We recently moved our family to a couple of acres in Gainesville, FL and are looking at incorporating some animals, namely chickens, to our homestead. Having never raised chickens, my questions are numerous—but to begin—I am wondering what housing styles others around this area have found...
My wife absolutely had to have baby chicks for Easter. Living in an area that has many backyard coops, I didn't see the need to have our own. However, with the neighbors out of town for the next six months and a coop doing nothing but sitting there...I thought we might could use theirs while we...
Anyone have huskies? I love the breed and think they are gorgeous so if anyone has some pictures or stories that would be great.
Also does anyone have them on your homesteads/around other animals? Do you think it's possible to make it work or is it a complete no go?
I always heard it was no...
I'm here to learn as much as possible about raising chickens and share my experiences as well. My wife and I are beginning a homesteading, diy type ranch or micro farm. So far we've only gotten some of our small plot of land cleared. We've a long way to go, but when we decided to do this...
Hi, thank you for having me.
I am new to chickens.
I had grandparents and two aunts who kept chickens and have been raised in a small rural community that was known for its chicken farms.
My sister keeps a flock of laying hens, but this will be my first very own flock.
I had rabbits in 4-H as a...
Hello all! I'm Gina, live in NW Indiana with my husband, Joe, and our 5 kids, ages 7, 6, almost 5, (<boys, girls>) almost 2, and 9mo. Besides chickens and ducks, we've got 2 4-legged family members, Lucy- our Lab-Rott mix pup, and our "stray" cat, Big, that adopted my husband and is his garage...
We have an average annual high of 71, average annual low of 47, and average annual precipitation of 54 inches of rain. It does hang out at nearly 90 for around three months straight and sits around freezing for two months. I am leaning towards an even mix of Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, and...