
  1. Wonderling

    Rooster crowing with beak closed

    We currently have 3 little roos that we were planning to re-home/sell or take to the auction when they're a bit bigger. The handsome cream boy is only 6wks old and just learning to crow but so far he keeps his beak closed and it's the most adorable muffled crow. I'm assuming he'll learn to open...
  2. WyldStorm

    First Time Duck Owner

    Well, do to some random events I know have an 8 week old Buff duck who I dont know the gender of. While I have the time, space and resources to take care of them, I don't really know where to start and what to expect. I live in the midwest, so my weather is the extreme of both hot and cold. What...
  3. rascal66

    Help me understand color genetics and patterns along with how leakage works?

    I've been really interested in learning about chicken color genetics and patterns and such. Any good resources out there for a newbie? I've been breeding my backyard flock and since the rooster is white & black, majority of my chicks are white and black... (Hoping to see some colors leaking...
  4. rascal66

    Understanding Light Columbia color genetics

    With my current set-up, I have a Light Brahma Rooster over all my hens. Last season I hatched about 8 chicks which all still hold onto the Light Columbia pattern very closely, with the exception of one chick that looks like she got a bit of the dark brahma's pattern just a bit (Currently don't...
  5. Colleen Chicken


    Thank-you for the add! We live in Leduc County, Alberta, Canada. This will be the very beginning of our Chicken adventure! (We're excited!) Once the -40 °C weather and the tons of snow decide to go away we will be able to decide where we will erect our coop and begin our quest! Thanks again and...
  6. tygrlady

    Newbie in Northern AZ

    I am a complete newbie! A friend had a beautiful and healthy flock of egg producers in Colorado and I was hooked to someday have my own. Now is the time! My husband and I just moved to a 30 acre ranch in Northern AZ and we hope to build a beautiful coop for our future flock this summer. This...
  7. LilMissChick

    Brand new and learning!

    Good morning everyone! Thanks for the add. I am soon to be a brand new chicken mum. My fiancée and I live in an urban area in Greater Victoria on Vancouver island, BC, Canada. We are going to be setting up our back yard with a coop and large pen this spring. We want our hens to have access...
  8. McIntyreAcres

    North Idaho Newbie

    Hi guys and gals, Wife and I just relocated to North Idaho on a 10 acres place. Currently have 5 chickens, 2 American Guinea Hogs and one dog. I am excited to learn more about my layers and soon some broilers. So you in the threads. -Jesse James McIntyre
  9. G

    Gratitude for BYC

    OMG! I'm so grateful for BYC! I raised Leghorns, 40 years ago and 3 days ago, I picked up a year old RIR, Rhode Island Red Rooster. I, endearingly call myself a "retread". While, a bit of a geek, I gleaned a lot of info from BYC for which I can't thank enough the willing members who have shared...
  10. Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring? Can or does chicken raising ever get dull? I’ve been at this chicken keeping business for years now. I don’t know about you, but when I first began my journey, it seemed as though I couldn’t learn enough about chickens. I read every book about chickens at...
  11. ChickenMamaSue

    None of my Muscovy ducklings hatched...

    Being as this is my first attempt of incubating Muscovies artificially, I admittedly may have done some ignorant stuff during the 38 days to warrant a ZERO PERCENT HATCH RATE... but i don't know what I did wrong. I feel so sad, guilty, and discouraged. I knew Muscovies are notoriously hard to...
  12. WinterLynx999

    New Member

    Hi I am a new Member who just got four chicks of my own. One Black Australorp, one Buff Orpington, one Barred Rock, and on jersey giant. They are one week old right now and are all hens. I would love any tips and tricks for my new babies and I hope to use this site to give them the best possible...
  13. Boonie Stomper

    Chicken Obedience Training

    School is in session for my 3 students. Meet Missy, Dasher and Donner. Top to bottom respectively. Missy is oldest but very submissive. Dasher is so fast she almost always gets Missy"s goodies, even from her mouth, before she can eat it. Donner is relatively slower and dumber than the...
  14. B

    Hello from the Philippine Islands!

    Bon here from the Philippines! Very new to chicken raising, haven't even started yet but has been taking my time reading and learning online materials, and now I end up to this forum through the fb page backyard chickens. My family is experienced in raising big flock of chickens in our farm in...
  15. The Angry Hen

    The Bantam Club

    The Bantam Club Hello Everybody, How are you all doing today? Now, I do not have bantams... I know you probably think that is weird, considering I made this club... But I actually would like to get some in the near maybe far future! And this can help me learn about the varieties and reviews...
  16. centrarchid

    Training Chickens to Demonstrate Flight

    I have a couple game chickens that will be used for some videos later. They are a three year old cock and a pullet just shy of one year. During this effort they will produce a brood to be used for display purposes. We recently constructed a wooden deck on the west end of house that has a...
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