
  1. chrisinloslocos

    My rooster isn't doing it right.

    My rooster has sex with the hens like he just got out of prison. But I have yet to see any blood in the eggs showing fertilization. My rooster is 6 months old and fully grown. Is he just never going to get it or are the eggs fertilized and I'm just not seeing it?
  2. rkervell

    Mating outside of mating season?

    I am a newcomer when it comes to ducks. I originally thought I had two females (one khaki Campbell and one Muscovy). As time has gone on, I now realize I have a female khaki and a male Muscovy. Today I witnessed the ducks mating. I didn’t think this happened outside of mating season !? I live in...
  3. NicolleJean


    So here is the scoop, I have one broody hen who is amazing at sitting on eggs. She is currently not laying eggs and just sitting on other eggs from different hens. I have two roosters in my flock. Obviously, I always knew fertilized eggs were a possibility BUT I discovered my first fertilized...
  4. S

    Mating backyard Mallard Drake and Blue Trout Indian Runner Hen

    Hi everyone, first post here and new to the forums. Finally decided to make an account after reading threads on here for months! We got chickens and ducks over Mother's Day weekend of 2017 and have been thoroughly enjoying ourselves with them every since. They're all so quirky and fun to watch...
  5. K.Riggs

    Can hens mate other hens??

    I aquired a hen a few months back, i got six at once and didn't pay a huge amount of attention to her other than to make sure she was pest free and not carrying illness before integrating. I started to think she looked a bit suspect, she isn't laying yet as it was winter. I think she might be...
  6. L

    Bird Depression, or?

    Hello! I have three turkeys (my first time raising). One's a palm (my only female), and one of each a dappled gray and a mottled black (both males)...all from the same hatching, and they are about 3 and a half months old now. In the last week or so, it appears almost as if my girl and my alpha...
  7. Ducktown

    Mating rituals

    I was wondering what kind of mating rituals they have. I have a drake that is getting his head colored up into green (a bit less than 14 weeks old), and I think he is starting to show some hormone induced activity. :lol: I would love to know what kind of tricks your drakes (and ladies) do when...
  8. T

    Duck Language Translation

    I have 5 ducks that i bought at a local feed store. Four Males and One Female. they are about 6 months old now and I LOVE them. I am trying to learn their language and there no books that help with this. example: -when they are in the water sometimes one male will tuck their bill down/bob...
  9. Just Hatch duck


    hello, I have two ducks which are Pekin and khaki campbell and i also have one drake and he's a khaki campbell as well, they're all around 10 months or older now but they haven't mated yet and I've really been wondering why, I've typed it up and everything but couldn't find anything out. cheers
  10. Neko's Yard

    Female duck obsessed with getting laid, injuring herself

    My 3 month old pekin has injured herself twice now trying to get the attention of her boyfriend, my other pekin, same age. He pays no attention as he bathes and plays in their pool and she flattens herself as much as possible, squacks at him, and pushes at him, all but crawling underneath him...
  11. Farmer In Training


    Okay so, I have this silkie hen and this silkie serama rooster. I just bought the silkie hen, and she is separated from my other large chicken flock and by herself. She just started laying eggs and stays in the brooder box with no heat lamp but it moved every evening to the duck pen right...
  12. B

    My Rooster has stopped mating with my hens.

    I am getting an incubator because hens have stopped laying on their eggs, and now my rooster has stopped mating with them, I really want to hatch chicks, help!!:barnie:he:bow
  13. Kealey

    Can roosters have a 'type' ?

    Our flock started first with chicks that we were raising at someone else's property because they had more room and experience (we are working on building a farm to eventually move the flock to). Then we attended a small animal auction, and so it began. We brought home a rooster named Rocky that...
  14. B

    In need of duck copulation clarification

    Hi, I recently saw a video of Mallard ducks forcing themselves on a hen. It must have been 12 males on her. I never knew male ducks did this. And when I saw the comments people claimed this was normal behavior and suggested it was nature. And they only mate this way. One person even claimed...
  15. B

    Something is wrong with my hen, can you help?

    I have two Bantams (1 rooster, 1 hen) and I need them to mate so I can start a farm, but when ever he gets on top of her to mate with her she loudly squawks and successfully runs away from him, (she is 8-10 months old and he is 4-5 months old) does anybody have an idea to make him successfully...
  16. chicken4prez

    Hen mating my flock?!

    I have a hen that does pretty much everything rooster. The most concerning is that she tries to mate my other hens. Is this a sign of dominance? She is 100% a hen.
  17. Sarsa72

    My female pekin behavior

    I know most about their behavior and head bobbing means flirting etc bit she doesn't Bob her head with me anymore. Lately (and I think maybe she's getting hormonal and ready to mate with my other pekin. I only have 2, a male and female) but when I clean in their pen or when she sees me or hears...
  18. M

    Rooster problem or "puberty" problem?

    Hello. I have a mixed flock of 13 chickens. They are all around 4-5 months old and grew up together from a few days old. One of my roosters (red ranger breed) has been crowing now for about a month or so. He's an awesome bird. Friendly to everyone so far, including my 4 year old son, and seems...
  19. Chicky 13

    Rooster not mating with hens

    Hi A couple of weeks ago we bought a pair of buff orpingtons. The 10 month old rooster was proven since he had been kept in isolation with his hen who had then gone on to hatch chicks. When they first arrived I cracked an egg from the female orpington and saw it had a white spot indicating it...
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