
  1. G

    Leg hurts on hen

    The leg has no visible injury, yet the hen won't put anyway on it and hops. Does anyone know what else could be the issue? Thank you
  2. S

    Duckling slipped tendon?

    Is this a slipped tendon? And is it at both the hock and the foot? This duckling has had problems with this leg from the start, and either I couldn't see this before or it's somehow been injured since then. Some kind of developmental defect happened because that back toe is completely missing...
  3. B

    2 Week old chick with a bad hurt leg

    Hey everyone. So, I noticed my chicks hopping on one leg about a week in a half ago. Upon inspection I didn't notice any sores or cuts, just some swelling. I brought inside so she could be separated from the other chicks because they were trampling her. The following day it was even more swollen...
  4. M

    Mystery injury

    I have a little barred rock rooster who is on the small side and is around over 3 months old now I think. He started limping one day and it seemed to come and go, then I noticed him making a pain noise while drinking water so I checked his crop and he seemed to have sour crop. I massaged his...
  5. RooRuhRooRuhROOOO

    Injured leg on young bantam hen

    So my young (6 months old) bantam hen is quite lame on her left front — this photo was taken prior to injury. There is swelling on the top side of her foot the size of a small gumball at the joint where the toes meet ( ankle?). I have her confined but other than finding an poultry vet does...
  6. suburbchic

    Divet hole in leg/mites?

    I have been treating my rooster for leg mites by gently washing and covering with Vaseline when I noticed both legs have some yellow gold skin. But one leg definitely has a large divet. Has anyone seen this and know what to do for it? He does seem to be walking fine. Thanks!
  7. Melko

    Pullets unable to walk, but are otherwise vigorous...

    I've had a pullet that hasn't been able to walk for the past week. I though this might've been a leg injury so I set her up in her own with some food and water. Today I found another pullet with the same symptoms. Laying to the side and unable to get up. I tried picking her up but she always...
  8. Eggenator

    Scaly leg mites?

    Hello everyone, My 8 year old hen has pretty raised scales on her feet and legs. I'm suspecting it is scaly leg mites, but wanted others opinions if you agree with this assumption. Also, I have a new flock of 11 week old chicks near her, they are separated by chicken wire however so they're not...
  9. Chipmunk Chicks

    Day old chick - Leg Weakness

    Last night, DH brought home four of the most adorable little French Wheaten Marans chicks, to add to the three Bielefelder and two SLW chicks he brought home the night before. (Whoops!) He didn't really have the opportunity to pick them, the kid just grabbed four yellow chicks and put them in...
  10. DuckDuckPromise

    Leg injury, but unsure of treatment? Please help!

    Hi there! We have some chickens that will be 12 weeks old tomorrow, Lord’s Willing! Sadly, a raccoon got into the pen a few nights back and got one of them :hit Praise The Lord, the others all seemed okay, but we noticed one laying down more than others. She (he) is still eating and drinking...
  11. R

    Drooping leg

    My 2 yo, ri red, suddenly not walking right. It's leg won't stand straight on it. Brought it inside 2 nights ago, dog crate. Last night gave it warm water tub treatment and an egg came out. She's panting still (attached is egg image, it's got weird white spots on it). Wondering if she's got a...
  12. S

    Help! Chick started limping

    One of my baby chicks started limping at about a week old. It holds it's foot way off the ground and balances on one leg. It gets around fine using its wings and it still eats and drinks some. The foot is uninjured although ive noticed the toes not growing out very fast (the chick may not even...
  13. L

    Tom’s leg bent backwards…. Help!!!

    I found our 7 year old Tom in the barn with his leg bent completely backwards. No swelling. What’s the best way to splint or fix? Is he too old to try and treat? Most of the info I have found is on chicks not a grown turkey.
  14. S

    Chicks with leg bent forward

    I have 4 chicks with the same leg issue, I tried the method for splayed legs but it didn't help and I am currently giving them vitamin supplements. The oldest one is at most week and a half old. Do you guys have any ideas on how I can fix this?
  15. RooRoosMama

    My Roos Knees

    My RooRoos knees are looking swollen, red and irritated. Mostly the left, he has had issues with his left leg since he was a baby but this is new.
  16. A

    One leg not fully functional after wound around head-neck area

    My lovly duck sadly got attacked by a hawk yesterday. I luckily could scare him off almost instantly. The duck survived but got 2 minor wounds but is now having problems with the left leg. She can fully contract and decontract the leg muscle but cant cordinate it so she walk in”circles” I...
  17. Emrosenagel

    Hen walking strangely -- possible leg injury?

    Hello, Earlier this month I had a very sick hen (3 1/2 year old Rhode Island Red). I spent a week giving her antibiotics and feeding her recovery food and yogurt with a syringe. She recovered beautifully at the beginning of last week and appeared to return to her normal, active self. She was...
  18. zinnia_flower

    Swollen side of foot - toe injury?

    Hi all! My apologies for not having better close ups of the possible injury. I have a 2 year old Wyandotte hen who suddenly has a swollen side of her foot. It seems to be stemming from the area of her back toe and wrapping around the side. The swelling is firm and not exceptionally hot. I...
  19. applethechicken

    help! limping chicken/ can't use one leg

    Hi! I have an almost 6 month old (not laying yet) Rhode Island Red that has been limping for the past week. It started as a small wobble, but now she doesn't use her left leg at all. Her other leg and wings are all fine, just her left leg. Also, her toes are not curled, but they're not in their...
  20. 5turnedinto25

    Please help!! Sores on Chickens Legs :(

    I have a few pullets that I just moved out of temporary housing to join my main flock. I noticed these scabs along the back of a few of the ladies legs/hocks, and a little along the toes… As I was cleaning out their old area I noticed some hardware cloth exposed and sharp along where they had...
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