
  1. H

    Hello newbie from Moreno Valley, CA

    April 18, 2019 Newbie Q & A I'm not new to chickens at all but it wasn't until late 2016 that I adopted 3 baby chicks from a friend. They are really such fascinating birds. We have there are 3 beautiful hens with us. An Americana with fluffy cheeks, and two sister Barred Rock hens. I love...
  2. Quailberries

    Hi everyone!

    Hi there! My name's Charlotte, but you can just call me Quail. I just got my first 4 pullets from my local farming/hardware store! They are about 10 days old now. I have an EE, RIR, LH, and SLW. I'm really excited to get in to backyard chicken-ing, you guys make it sound so fun! I live with my...
  3. Clabbergirl

    Hello from Nashville

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m new to chickens after seriously wanting to raise them for about 7 years. Finally becoming homeowners made it a reality for us. We have 3 week old chicks in the brooder now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 (3)...
  4. sandypath

    Introducing myself :)

    I've been on backyardchickens for a few years (since 2015) after a friend highly recommended it. I have read things but noticed I hadn't sent an intro! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I helped my dad with a tiny coop of chickens when I was a ten and loved it. I...
  5. chickpeasoup

    New Member!

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm fairly new to chickens, I got 2 last July and read a bunch of posts from here. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 2 hens and 2 chicks, but one chick is a boy so, 3 keepers. (3) What breeds do you have? A mixed...
  6. Tyson_chickens

    New Member Into Tyson_chickens

    Hello, I'm introducting myself as a new member on the backyard chickens. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am fairly new to chickens, however, my research is not haha. I've been looking up how to take care of chickens for a long time now and when I finally got my...
  7. A

    Hello from Maine!

    Thanks for including me - live in coastal Rockland, Maine. Sadly, we lost our little flock (6 girls) in late autumn to a fisher - nasty! First time such a disaster. We'd been raising since 2012. Our New Hampshire Reds were by far the sweetest and most fun/productive gals. Miss 'em awful...
  8. SpaceLamb

    Hi guys!

    Hi everyone! My family just placed an order for four baby chicks to be delivered in about a month so while we don't have any chickens now they're on the way and we're very excited. We've ordered a Barred Rock, a Buff Orpington, a Welsummer, and an Easter Egger. In addition to the four chicks...
  9. G

    I <3 chickens

    Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? My Dad had chickens when I was a kid (in Wayne, NJ) and apparently my Grandmother raised chickens and sold the eggs back in the early 1900s in Clifton, NJ. I started with chickens, ducks and guinea hens in 2000 when our own little...
  10. N

    New Member

    Hi. Looking forward to learning about chicken keeping and having fun doing it. We bought our 'retirement' home late last spring (40 acres) in a very rural area. We are lucky enough that there was already a chicken coop on the property. However it's not very big (4x8) and no run. We don't have...
  11. Mother of Chooks

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi everyone~! I joined BYC a while ago, but this is my first time posting on here and I thought that the best idea would be to introduce myself to the community. I also found the fun little set of questions I could answer so people can get to know me :D (1) Are you new to chickens / when did...
  12. David65326

    Greetings and Salutations

    My name is David and I am new to the Farm life. I was always a businessman for over 30 years but I had always said when I retired I wanted to buy a farm and leave the rat race far behind. A few years ago due to an unfortunate accident I was given the opportunity to retire at 50. So I did. While...
  13. XXXMasonXXX


    (1) Are you new to ducks / when did you first get ducks? Kinda/sorta, I remember liking ducks when I was younger. Now that I’m older and have grown up money, I wanted to have some pet therapy and take care of my own ducklings. (2) How many ducks do you have right now? Currently I have five...
  14. 3speckled3

    My Introduction

    Ok, so I realized I never posted an introduction, so here it is! Hey! My name is Cyara and I live in South Mississippi. My family has been raising chickens my entire life; however, all of the responsibility of taking care of them has been put on me. Everyday, I am learning new ways to take...
  15. TriciaChickens

    New from Palo Alto

    Hi all, BYC has been a great resource to me over the last 3 years that I have had chickens and I am finally joining! I am in Palo Alto and also participate in the local Yahoo Group: svchickens. Here is some information about me.. How many chickens do you have right now? 2 chickens. Recently...
  16. tayjamieson

    New Member Introduction

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? June 2018 so about 6 months as of now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 12 hens in addition to 3 male Jumbo Pekin Ducks, 3 female Jumbo Pekin Ducks, and we are currently hatching Pekin ducklings as well. So far we...
  17. K

    Hello, Everyone . . .

    I just learned about officially joining after many years of using the BC website, so I did. As for myself, I just retired as an Extension agent w/ UF/IFAS where I coordinated and taught workshops w/ local chicken breeders, backyard chicken advocates, and fellow Extensión colleagues. Now I’m on...
  18. BananaBun


    My bunnies are Lionheads and I love them so much! I currently have two of them. I started this account to learn more about them from fellow rabbit owners, or better yet, fellow Lionhead owners!:hugs
  19. J

    hello from upstate NY!

    Hey folks! I'm excited to join BYC; had chickens when I was young and in 4-H (Orps! and one beautiful little Sebring). Just bought a house with a chicken coop in the backyard and am excited to have chickens again--15 years later! Hoping to start a small (4-6) backyard flock this spring. Would...
  20. G


    I am 75 and have recently discovered that I really enjoy homesteading activities, so in the last year I have acquired a milk cow, 2 young heifers, 2 steers, 2 Llamas, 2 cats, 11 goats, and my chickens & guineas. I have Black australorps and we had 11 hens and 1 rooster. I have lost 2 hens to...
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