impacted crop

  1. Emrosenagel

    Crop stuffed with grit

    Hello! My hen (Cochin bantam, 11 months) has had crop issues since at least the end of march. I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with her; sometimes her crop is almost empty, sometimes it’s full. Sometimes it's all liquid, sometimes it’s doughy. But it’s never empty. It’s very odd since, out of...
  2. F

    Help! Lethargic Hen with Mushy but Emptying Crop

    I have grown up with chickens my whole life and was recently asked to petsit 4 newly adopted hens for a friend. I'm not sure exactly how old they are but I think they are relatively new egg layers so maybe around 30 weeks? The first day hen sitting I noticed one Rhode Island Red was quite...
  3. M

    My chick ate puppy pad stuffing

    HELP my baby chick ate stuffing from puppy pad and has enlarged crop. What do I do?????
  4. starlabantam

    Help! Impacted crop?

    This morning I woke up to my 1 month old chick lethargic and with a giant crop. It was semi hard and lumpy so all day I’ve been slowly feeding her coconut oil, massaging it, letting her rest for thirty minutes, repeat. I’d let her sip water with a bit of rooster booster inside. It definitely...
  5. bowerhg

    Sour Crop Treatment. Healthy again in 3 days?

    Hi all! Thanks to the BYC world for the excellent advice on treating sour crop, I was so convinced my girl was not going to make it!!!! It was a wild journey. Probably about 2 weeks ago she started acting off, but not too out of the norm as I have a few ~odd~ chickens that sometimes are feeling...
  6. Emrosenagel

    Can a gizzard be too full with grit?

    Hello! I recently had a hen with some strange crop issues(made a post but got no help), so I took her to the vet for an x-ray. She has no tumors, no visible blockage (an egg happened to be in the way further down), but the vet said her gizzard was packed with grit. Is it possible for the...
  7. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Hello! I have a problem hen, it seems. She can never just stay normal for more than a couple weeks. Anyway, my 9 month old bantam Cochin (recent mother of three as of 7 weeks ago) has been behaving odd at night and during moments of rest during the day. I first noticed about 1 1/2 weeks ago...
  8. HorsechickCC

    Necropsy photos after death from suspected crop/gizzard impaction? Yellow fluid through intestines *GRAPHIC*

    **Graphic pics** Looking for insight from anyone who may have knowledge to share! My favorite little hen (9 month old Orpington) died on Monday night and I attempted a basic necropsy (my first time). Her symptoms: 3 days before death she seemed slightly less active first thing in the morning...
  9. M

    Impacted crop

    Hi all please help. I have 4 year old Easter eager with impacted crop. Noticed it a day ago. Didn’t notice it sooner cuz she was eating and drinking still. She is under weight. I went through some of the post already. I tried olive oil and massaging it downward. it’s not as hard. But its...
  10. ShannyCupcakes

    Possible Impacted/Sour Crop?

    So, we have a hen, almost a year old with what we think is either impacted or sour crop. We noticed something was off because she was doing that side to side head wobble thing, big crop in the mornings and stayed by herself a little more, still ate, but maybe a little less it’s hard to tell when...
  11. The Welch Chickens

    Hen shaking her crop and acting weird. (Updated with recovery!)

    My hen has been acting weird for about two weeks. It seems she had had crop problems on and off. I have been feeling her coconut oil every time, but today I’m worried something is seriously wrong. She is sluggish and shakes her crop strangely. I have been trying to feel her crop, but she is...
  12. S

    Impacted crop from oyster shells?

    Has anyone ever experienced an impacted crop from oyster shells? We thought one of our chickens had sour crop and after taking it to the vet for a crop flush we were told she had stones in her crop. This didn't exactly make sense given the "stone" we were shown was bright white and looked...
  13. woodlandd

    Impacted crop?

    I didn't realize that the feeder was empty for a while and one of my chickens gorged herself on food when I refilled it maybe 3 hours ago. She looks almost like she's gagging while her crop moves up and down. Her crop itself is enlarged and hard, but she's acting fine besides that. I've given...
  14. T

    Please Help, I don’t know what to try next!

    My olive egger, Gertie, is about 18mos the old. About a month ago we started having issues with her - lethargic, losing weight, not eating much if at all and excessive thirst when she would drink. She started molting but seemed a bit extreme compared to the others. She was also having diarrhea...
  15. Cloverr39

    Hen with an impacted crop? Please help!

    I came home and immediately noticed one hen was acting weird. Her crop is full and hard as a rock and she's making weird gagging movements every five seconds or so. She was fine when I left this morning. I feed pellets. For the past 2 days I was feeding them mashed potatoes to diversity their...
  16. Rhyara

    Help with a very slow or impacted crop please

    TLDR: Crop issues, she passes some material and has gotten empty, but when reunited back with her flock she got plugged up again. She is molting, I've read that slows their metabolism and can create crop issues, but offer no solutions. There is NO apparent bad smell coming from her mouth. The...
  17. MissGreenJeans

    Molting chicken not completely emptying crop

    Hi, everyone, Hoping for some advice. I have a 2.5-year-old Ameraucana hen named Sunny Side Up who’s been going through a hard molt. She feels thin and appears to have lost weight. About a week ago, I noticed that she was spending some of her day looking puffed up and squinty eyed—like she felt...
  18. C

    How long can an impacted crop chicken live?

    My chickens going two weeks with an impacted crop. I’m feeding her yogurt, water with olive oil and massaging her crop hoping she’ll poop whatever she has stuck in her crop. I called some vets and asked about prices and it’s out of my budget right now, which I feel bad about it. She still walks...
  19. C

    Chicken swallowed something and it’s stuck in crop. Impacted crop.

    Last Monday my chicken wasn’t acting herself and her crop felt big and squishy so I assumed it was sour crop. It did go down on the 4th day but now I can feel like she ate something that won’t go down, I feel smalls bits of rocks also that she pooped a little out yesterday. But the thing that...
  20. Skibum

    Corrected impacted crop chicken still not laying

    I have an Easter Egger hen who had an impacted crop for somewhere between a few days to up to a week. It took about 3 days to correct once I discovered it but it might have been a few days before I noticed. She’s still thinner than my other Americana but not super thin. I don’t believe she has...
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