
  1. M

    What breed is this lovely lady?

    I picked up this duck and picked her out of a huge group of about 50. There were runners, muscovy, khaki Campbell's, and gold 300's in their flock. She guessed it was a cross of a 300 and a khaki. What do you guys think?
  2. jencrom


    I have 2 black jersey giants and 2 Ameraucana pullets, all 8 months old. None are laying yet. I know the bjg take longer to mature but what’s up with the Ameraucana? I’m in coastal SC so it’s still warm here (highs around 70 lows in the upper 50s). I’m stubborn and refuse to buy eggs.
  3. S

    Southeast Indiana

    New to BYC. Southeast Indiana, Switzerland County, on the Ohio River and border Southwest Ohio and Norrhern Kentucky. Flock for sale. Golden Comet Hens-21 Golden Comet Rooster-1 Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen-1 Easter Egger Hen-1 Golden Comet Gold Laced cross chick (hen)-1 Royal Palm Turkey Hen...
  4. rascal66

    Advice training hens to use new nest box?

    Husband just installed 3 new nest boxes, the kind that is designed for the eggs to roll away from the hen after the egg is layed. About half of the hens I have used to use this style box and know to lay their eggs inside, however my other half don't have any idea so far. The box looks like...
  5. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Hen Laying Oddly Shaped, Flat-Sided Eggs

    My ISA Brown started laying at the end of August. At first, she laid daily supermodel eggs. We were so proud because she had only one month earlier been diagnosed with a heart murmur (after almost dying from heat stroke). She made a full recovery from the heat stroke incident and we'd been...
  6. ChickStavie

    24-25 Week old laying soon?

    Only got one picture at the moment but will add others when i get good picturesShould she be laying soon i have silkies that are a month older and they havent layed either
  7. WallyBirdie

    Polish and Guinea Affair?

    My White Crested Polish, the one who steadfastly insists on tagging along with the juvenile guineas, is ready to lay any day now. She's been squatting! Thing is, she has access to different nesting boxes, and she keeps trying to squat/lay in the dame place as my adult guinea hen. Is that...
  8. FathertoFeathers

    Can you tell a ducks age

    A few months ago I bought some ducks off of craigslist. One of them started laying for a few weeks then hasn't laid since. Then another one was laying pretty consistently for awhile then after some of the ducks died she hasn't played since. I know age can play a factor in laying as long as...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! Chickens Eating Eggs!

    4 out of 7 of our pullets have started laying. 3 of the 4 have learned to use the nesting boxes, no problem. They each lay brown eggs, which are always left in the nesting boxes, untouched. The 4th pullet, our EE "Darla," seems confused about laying in the boxes and leaves her white eggs in the...
  10. awyman

    Beginner Duck Mom Question.

    I have a couple questions as far as duck egg laying goes. The other day I found my first 3 duck eggs in a random spot in my duck enclosure. I collected them, and floated them because I wasn’t sure how long they had been there. They were perfectly fine. So I go back to the same spot the next...
  11. WallyBirdie

    Eggs at 4 months?!

    My newer chickens turned 4 months old on September 10th. They're still very young. I went outside this morning, saw a handful of scattered feathers and immediately had to check on the birds. Everyone is accounted for and everyone seems fine, but there was one little egg in the coop! I don't...
  12. C

    Is she broody?

    We have a very sweet Japanese bantam who has been in the nesting box for at least 4 or 5 hours. She is about 5 months old and has been laying an egg everyday for about a month now. I went out to check on her and found that she layed her egg already today. Every time I pick her up or move her...
  13. Orit

    Could flock integration issues interfere with pullets starting to lay eggs?

    I have been managing a flock integration issue for a few months now (and have posted about it and discussed with others on the thread), but I am not writing about that this time, rather about something related. My pullets (there are 3 of them), who are now a little older than 20 weeks, have not...
  14. Scissors65

    Wrong Egg Song!

    I'd like to Introduce Scarlet. My mixed up pullet! My two leghorns have been laying since week 18. My two New Hampshire are now 22.5 weeks and have not started laying yet, nor do I think they are near ready. But..... This little lady sings the Egg Song! Every time my leghorns go into the coop...
  15. Hannahruepepsie

    When shall I expect eggs?

    I have two ducks the khaki Campbell (Pepsi) and a runner (Rue) if both are hens when will I be expecting eggs from them and do they need somewhere perticular to lay them or will they just lay them where they want? They stay outside all day and come in on a night due to the amount of foxes that...
  16. FathertoFeathers

    What breeds??

    Im thinking about getting some chickens to go with my 6 ducks. What breeds are great at laying? What breeds are usually fairly docile? What breeds are usually quiet? What are your favorite breeds and why? Thanks for your help and good luck to you and your flock!
  17. AmyAvenues

    Shelbyville, Indiana - 3 laying hens need new home

    I have three wonderful little weirdos who have been laying for months now very regularly. But one of my dogs have started terrorizing them and I don't feel like I can give them enough time and space for free ranging without predators around. Reese, Nemo, and Pipi (Silver laced wyandotte and...
  18. V

    Egg production

    Ive noticed my hens arent laying much is there snything i can do to fix that a little i know its coming to the end of the warm season but its not exactly winter yet? Please and thanks.
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