new chicks

  1. Squeak61

    Any way to tell Bearded vs Non-Bearded silkie chicks apart?

    Hello everyone! Just yesterday I got a package in the mail and added 5 new straigh run silkie babies to my chicken flock, my very first bantams:celebrate Anyways, is there a way to tell bearded from non-bearded as chicks? I’ve been looking around for the answer to this and I’ve had no luck. If...
  2. Belzarvie

    Baby chick wont stop peeping for me

    I recently got three new chicks and while two of them are fine, the third will not! stop! peeping for me! Shes fine for five mins and then she starts up again with the peeping and doesn't stop until I either pick her up or just put my hand in the brooder and let it hang in there. Sometimes she...
  3. vrsilver

    My first hatch!

    I left for class with 3 hatched and 8 pipped and 1 unzipping. My roommate just sent me this picture with 6 hatched! They’re all mystery chicks at varying rates of development so I’m excited that I have some hatching. Any guesses on what breed? I know the picture isn’t great but I hope to...
  4. unbaked pegga

    When to integrate.(long post)

    I have 1 australorp and 2 speckled Sussex chicks 10-12 weeks old. I have them in a large dog crate and they have lived there since the first of March. I keep sand on the floor and make sure water is clean and fresh and changed daily. I pull the cage out of the garage when the weather is sunny...
  5. ChickenLittle2+2

    1st Time Backyard Flock Herder

    This is my 2nd try, as first time I had gbaby continually trying to love chickens while they were in cardboard coop in house. Waited it out a couple years and hubs just finished assembling coop for my (i believe) 4+ week old pullets. I have two barred rocks and two Rhode Island reds, They have...
  6. Aliaslucyvp

    Back again....

    Hello, it has been a while since we had new chicks, so I am back to brush up on chicklet care! We have had chickens for about 11 years on the prairie here in Kansas. We have 5 new Easter eggers and 5 silver Wyandottes. This bunch will be getting their feathers trimmed so they will not fly...
  7. EggMan207

    Integration idea/question: new girls, and new coop

    So, I have 8 existing girls in a coop/run. I bought 8 more that are 6 weeks. I also bought a new coop. The last integration I did was really rough/violent. So, I had an idea. What if, I put the new girls in the new coop until the are 14-16 weeks by themselves. Then, integrate the older ones 2...
  8. Bollmash

    A Case of Pasty Butt

    So out of my new chicks I got from TSC, one has pasty butt. I cleared the poop out from her vent and got it out of her down, but I’m still worried about her. She keeps picking at her butt and so do the other chicks. I did just see her poop for the first time since clearing it up though! That’s...
  9. C

    New chicks

    planning on getting my chicks next couple weeks and I want to be ready. I’ve got the brooder and planning to use paper towels for awhile for their messes. Had chickens before so I’m not a total newbie but that was several years ago. Wondering besides chick starter, can I introduce acv to their...
  10. ChickenMamaSue

    New Chicken Mama! Nervous about rooster puberty

    Hello to all chicken mamas, papas, and ma-pas! I had been doing tons and tons of research about what it is like to have chickens. And after careful consideration, planning, building of a coop, and a spontaneous trip to the local feed store almost three weeks ago, (breath) I NOW HAVE 12...
  11. Cluckin' Goats Farm

    Peep Peep-The Easter Eggers have arrived!

    Got my chicky babies today! I ordered 15, but they sent 18 I know they sometimes send extra. They are all alive and LOUD rn so I hope they all make it! I already have a favorite, shes a little purple looking one, I've named Violet! We also have the 6 that my momma got me Wednesday at TSC. 2...
  12. RickRoo

    Lots going on around the farm this year

    So after losing 30 of my babies to animal attacks this year I've decided it was time to call in some new members to the family. Thank Jesus Picasso survived the attacks as he will continue his triumphant reign as head rooster of the farm. I kinda went all out when ordering and wound up with Six...
  13. Soleil_A

    can i order just one chick?

    hello fellow chicken lovers!! so I am planning on getting a chick in the spring, But I only want one. Would there be any hatchery that will only ship one that you know of? Maybe I would consider getting two. And which hatchery is the best one? Also would I be able to introduce...
  14. tabbitha1000

    Newly hatched vaccination schedule

    What vaccines should be given to newly hatched chicks? Also, some other clarification on vaccines? I’m in Northern Utah, while our local extension says that we don’t have wet pox in the region, we do. Over 30 customers have reported to our local IFA chicken lady, as well as vets. Our house is...
  15. TWlovesoutdoors

    City girl who moved to the country and is a new chickie mommy.

    Good Morning everyone! I've lived in Los Angeles all of my life (in the suburbs when I was younger but right smack in the middle of Hollywood for the last 14 years) and recently moved to the country a few months ago. I'm still in southern California but have way more space now with enough land...
  16. Tavia Rose

    Incubation Due Oct 17-29 Ducks and Chickens

    This is not about Human Pregnancy (lol)but, When I was pregnant I found that having a support team of people due the same time as me was great for everything. Some of those ladies and myself are still friends 9 years later. I wanted to find out if anyone here is due between these dates for...
  17. Dan Goddard

    New Member Pastor Dan The Pottery Man (Ceramic Artist)

    Hi :) I'm a new guy here :) Raised farming ranching in Montana/Wyoming now pastoring a country church in Central Michigan :) I have raised poultry for years off and on. Everything from a dozen to a hundred or so... Chickens, Ducks, Geese, etc. But I find I can always learn more from others...
  18. HappyChickenDaddy

    Where should my broody hen sleep with her new chicks?

    I have a broody hen with newly hatched chicks, and I intend to keep her with the main flock and not intervene too much. The box she laid her eggs in is raised off the ground. Once she jumps down with her chicks, where will they sleep? It's still cold here in Australia, about 8-12 degrees C at night.
  19. HappyChickenDaddy

    Hello from a new chicken daddy!

    Hello! I've just joined this community as I've been house sitting for my partner's parents in Newcastle, Australia, and one of their chickens has just hatched a chick! Hopefully more to come today. It's very exciting! I don't know a thing about raising chicks so probably gonna let the broody...
  20. treslilbirds

    They're here!!! New chicks! Blurry pics of fluffiness included :)

    Hoping I don't sound like a mad woman who's running on 3 hours of sleep, (because who can sleep with chicks in the mail?!), but THEY'RE HERE THEY'RE HERE! :wee All the way from Cackle in Missouri to Northern California in 3 days exactly, 16 healthy little fluffy butts! We ordered 15, 5 Barred...
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