Hi all!
Our roo (6-7 months old) has recently started limping on his left leg. About a month ago, he injured a toe. I cleaned it and wrapped it up. It seemed to heal just fine but now I’m wondering if he has an infection. I soaked him in epsom salt/warm water and cleaned the area last night...
Around a week ago now, I went to put my geese in for the night and noticed something...off. They spend all day in their 1 acre outdoor enclosure with the chickens and ducks, and go in their own separate coop at night. Anyway, when I went to get my geese, I noticed my female was laying down on...
So I have an almost 1 year old Pekin/Rouen duck he is very large 8.8lbs
Long story short found him in the yard unable to use one leg. Put him in the tub and he’s able to move his leg but it won’t work from the ankle/hock down.
If I set him down and put his foot underneath him he can stand but...
Okay it seems like there is lots of leg injuries going around, but I've yet to see one like hers.
It started maybe a week or two ago. Possibly from a overly excited young roo. She was kinda waddling around low to the ground like she was egg bound or waiting for a rooster. I checked her, no egg...
Hi there is a pheasant in the neighborhood that now has a leg problem. She is hopping on one leg...Is there anything that can be done? she has been like this for 10 days..I think she is more than 10 years old...I am just trying to help this poor creature not sure what to do...I have photos
Our mallard drake, Tiger, was hatched and raised in our home. He is imprinted on us and started our entire obsession with ducks.
Being a mallard, he can, of course, fly. He usually flies around our property and doesn't venture too far. Yesterday, he respoinded to the sound of a duck lure and...
our girl goes to the vet in two days, but I just wanted to get some opinions. She is about 10 weeks, silkie, brought her hone from a breeder about a month ago. This week she was stumbling around, so we brought her inside thinking she was injured. Now she is having trouble with her balance, but...
I have a 5 month old peachick, and he recently began limping. One day, I noticed it had gotten worse and there was a clicking sound every time he took a step with his right leg. When I looked at it, and how it moved, I saw it was popping in and out and shifting at the knee joint.
I have tried...
Pictures of Leg Joint:
Video of her trying to walk yesterday:
6 nights ago the Mr came inside saying he’d found 3 of the 4 girls on the roost eating an egg that someone had just laid & “Floppy” (top of pecking order) sleeping on the bar below.
I found her sleeping w/ head n wing drooped...
About 2 days ago one of my ganders sprained a leg getting out of the kiddie pool. I saw him fall, but he seemed to be okay other than that he was limping ( he walked on the injured leg though limped). I decided to wait and see how he was the next morning and he still walked on the injured leg...
Hello, I woke up today and noticed my quails leg was sticking out from behind her. She is unable to walk on it but she is eating just fine and sleeping well. In unsure of what this ibjury is, can anyone help identify it?
Thank you.
My chicken has had difficulty walking the past few weeks. And I joined this site as a last attempt to get help. At first my hen would put her weight on the knee of her bad leg, but now she just hops as in the picture.
She was taken to the vet ved they said it was a sprained leg but it been...
I have a 10 week old Rhode Island Red that was injured coming out of the coop one morning.
(When she was about 4 weeks old, she started limping around like her leg was hurt. I kept her separate and in a smaller space for 1 week. She seemed OK after 3-4 days, but I wanted to make sure before...
Prada, my 3 month old CCL, is struggling to walk, and I'm not quite sure if it's a slipped tendon, sprain or something else... X-posted this to the FB forum last night with not much response, hoping to have better luck here...
She was on chick starter when I got her in April until I moved them...
My brother had accidentally closed our heavy wood door on my peachick's leg, and I found her bleeding.
She doesn't seem to want to put any pressure on it, and I'm unsure if the leg is broken, her toes may also be broken. She was bleeding from her knee, and is sleeping in my lap right now.
I recently adopted a chick that had trouble standing on its right leg, and formed a nodule on its ankle from walking on the wire mesh inside the brooder. She can't move her ankle straight, and usually hangs at a 90 degree angle, but can be bent upward a little. She has difficulty walking...
so my hen Lucy got caught in a fence upside down by her leg for several hours(we were out of town and found her like that upon return). She was really out of it, so we but her up by herself. She had clawed her own wing, and had an indent on her leg where she was hanging from. Fast forward 2 days...
Hello Everyone I welcome any advice and info on my latest chicken saga! I have a 8/9week old rare breed Death Layer Roo that I invested in with a pullet to breed. Very happy with the GreenFire line as it was imported and from a reputable breeder.
Over what seems one evening I noticed a roost...
New chick mom here, hoping for some suggestions and guidance! As a preface, I did my best to research these topics before posting, in an effort not to waste anyone's time or duplicate something already addressed, but I apologize if I fail at that!
Here's my problem: I have a week old buff...
Our neighbors/relatives are leaving for the week and left us in charge of their chickens. We were told that a fox had attacked recently and had killed their rooster and injured one of their hens. We have decided to bring the injured hen ( a barred rock) into our barn to keep a closer eye on her...