looking for some advice regarding treatment of my ducks foot. After a trip to the vet and an x-ray, I was told that her bone has crumbled and she has arthritis. There is nothing more that they can do for her except give her an anti-inflammatory painkiller (which doesn’t really seem...
I was buying a snack mix for my chickens, it was corn, some grain seeds, oats, and meal worms (something to that effect).
Anyways, I wanted to just make my own bigger match of snack mix for them. Lately I was doing meal worms, a scoop of chicken scratch, dried oregano, and some Feather Fixer...
Okay. Never heard of herbs for dust baths. Am interested as a pest deterrent. What kind do you use? If you don't garden, can you use plain ole jar cooking herbs? Maybe grinding yourself? Might be a silly idea, but thought I would ask as bags I've seen are way over my budget these days. I don't...
It's the middle of March and the plants are popping out of the ground. I have Chives and Oregano coming up all over. I divide the chives up and plant around the outside of the coop and run. The Oregano spreads out along the run. The girls keep it trimmed and spreads like crazy.
I have three big...
We are experiencing the worst air quality in the world today here in Portland, Oregon due to wildfires ... not something to brag about.
My chickens are hanging in there and I’ve given them loads of extra trreats...but I’m wondering if there’s more I can do?
Thinking about soaking herbs for...
Hi, I was buying some plants for my new herb garden in Walmart and I saw a bunch of dying/dead plants being thrown out. I hated the thought of that so I asked the manager if I could have them and she said yes. So, now I have 18 very sad looking plants and I don’t have a clue what to do to help...
Hi, I was wondering if you could put herbs in the brooder, water, and feed to help the smell, fight diseases and what not. I have some dried lav and cham and other fresh.
We currently have chickens (8), turkeys (2), ducks (4) and quail (lots!). Although it's the dead of winter here in Illinois this time of year, Spring is not very far off. We will be prepping the garden in late March and starting to plant in mid/late April. We like to grow all sorts of...
Hello and good morning fellow BYCer's! :frow
This thread is focused on those who use alternative worming methods such as DE, pumpkin seeds, herbs, red pepper flakes, ACV, etc AND are willing to put up before and after fecal float with species and load count numbers to help stop the arguing as...
I found these at Tractor Supply.. Are they safe/healthy for ducks? The bag says so, but I just want to make sure this isn't something junky for them that they are better off not eating..
My name is A'isha Bauer and I am the founder- owner of an organic health and wellness products manufacturing company, (for humans, till now - but from 2019 for animals and plants alike - we are all interconnected ;) in downtown Chicago.
Over the past few years, my husband Chris and I have been...
So, I'm gearing up for an experiment in next summer's garden.
A recommendation went by from a nearby herb farmer to use eggshell mulch around herbs that need to be kept drier than our local climate allows. I did get clarification that they meant a mulch, not a scattering of shell like what...
It smells like Christmas in their brooder today, as I hung up some Rosemary, Basil, Mint, and Peppermint. Basil was the clear favorite! I like to hang herbs or chop some up for them, and they love them! You guys should totally try it, it's safe for them to eat!
Credit to the idea comes from...
This is a question for those of you that somehow incorporate herbs into your flock's diet, either while foraging or as part of their daily feed. What herbs do you use? What benefits have you seen, if any? If you could make a mix for your flock, and the cost was not an issue, what herbs would you...
planning on getting my chicks next couple weeks and I want to be ready.
I’ve got the brooder and planning to use paper towels for awhile for their messes. Had chickens before so I’m not a total newbie but that was several years ago. Wondering besides chick starter, can I introduce acv to their...