open mouth

  1. D

    Please help (serious) My duck is stumbling around a lot and she seems really tired, how can I help her??

    She’s been shaking her head with her mouth open for the past couple of days. We were going to bring her to the vet soon, but today, she started stumbling around. She’s really weak right now and we have no idea why. It seemed like simple leg cramps at first, but she seems VERY tired and weak. She...
  2. D

    Please help! Why does my duck keep shaking her head with her mouth open?

    It’s been two days already and it keeps happening. I don’t think anything is stuck in her mouth, but maybe her own tiny feathers? She hasn’t left the house for some days, so she couldn’t have found food from outside. It’s only started happening recently. She’s a Pekin duck and one years old...
  3. Goosebaby

    Open mouth breathing and stomach issues

    My gander Roxby is having issues again. He’s been off and on ill since March with some sort of recurrent neurological issue. As of August I seemed to have finally got a handle on whatever it was by treating him and the rest of the flock for coccidia and a gram positive bacteria “the vet wasn’t...
  4. DaviJones

    Open-Mouthed(err...beaked?) Wyandotte

    My sister and I noticed that one of the pullets, a golden laced wyandotte, has been opening her beak and just holding it open for maybe a minute or two. We just noticed it today while taking them outside for their daily frolick and at first I thought it was panting as it was 80-90ish(and she...
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