This #chicken was acting extremely suspicious. I walk into the room every single day but today he just seemed a little bit more odd. The chickens were all staring at me as if I were someone weird, but one #rooster had jumped up on top of the chicken coop and started crowing!! I thought it was Hilar
My adorable and fluffy Chocolate Silver Laced Orpingtons! 🐔 These stunning chickens are not only cute but also unique with their beautiful feather patterns. With their striking color and sweet personalities, they’re sure to steal your heart!
The World’s Happiest Chickens have been spotted in our backyard! These Barbu De Watermael bantams from GreenFire Farms are so full of joy. Every morning, I release these little fluffballs from their coop, and it’s like a chicken flash mob.
I had some Chicken Videos where we got our chickens everything they like to eat! From Watermelons, Fresh Vegetables to their Favorite Snack: Chicken Nuggets. We got balloons to decorate, along with party sombreros party blowers. Happy Anniversary at BIG Feathers Farm
I’m in northern CA and I am trying to obtain the goal of having a dual purpose flock for my homestead. I’ve raised egg layers for a long time and Cornish cross for a few years. I’ve had a great experience with the Cornish Cross (not many losses, no nasty injuries, etc) but I want to move away...
Has anyone seen this yet? I wanna know! It came out just before Christmas on the 20th.
When I first saw this trailer I scoffed. Then I watched it again and... I'm psyched!
It's now sold out in 458 theathers nationwide.
What do you think BYC? Are you ready to Homestead???
WoW! What a great year 2024 was! I was so busy with school. my chickens and the YouTube Channel (BIG Feathers Farm Chickens) that I hardly had any time to be here at Backyard Chickens! But 2025 will be different! I have now over 200 Million views on my YT Channel and over 1250 Chicken Videos! I...
life with chickens, turkeys, ducks, quail, and guineas in a neighborhood 😅
rainy day photos:
Chicken government committee meeting (mr boss rooster is on the far left side of the circle)
Mallards are super quiet for 99% of the day but when the females quack they quack loudly for a good 20...
Mine are to raise more meat chickens, to not have to buy vegetables for a few months out of the year, keep up egg production, raise my first grain for bread making, bee better at harvesting my bee’s honey, be more efficient with the compost from the rabbitry, and can/freeze more from the garden...
I found this forum while researching ways to help my duck with an infection. I’m still battling this issue and may make a separate post later if I can’t find the answer in another post.
I started my flocks a few years ago. We hatched chickens through my work at the local elementary...
Thanks for checking out our post!
We’re completely new to chickens and are currently incubating about 35 eggs in a Farm Innovators 4250 on day 10!
We have gotten our eggs from friends that have Rhode Island Reds (of course), Plymouth Rocks, Orpingtons, and Australopes.
We have a homestead...
Anybody out there trying to begin homesteading or grow your lifestyle? What's something that you did this year to advance your goals? Did you have any failures?
I had a few wins and some losses - my wins were doing meat chickens for the first time and making good money off of rabbit sales. My...
Hello, guys
Over the last several days, we turned these two:
into all this:
And that doesn't include the bacon! Today I'm going to start the wet cure process. 😋
My husband left the hides, heads, and legs on a tarp off the porch while we cut it all up and the neighbors dog stole one of...