
  1. Msfs Page

    Msfs Page

    “Le Grand Habitant” CHECK BACK OFTEN FOR UPDATES (Go to bottom of page for newest postings. )Last Update July 9, 2012 June 25, 2012 August, 2011 Stage 1 finished Before going on with the details of ”Le Habitant” I want to give credit to those who inspired me to keep chickens in...
  2. Kats Silly Chickenss Chicken Coop

    Kats Silly Chickenss Chicken Coop

    Kat's Silly Chickens We decided to get chickens after Mom saw a white chicken with fluff on it's head on TV. That was August 30th 2010, and 2 weeks later we picked up 6 chicks from Ideal Poultry. 2 Sultans, 2 Partridge Cochins, 2 Barred Rocks. The smallest Sultan passed 4 days later, and I felt...
  3. Hypnotist Collectrs Chicken Coop

    Hypnotist Collectrs Chicken Coop

    Welcome to my BYC page! Here we are : The hubby & I, after erecting the walls of our 4x8 coop! This is a shot of the progress, as of 6/29/009 We are trying to make it look like a playhouse, since our yard is 3000 sq ft shy of what we'd need to be "legal" in our city. The run...
  4. Chicks Rule

    Chicks Rule

    "Chicks Rule" * We finally finished our pen and just await our girls to arrive in their new home. This site has provided a great deal of information and I took many of the ideas found on here and made my own from "scratch".. (sorry for the pun.) The pen is 6x7 and as sturdy as my house with...
  5. Tomgs Chicken Coop

    Tomgs Chicken Coop

    TomG's Suburban Chickens My neighbor asked me to build him a chicken coop for three chickens. I agreed to, and went online to find a suitable design. That is how I found The coop I built him was pretty much a knock off of the "Deuce coop" in the coop design area of BYC...
  6. Daddysgirlzs Chicken Coop

    Daddysgirlzs Chicken Coop

    Mac Daddys Girlz "The story of building a coop and keeping illegal chickens" 2010-03-20 How it started It all started in March 2010 with the passing of our most loved pet... Mac Daddy! He was a beautiful fawn colored, 205 lb., well behaved great dane that we raised from a 12 week old...
  7. Chicken Coop Run

    Chicken Coop Run

    The chicken coop and run are complete and here is our story! First we viewed many pictures from many members and got great ideas from all. So we decided to go with a 6' by 4' coop. We used a old 12' by 6' dog run that one of our good friends gave us. Then we positioned the run where...
  8. Caperedss Chicken Coop

    Caperedss Chicken Coop

    Here's our new coop. I used rustoleum truck bed liner on the floor. The nest boxes slide out the side for cleaning and there is a screened vent above the nest boxes that could convert to five more boxes easily. The coop is 6' x 8' and you can stand up in it. Under the coop is screened in for a...
  9. Rhajs Chicken Coop

    Rhajs Chicken Coop

    Welcome to the RHAJ coop I became a chicken mama on Mother's Day 2010 (5/9/10). I got 3 Red Sex Links and 3 Rhode Island Reds. We decided to transform an old outbuilding we had into a home for our chickens. After looking at lots of photos of chicken coops, we got the inspiration...
  10. Thompsonfarms Chicken Coop

    Thompsonfarms Chicken Coop

    Thompson Farm Coop Ill get started by saying that this whole coop/chickens and ducks thing started by going to tractor supply with the Boss her name is lindsay. i was there to get some horse feed and some things for the tractor,then boom we were also leaving with 20 chicks and 6 ducks. so of...
  11. Cnj Tx50s Chicken Coop

    Cnj Tx50s Chicken Coop

    Humes Chicken Coop Started June 13, 2009 Hello, we are the Humes' family and I had been wanting chickens for awhile. Our neighbor received 12 RIR's from our other neighbor that he decided they were tearing out every blade of grass he had and was going to cull them! So neighbor #1 took them as...
  12. Echlfans Chicken Coop

    Echlfans Chicken Coop

    This is our first foray into chickens. We hatched ducks for my little girls class 2 years ago. My friend got me hooked when she told me about hers. She wanted to do another order. I planned it all out & sprung it on my husband 3 days before ordering it. He wasn't totally excited, lol. But...
  13. Serendipityfarms Chicken Coop

    Serendipityfarms Chicken Coop

    Serendipity Farm This is our coop, built this summer by my incredibly handy and extraordinarily tolerant husband! Here are some of our residents: More pages will be added with additional pics when I find the time... This is Samurai (aka Sammy), Mille Fleur bantam cochin roo (from Funky Feather...
  14. Gypsis Chicken Coop

    Gypsis Chicken Coop

    Gypsi's Chicken Page as of 2011-09-28 I had owned this house for 8 years and threatened to get some chickens for most of those years, as I eat 21 eggs a week. (yes I need a cholesterol test). My grandchildren came out in January 2010 for a weekend and said, "Grandma, you said you were going to...
  15. Our 1st Coop

    Our 1st Coop

    This is what the yard looked like before we started building. Its comming together great ! Here are our 1st batch of chicks . We went to get 5...
  16. Rockinrainbows Chicken Coop

    Rockinrainbows Chicken Coop

    Rockin' Rainbow Eggery "A Rainbow of Chickens & A Rainbow of Eggs" Chica, Our Easter Egger BACKYARD CHICKEN COOP! In 2006, we first "adopted" a few chicks (5) from the local Fair. We raised them for about 4 months, then gave them to a friend who had a "real" coop. We never really...
  17. Coop Design 1

    Coop Design 1

    The Epic Chicken Coop! ** Updated 2/27/2011 - see updated pics at the bottom. ** I believe it's time. Time to capture the epic adventure that is .... the Chicken Coop. Really, I don't know what the hell we were thinking. It went something like this. "Hey, let's expand our chicken...
  18. Kzs Chicken Coop

    Kzs Chicken Coop

    THE BABY GOATS ARE HERE! Here are pictures of the baby goats. Mom had three (!), all boys. They are only a few hours old. The pic of the last one was inside the house. We did not think he was going to make it, but after Blake warmed him up for a couple of hours, he got up and started trying...
  19. Stevensons Chicken Coop

    Stevensons Chicken Coop

    and so the insanity begins... You can follow my progress at I was offered this old building that my grandfather built years ago. It is approximately 8'x12' in size. The exterior is rough, but the interior and roof are in...
  20. Jinxschuhs Chicken Coop

    Jinxschuhs Chicken Coop

    The story of "Flown the Coop": Hello! My name is Jennie Jean, my friends and family call me Jenn. I grew up on a small farm in South East Washington where I learned that hard work and kindness to animals was a way of life. If you had the chance to ask my Dad what he raised on his farm he would...
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