
  1. C

    New chicks

    planning on getting my chicks next couple weeks and I want to be ready. I’ve got the brooder and planning to use paper towels for awhile for their messes. Had chickens before so I’m not a total newbie but that was several years ago. Wondering besides chick starter, can I introduce acv to their...
  2. I

    New Here-IBETEXAS

    Hi... I’m Carol, I have 9 hens (various breeds), 1 rooster, all raised together. They are free range. I’m also an avid gardener, however my new chickens (last year) ate ALL my lemon verbena and Hydrangeas which I care for very much! I haven’t planted my veggies and herbs this year (obviously...
  3. CapricornFarm

    Seed Swap!

    I know lots of folks have extra seeds sitting around and might be intetested in swapping seeds, bulbs, roots or whatever for gardening. All BYC rules apply, they will not be responsible for swaps not completed. The person shipping is responsible for postage unless otherwise agreed by the...
  4. T

    May I use herbal oil as a chicken food?

    I see that my chickens love uncooked oil. I thought of making my owl herbal oil for them by using a bottle filled with oil and herbs like oregano, green tea, graminace, princess tree leaves, sage, eucalyptus, garlic, onion and apple vinegar. A friend of mine uses it and his chicken are so...
  5. featheredplanets

    Quail care?

    How much ventilation do quail need? Or how much is too much? I would like to buy six standard coturnix quail hens as pets and make an old 5x4 Wendy house into a home for them. I hope to make a second door of mesh that I can leave open during the day. I’m also wanting to take the front and side...
  6. DaviJones

    Leftover Herbs as a Treat Any concerns?

    I recently made a salad which included the fresh herbs parsley and mint and was wondering if that'd be a good treat. Neither herb is poisonous right? I'm kinda worried about the parsley. Thank you in advance! They are 8-10 weeks old. Have grit(just small rocks that I found in the dirt, I...
  7. Michael Propst

    My Chicken Story

    Introduction I am still new at raising backyard chickens and learning more every day, this community has been such a valuable resource for me and a true gift of loving, caring, knowledgeable, and helpful people as I have tried navigating raising my small flock of backyard chickens. I truly...
  8. Peckadoodle

    What culinary herbs will you add to your 2018 garden?

    Time to start planning for next spring's garden. While tucking those plants that must be protected into the greenhouse, I realized that a couple of delicate herbs have been growing around here for years. So, am interested in what herbs you grow, which ones you grow for your chickens, and your...
  9. Annfill

    Hello from Sunny Queensland

    G'day. I am an artist from Qld. I have worked as a vet nurse and photographer in the past. I live in suburbia on a 3/4 acre block with my husband. At the moment I have a roo, 8 hens and 2 newly hatched chicks. They are a mixed flock but predominantly Sussex. I have been keeping chooks for about...
  10. M

    AUSTRALIANS - Herbal Dewormer Question

    Hello, I'm not sure if this forum is the right place to post this question but from what I've seen it's pretty helpful. I used to buy Molly's Herbal dewormer (from America) and used it on my goats. It was really effective and kept them healthy and happy. However, I ordered some more and received...
  11. Buff Orpington Hen

    Buff Orpington Hen

  12. Having some chicken friendly herb snacks

    Having some chicken friendly herb snacks

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