
  1. Corp_T

    9 week old pullet attacked by 8 month old hen. Should I try to close wound or just keep it clean?

    We're in the process of integrating 4, 9 week old pullets into our flock of 5, 8 month olds. After a few weeks of them getting to know each other we finally let them interact and after 5 hours of peaceful supervised time they were given some unsupervised time so we could get some chores done...
  2. S

    Chick Can't Walk

    Hello! I hatched a few satin silkie eggs last week and one of them hasn't walked since. It kind of lays on its side most of the time and tries to move around a little on it's hocks. It's legs were pretty far apart so I've been treating for splayed leg but it doesn't seem to be helping. I also...
  3. L

    Chicken badly pecked won’t eat or drink or walk (pictures included)

    Hello My chicken had been badly pecked on the head by another hen. I think it was happening for 30 minutes to one hour before I realised. (young Polish bantam, born May 2023) He was lying on the ground and lifeless when I rushed him inside. He is still alive. I cleaned the head, I’ve used...
  4. 5

    Emu Knee problem

    Long story short my female was beening attacked by her male. She was in rought shape and heart her left lag. Now for the past week she's been located in the barn so we can keep an eye on her. But when i went down today i noticed she was not wanting to put weight on her left leg. So i look and...
  5. O

    Maggots please HELP

    My chicken OJ who is 6 has maggots and can’t move her left leg much. It seemed like she couldn’t move her left leg back and can’t walk on the leg, she is still walking sometimes but does it on her other leg. It seemed to be a hip dislocate or brake, but after looking closer I saw a large coin...
  6. V

    Weird skin issue? I’d love some help!

    Hi! This is my first time posting to BYC. Thanks in advance for your help :) A couple weeks ago I noticed my 1 year old mystic maran hen has what looks like pink, scaleless lines down the outside of each leg. I’ll post a picture for clarity. On both legs, only this small outside strip is...
  7. Jstaz

    Injured, possible broken leg?

    The photo doesn’t quite give it justice, and I am unable to upload a video on the forum, but I came home this morning to find one of my pullets, nine weeks old, appearing to have a broke leg. She can stand and move, but the left leg looks to be very weak Yesterday she was fine and she appears to...
  8. T

    Guinea fowl is lethargic, doesn't appear to eat or drink and has liquid green poop HELP

    This past weekend (last friday night) a raccoon got into my chicken yard and injured one of my male guineas. From what I can tell it only ripped out some feathers and possibly cut him on his neck however I only saw blood on his neck but no wound. I ended up bringing him inside that night as it...
  9. F

    Help! Duck broke it's tail? Duck tail crooked!

    Hi guys! New duck keeper here. My 2 month old runner duck was caught in our electric fence yesterday. I immediately rushed there to help it untangle. Unfortunately, (bc it was so nervous) it injured it's tail from what it seems like. Not sure how bad it is.. it walks, sleeps, drinks and eats...
  10. E

    Duck missing feathers and blood feathers look rough?

    Hi I'm a newer duck owner, we had gotten two ducklings originally about two or three months ago then decided to get three more ducklings about a month ago. One of the newer ducklings is missing his feathers on his wings and his blood feathers look beat up after I got home from work today. Theyre...
  11. R

    Please help my chickens wing got wrapped around in a wire and I just found her, her wing is extremely swollen what do I do?

    It's still warm, I've been massaging it to give back circulation. I've got the wire out unfortunately I'm not able to post any videos or pictures. The nearest vet that could help me is an hour away and I can't make the trip. She's acting fine and has some mobility in the wing, as she pulled it...
  12. U

    Swollen duck legs

    Good evening to all reading this, me and my girlfriend are in desperate need of duck knowledge. One of our female ducks has become immobile over the past week! At first we noticed a slight limp in her left leg which progressively became worse and swollen. Upon further inspection I noticed no...
  13. CatWhisperer5

    Pecking injuries

    We have five laying hens that are about a year old and seven poults that we've been trying to introduce to the adults for quite some time. We introduced them slowly- first a cage outside the run, then inside the run, then in the run with a bin that the littles could run and hide in if needed-...
  14. Skipper Carnes


    Hey everybody. Just a matter of minutes ago, we assume a dog attacked my hen. We were short of white leghorn hen, and called them to come and feed hoping they were all there after we heard an giant amount of squawking and screaming. About 5 minutes later, out of the same direction, the missing...
  15. tomik261

    Chicken with broken? finger

    I was closing the coop for the night and I noticed there was blood on the floor and it was coming from her. When we got her inside we disinfected and patched with some bandages and sticks for support. She had and exposed joint but it wasn't fractured and we tried to put it as best into place. Do...
  16. crumb

    Male Pekin Ducks Over Fighting

    For some background I have three, two year old male pekins and no females. One of our pekins has been getting badly mauled by another and separating them is not really a perfect option right now. Any advice on what to do? Should I be treating the balding spot of his neck or covering it with...
  17. M

    Ruptured air sac not healing

    I already had a forum going for this but it hasn’t got much attention and this problem is still persisting. I have a baby chicken with a ruptured air sac which I have been treating for WEEKS now and it just isn’t healing. We went to a vet first thing and she said to just drain the air a few...
  18. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    One of my girls has foamy eye disease from over-mating and it’s quite sunken and swollen. At first I thought her eye had been pecked out and panicked, but it seems to still be there behind the swelling. She’s still eating and drinking, but her eye looks really bad. I could bring to the vet ER if...
  19. Chickenwithnobrim


    I was trimming my chickens nails with a dremel, holding her on her side. I was holding one leg while my girlfriend was holding the other because that was the only way to keep her from kicking. She started panting but i figured it was normal because she was scared/ Hot. I kept it under 5 minutes...
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