liege fighter

  1. E

    Gamefowl Eyeshine

    I've been following a fellow chicken breeder on YouTube called FloridaBullfrog. His chickens have been noted to have strong eyeshine and a crepuscular sleep/wake cycle. I'm intrigued and would like to know what other gamefowl breeds have this as well. If you own indio gigante, asil, shamo...
  2. AGeese

    American Leige Fighter

    So with only one point of entry to the states, and now widely spread throughout and diversifying within, is it time for an American Leige Fighter? Do you have Liege? If so from where? Are you breeding for Belgian SOP or something else? These are my Liege. I'm not sure what generation they are.
  3. AGeese

    Liege Fighter Flock Compatibility

    Looking for takes from anyone on Liege hens in a mixed-breed or even mixed species flock. I'd like to introduce two Liege into my future breeding project, but need to be sure they're not too aggressive with a smaller breeds. I've heard the Roos aren't a problem, but I've heard hens can be...
  4. LF Roo.jpg

    LF Roo.jpg

    Belgian Liege Fighter Rooster
  5. P

    Liege Fighter Cockerels- from GFF-Ohio

    I have extra Liege cockerels purchased from GFF as chicks. I also hatched some from eggs from GFF. Vaccinated for Mareks. I have too many boys and definitely can’t keep this many Liege boys. I have all colors. Northeast Ohio, can meet, not shipping a giant Liege cockerel, sorry! Ages vary from 8...
  6. hyldemoer

    Liege Fighter (Luikse Vechter) Cockerels & Pullets

    Below are pictures of our 5th generation 3 month old Liege cockerels and pullets. Line originally purchase from GF in 2018. Some of this group will be available for sale in roughly 3 months. I'll repost then as well, but I wanted to put it out there. We are located in the Gainesville/Ocala area...
  7. Nashv755

    Liege Fighter crosses

    Does anybody have any Liege Fighter cross projects to share? Mine are about 4-5 months old at this point. The 1st 2 and last 2 pictures are the same bird. I thought it was funny that he had the red forehead like the full blooded red and black Lieges I have as a chick but got white eyebrows like...
  8. hyldemoer

    Liege Fighters/Luikse Vechter

    The following birds are for sale in North Central Florida. One hen is 2 years old and all remaining birds are just over 1 year old. PICK UPS only; we do not deliver. Please contact me for pricing.
  9. Nashv755

    Luikse Vechter cross?

    Has anyone here thought or curious about crossing the huge Luikse Vechter's with a smaller long tail breed like a Phoenix?
  10. Bru

    Rare Roosters/Cockerels Central MD

    All birds are around 3 months old and have been vaccinated for MAREKS. At this point, we are quite certain they are roos. Liege Fighter Roos (4) $50 each (Light-feathered large Roo in pics not for sale). These are a very large Belgian breed known to be docile toward humans, but fierce towards...
  11. P

    Liege Fighter Babies

    hello! We just got our Liege Fighter babies and are curious about colors and genders. There aren’t many pics of baby Liege Fighters and I’m just curious what these may develop into. I read somewhere some people said markings over the eyes meant rooster. Don’t know if it ever was proven...
  12. Elsveta641

    King Arthur is dead :(

    Just a quick post in honor of my special rooster who died last night. He was a beautiful Liege Fighter, about 2 years old. If you google the breed and look over the wonderful photos, not a single one holds a candle to Arthur. He was 31 inches tall and 14 pounds, he had spurs an inch long and...
  13. S

    Hello, from Levy County, FL

    I have five naked neck hens, and one mottled java. It was just eggs I was after, but I love my little flock, and think its time to get a rooster. So, maybe a breeding flock of naked necks in the yard, and some liege fighters in the (currently empty) pasture coop.? That should cover a big part...
  14. Digby57

    For sale in NC Florida Area - Liege Fighter / Luikse Vechter*

    ***Pick up on farm only. We're located between/west of Gainesville and Ocala.*** ***Liege Game / Fighters, aka Luikse Vechter between 3 and 5 months old for sale.*** I have several good to high quality cockerels (currently 15) that I am culling down to 3 keeper roosters for my 2019 breeding. I...
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