pale comb

  1. Cinnaminute

    Panting and lethargic; need help identifying cause

    1) What type of bird, age and weight: 11mo Easter Egger. No noticeable weight gain/loss. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lethargy, pale comb, and abnormal panting (temps are low 60s inside and outside). Symptoms started yesterday afternoon before clearing up in the evening. They started again...
  2. W

    Lethargic, Pale comb Chicken

    I have a 11 month old RIR that has been lethargic today. Comb and waddles seem pale and cooler temp than usual, tail is droopy. We've brought her inside to help keep her warm, calm, and away from the flock. She is panting, but seems more to be when she is warm and not because she is struggling...
  3. Yooniebean

    Fowl pox?

    Hello. One of my hens got these scab like things on her waddle area quite some time ago but I saw it as nothing until today since I just thought an animal might attacked her. past few days she has stopped laying and had become very inactive and not interested in food. I wouldn't worry to much...
  4. nekocafe

    Pale comb? Is my chicken okay?

    Hello! My Dominique chicken (6-7 months old) has a pale comb, she’s moving a little slower than usual lately too. Eating & drinking still, don’t think she’s laying anymore, had some poop stuck to the feathers on her butt today. I’ve added Nutridrench to the water just in case she needs extra...
  5. A-Chicken-Person

    Sick chicken

    My sweet girl Dixie was sluggish and sat down when she ate she also had this really bad poopy butt. She is getting better, she is still slow but not waddling by feeling her keel she seems to have lost weight compared to other chickens. She still has the bad diarrhea and I wash her behind with...
  6. C

    Sick chicken, issue unknown

    Hello, I just recently started caring for two chickens. Have had them for about 1.5 months. Just yesterday one of the chickens started looking and acting sick, but not sure what is going on. Her comb is very pale, she is barely eating or drinking. Mainly just stays in one spot. I did notice her...
  7. kaleighmarie1213

    Roo Falling/Limping & Pale Comb

    Help me figure out what's up with my roo boy! This is the second day in a row now that he has plopped out of the coop in the morning and takes encouragement to get up and move. His comb and wattles are turning pale and limp, and his feathers on his lower back area seem to be jumbled up...
  8. S

    Help!!!! Hen has pale and droopy comb, little head twitch as well

    Hi all, I have a 2 year old Production Red. The past few days I have noticed that she has a pale and drooped comb, and a slight head twitch. She has been laying down a bit, still drinking. I have added a chicken electrolyte solution to her water. I have checked her for a stuck egg (shes clear)...
  9. picklestheduck

    Lethargic chicken with pale comb and shaking head

    Hey y’all my hen Honey has a pale comb and is slow moving and laid down in my lap which she never does, and is shaking her head oddly. She sneezed once when I set her down. She’s just over a year old and lives with 26 other chickens and the 12 ducks which are in the next pen. I have her...
  10. PandemicChicken

    Broody chicken deep breathing with her mouth open, neck extended, pale comb/waddle, eyes squinting

    Hello! I'm distressed and seeking advice because my only hen (sole survivor of animal attack) seems unwell: her comb/waddle has turned pale pink and drooped, which is a drastic difference from how it stood tall and red 2 months ago (picture comparison). She's been opening her mouth more...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Older ISA Brown Quit Laying

    My 3 y/o ISA Brown, Buffy, has stopped laying and her comb and wattles are pale. Beyond that, her energy and appetite are good, no swelling in her abdominal region, and her poops look beautiful lol. She's not spending any time in the nest box like she's trying to lay either. Should I be...
  12. G

    Hen with pale comb and diarrhea

    I noticed this afternoon one of my wyandotte hens was having very watery stool and her comb and wattles are quite pale. In addition, she is acting rather lethargic...much slower than usual and laying down on the ground in the run area outside. She is around 7 months old and has been my most...
  13. L

    Speedy girl is sick!

    A few days ago, I noticed my Speedy girl laying in the middle of the run, she still tried to run from me when I tried to pick her up but I was able to get her . . . twice . . . which is not normal for her at all. I was petting her and she spit up some water that she had just sipped but nothing...
  14. I

    Pale comb

    I have 4 hens- 2 RIRs and 2 buff orps. Ruby, a RIR consistently has a pale comb. All the other hens combs are bright red. They have the same diet and free-range in the grass every day. Ruby behaves like all the others and appears healthy, no lice. I consistently get 3 eggs almost every day...
  15. I

    Pale comb

    I have 4 hens- 2 RIRs and 2 buff orps. Ruby, a RIR consistently has a pale comb. All the other hens combs are bright red. They have the same diet and free-range in the grass every day. Ruby behaves like all the others and appears healthy, no lice. I consistently get 3 eggs almost every day...
  16. J

    Lethargic hen

    I have a 1 1/2 year old hen, she looks like a leghorn but she lays green eggs. She has not been laying well the last few months, she's only laid a few eggs and the one she has laid are missing their shells. Other than that she seemed to be fine. The last few days however she has become...
  17. chickenbritt5908

    Bantam Barred Rock - lethargic, no egg, pale face

    My little Barred Rock, Betty, was acting strange Sunday afternoon. She was walking but a little wobbly and I noticed her neck tucked down, she was a little puffed up, and her comb, wattles, & face were very pale. So I brought her inside and put her in a pet carrier with food and water which she...
  18. HeathenHavenHomestead

    9-10 week old cockerel pale comb

    I have a 9-10 week old Sapphire Gem cockerel and his comb seems pale compared to the rest of the cockerels that have nice deep red combs. All the other chickens seem to hate him too Pullets and cockerels. He looks more barred Rock then the other 2 sapphires and everyone picks on him. He’s always...
  19. W

    How to treat entire flock for illness?

    Hi everyone! I suspect parasites or worms in my small flock of 7 hens. We just unexpectedly lost one of our girls yesterday, and the others are beginning to have pale combs, and lustreless feathers. Does anyone have any suggestions for treating the entire flock as a preventative measure? I was...
  20. Gonecluckingmad

    Pale face/comb - any ideas?

    Hi fellow Chicken People 😊 My orphington, Big Booty Judy, isn't feeling her best. She's lethargic and pale. I offered her electrolytes and probiotics, she drank it earlier but not now. I have looked for lice/mites but didn't see any (are they visible to the eye?). I also cleaned put the coop...
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