
  1. Australorpfamily

    Our flock and their eggs, Black Australorp laying first

    Our Black Australorp have started laying whoohoo! We have 5 'original' girls, two of which started laying recently. They were 18 weeks July 14(ish), so 20 weeks tmrw. Our first one was Warden, funky comb and curved foot, blue tag. She's laid in the Infirmary (nesting boxes) since day one, yay! 7...
  2. T

    Broody but still laying eggs!

    My 11mos Welbar has gone Broody! A few days ago was the first we noticed her hanging in the nesting box and not getting out - she was sitting on 3 eggs, hers abe 2 from other hens. I moved her and took the eggs and she hung outside in the run the rest of the day not going back in the nest. Next...
  3. C

    Premade Exterior Nesting Box

    Does anyone know where I can get a premade nesting box that accesses from the exterior? We have a coop built but hubby doesn't have time to make me one to attach to it. The one I have now with 5 boxes can only be accesses from inside the coop. I found one with about 4 boxes from Carolina coops...
  4. Nal0114

    Mom & Baby

    So yesterday my hen hatched her first baby. While I don’t want to interfere with mom’s business the nesting box needs cleaned. How can I go about this without making mom want to walk away from the baby.
  5. nekocafe

    How to get chickens to use other nesting boxes?

    Hi! My chickens all like to use the same ONE nesting box. We have 5 boxes total and I am trying to figure out how to get the chickens to use the other ones that way they’re not stepping on each other or bickering over the ONE favorite. I have golf balls in a few of the other nesting boxes, but...
  6. IndigoAngel

    True story!

    Wife to husband: “did you check in the corner under the boxes behind that little wooden platform?” What husband heard: “did you check EVERYWHERE BUT in the corner under the boxes behind that little wooden platform?” His answer was yes, but clearly it should have been no! Bahaha!
  7. A

    Peahen left the nest

    Hi, we have several pea fowls in the neighborhood and one is nesting in our backyard. There are 5 eggs, three have hatched and the hen is walking around the yard with the chicks. My question is will she continue to nest on the remaining two eggs at night. We have small dogs but I am keeping them...
  8. Broody Hen and Duckling Talking

    Broody Hen and Duckling Talking

    This beautiful hen brooded and hatched out ducklings in 2016. This short clip features her vocalizing to the baby, clucking to it at the end and scolding me in the beginning!
  9. Jstaz

    Brooder in the coop?

    I have not been able to find answers I am looking for in the search so I'll try posting. I am currently planning a new coop/run build and getting chicks for the first time. I wanted to build a brooder in the coop with the adults to keep everything in one area. I would have the chicks completely...

    Rabbits and kits…

    So I’ve had some problems… I have one rabbit who eats her babies she’s had two litters with me and each time she’s eaten all of her babies. I’m going to attempt to bottle feed them and high hopes that maybe that will encourage her to nurse them otherwise maybe I will just bottlefeed them for the...
  11. jBabychickn

    Nesting Bowls?

    Hi friends!! 🐥 I’ve seen pics online somewhere of nesting materials woven into bowls; they look like plain, brown Easter baskets without the handles… Anyone know where to purchase these or something similar? All I found are these disposable cardboard platforms that are concave in shape, but...
  12. Joyfillednomads

    Egg Production Way Low

    Our hens are on strike since we cooped them up. We have had issues with predators and can't let them run willy nilly and completely free range. The egg production has dramatically decreased. And we expected decrease due to fall/winter, but we have supplements and scraps and all sorts of treats...
  13. TheMrsChick

    First time with a broody and so many questions!

    Hey yall! We have a hen that has gone broody, and she's on roughly day 7 today. She is a first-time brooder and she is one out of a flock of 15. I have read the books I have and scoured the web for what to do regarding her living arrangements and there is so much conflicting information and I'm...
  14. F

    Duck always nesting but no eggs

    My duck has been nesting almost always every day for atleast 3-4 days now but no eggs, she always goes back to the same spot, and she’s made a decent nest out of hay, I do have a drake and two other females, but from what I’ve seen I don’t know if any of them actually know how to mate? The drake...
  15. Q

    When is enough enough?

    My Indian runner duck has made a nest and has randomly sat in the nest for a while but there is now 20 eggs in there and she is still not sitting on it full time. She moves the eggs around and keeps laying in the nest. Before she created this nest she would lay all over. I do date the eggs...
  16. T

    Broody pekin

    Hey everyone, so I just have a few ducks and one of my females has gone broody and is very committed to laying on her eggs. Unfortunately, I don’t want babies right now so, unbeknownst to my duck, she is laying on some golf balls. I just wanted to know if it’s better to give her nothing to lay...
  17. B

    Drake attacking nesting hen

    Hi I have 2 drakes and 4 hens (Mallard ducks), who all live in a wild (not enclosed) pond. One of the hens has a nest and sits on eggs all day for the last three weeks, so I imagine chicks are due soon. The father is very attentive. The other drake violently attacks the nesting hen whenever she...
  18. Ashb0429

    IKEA Nesting Boxes

    That’s right. IKEA makes nesting boxes. Ok, not really. However they DO make a very popular piece of furniture that doubles quite nicely as a nesting box. This started as shoe storage for me, later became a TV stand and now has found its final home as a nesting box. I’m pretty happy with it...
  19. eliz_anne

    Mating/ Laying Eggs

    Hi everyone! This is my first go at ducks and having duck eggs. Last week, one of my female mallards flew away for a few days but has since returned. Upon her return, the male ducks began mating with her. Something that has not happened before. Today i went out to do my daily cleaning of their...
  20. Red Pepper Quiche.

    Red Pepper Quiche.

    Plain as day Quiche Shortcrust Pastry Quiche crust baked MIX \ Wisk to hell. 1 1\2 cup cream 1 +- cup cheese 4 eggs of the duck. Quack Quack. Diced red pepper S and P to taste. pour into crust pan Make pretty with pepper spears S and P to taste. Anything else is up to you. It's a great big...
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