
  1. -Eridanus-

    Silkie rooster -- eye infection?

    My silkie rooster has been lethargic for a while. I didn't notice because he tends to hang out in our woodline, but today I walked out into our run and he was squatting in the shade. I checked him for mites, which he had, and then I discovered that his right eye was swollen. It is HUGE, like...
  2. L

    NPM only on silkies—for now?

    Hello, We have a suburban backyard flock of 6 hens. 4 are 2.5 years old, 2 Easter egger, 1 polish, 1 Wyandotte, and 2 4 month old silkie/Cochin mixes. Prior to getting the silkie Pullets a month ago, we have never had pest issues. After 2 weeks of having the silkies, they had lice. I treated...
  3. J

    Duration for reapplication of topical Ivermectin

    I'm seeing a lot of helpful information on Ivermectin dosages here, however, I'm a bit confused as to when I need to reapply it for northern red fowl mites and scaly leg mites. I'm using the pour on 5 mg strength. I keep seeing a second dosage after 7 days but I'm also seeing after 10 days. And...
  4. J

    Treatment of coop for red mites.

    I keep reading elector PSP is the best spray to treat a coop for red mites, is there anything more affordable out there that actually works? Has anyone had any luck with ivermectin?
  5. georgeg78

    Possible stroke - chicken wobbly

    Hi my chicken has been recovering from mites. She had three doses of ivermectin last dose over a week ago. She’s been doing a funny yawning habit but only occasionally. All other chickens acting normal.This morning she came out of the coop fine- ate run around and dust bathed. I noticed in the...
  6. T

    Mama Hen Not Sure About Taking Back Chicks After Mite Bath

    Hi! New to everything. My broody hen got red roost mites. I was unable to completely eliminate while she was sitting and by hatch day she was pretty chewed up. I was worried about the chicks so I removed them as they hatched and bathed/dried them. Eggs started hatching on a Friday, continued...
  7. C

    Blisters and wounds on face and combs

    I “rescued” some silkies and one black (supposed) Astrolop. We aren’t sure what all is wrong. I have them isolated away from my main flock, with an electric fence buffer to keep a 6 ft DMZ type zone). They aren’t as active as my normal flock but they aren’t lethargic either. Their legs have...
  8. S

    Update: Fowl Pox or Head Mites/Lice

    Hello folks! I made a post a few days ago and I didn't have a ton of information to go off on since it was my dad's hen and I only visit once or twice a week. Previously, I wrote about the hen's head being swollen, one eye being shut completely, and bleeding ears. She was still eating and...
  9. W

    Bloody Earlobes

    I wanted to post these picks to see if anyone knows what is wrong with this pullet's earlobes and plan of action. Both earlobes are bloody and scabby, she is droopy(this is what I noticed first she was standing with her tail down), somewhat unbalanced, a little floppy to one side, and...
  10. Little Tala Bug

    Powder for lice in the UK

    Hi BYC! I want to post a recommendation for a pest powder that I recently used for a lice infestations and was very happy with. Since permethrin isn't approved for use directly on birds here in the UK, I tried this...
  11. E

    What are these critters all over our coop???

    I’ve been spraying them with water/dish soap/oil every morning and the next day there seem to be even more. The chickens are showing no signs of being bitten. And I have never seen one that is a different color/looks like it’s been feeding. They don’t seem to fit the description of red/northern...
  12. Frodo the Pekin

    Mite infestation on broody hen 1 day before hatch

    Hi! Here's yet another panicked post from my first hatch adventure. This one might be the most 'panicky' yet. There's mites all over my broody and her nest, about one day from her duck eggs hatching. Tonight I went to check on her 2 duck eggs, both of which have externally pipped last night. And...
  13. bmerb

    Help with mites! I’m not sure if they’re red mites or NF mites?

    We have a HORRIBLE mite infestation all of a sudden. Had chickens for years and never mites. These mites are absolutely TINY, like, pencil dot sized, and leave miserable bites on me, too. Our birds have an 8’ x 8’ coop built into our barn/shed, which is shared by barn cats. They free range and...
  14. Farmgirl805

    DePluming Mites

    I’ve had months of problems with my chickens, feather loss, over-preening, anemic, decreased egg production…. The whole nine yards. I knew that something was happening, likely mites or lice, we’ve tried *just about* everything with ZERO results. My blue Cochin looks terrible, she has looked like...
  15. Flawedprophecy

    Goslings pulling out feathers, mites? Allergy?

    I got two goslings last week and they have taken a turn the past couple days. I know that preening themselves and others is normal but they seem irritated and itchy. One has a perpetual wet spot on his back even when i dry him off he fusses with it almost immediately. The girl plucks her wings...
  16. C

    Pale and lethargic rooster

    Hi guys, this is not something I usually do but I am so worried about our rooster I was just hoping to get some advice. He is just over a year old and has not been himself for a good few months. We thought this was due to flockdown earlier this year but he still hasn’t seemed to have...
  17. Pepperfuse

    Redness and bumps near vent

    We treated our rooster for mites a few months ago when we noticed he started limping. We kept an eye on him to make sure all the mites were gone. He kept taking turns on each leg, skin and comb looked healthy and he still seemed strong so we hoped he would improve. Unfortunately he didn't...
  18. B


    Anybody use lime in their coop for smell control and mite prevention? what brand do you use? how can i be sure i’m using something that is safe for my pullets?
  19. AMont17

    LICE! HELP Rooster is going DOWNHILL QUICK

    My rooster has been lethargic for days and I just noticed tiny white bugs on his face. He can barely stay awake and is not doing well at all. What can I give him to save him??
  20. toppenheimer

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Missing Neck and Back Feathers

    Hello everyone! We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is...
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