houston texas

  1. C

    4 Pekin ducklings need home (Houston, TX)

    Hi Everyone, A well-intentioned neighbor decided to deliver 4 adorable little ducklings to my door. While I appreciate the gesture having just lost my beloved rooster, I am in no way shape, or form equipped to take care of 4 little ducks - no matter how cute they are. I believe they are about 2...
  2. C

    Rehoming 4 pekin ducklings (Houston, TX)

    Hi Everyone, A well-intentioned neighbor decided to deliver 4 adorable little ducklings to my door. While I appreciate the gesture having just lost my beloved rooster, I am in no way shape, or form equipped to take care of 4 little ducks - no matter how cute they are. I believe they are...
  3. S

    Female duck wanted for companionship

    Hi! I had to sell my 2 Drake Pekin ducks which left me with one very lonely Female pekin…looking for another female duck to be pampered and to be a friend. Does anyone near Houston, Tx have a female duck(quiet is best lol) that they are looking to sell?
  4. PoofBallSilkie

    Looking for Silkie Pullets or Hens Houston Texas

    We are looking for 2 silkie hens or pullets of either buff, paint, or buff partridge combinations. We have 3 chickens as of now and would like 2 more to add to our flock
  5. ChickMama23

    Pandemic pets

    Hi! I’m a SAHM of toddlers and we got 4 chicks last year, grabbed them from feed store on our way home from our first pandemic grocery run. We’re on outskirts of Houston . Shocked they survived, as we had lost chicks to cats before. Anyways we have two australorp and two silver laced...
  6. I

    LF: Rooster! (Houston area preferred)

    Hello everyone! Recently, I unfortunately lost my roo that was raised with my girls from the time they were nearly hatchlings due to a bad incident with the neighbor's dog. Now that the dog has been removed and is no longer a threat to my ladies, I'm searching for a new roo for them! My mother...
  7. C

    New Member Looking for local meetup group

    Hi, I am a new member to Backyard Chickens. I have never owned chickens, but I want to purchase 6 chickens for egg production. I reside in Houston, Texas and would like to join a local meetup group. Specifically, join a group that allows meet up and volunteer work with chickens (sort of like...
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