Hi everyone,
Can I please get help, on the sex of my peafowl. He (yes I want it to be a he) is around 20 weeks old.
His color stated off as green, but is definitely turning more blueish.
The color is also spreading down the back of its neck, to the shoulders, and down to its chest.
Hello! These are my 8 month old peafowls. Their usually very calm and quite but today I found them like this! All their feathers are up and they seem to be “screaming” but I don’t know why? They live like with my other chickens in a large chicken pen but they get along well and they’ve never...
Hi all think i posted about it a couple weeks ago now-
But my peachick hes still the same no improvement (lethargic, struggling to stay warm, slow) its been almost a month, taken him to a vet they just gave me stuff to treat worms and antibiotics but he still holds his head tucked to his body...
Hi all, I have two peachicks that I got about 5 months ago. I’m certain on the sex of one, but still a bit uncertain (perhaps it’s more a little wishful thinking) on the other.
They’re both roughly 6 months old (exact date of hatching unknown)
I was hoping for a male black shouldered and...
Hi all
so we have 2 peachicks they're a pair weve been lucky with. This is our first time raising peafowl and i dont know but the boy seems off hes always puffed up and walks around like this on the photo- hes the one on the right. He has been treated for coccid but maybe i needed to prelong...
Hello, I have some peafowl chicks around 4 months old and I recently noticed that they have droopy wings and I’m concerned. It’s been pretty hot here recently around ~90 - 95 degrees everyday. And they have they’re mouth open and they seem to be pretty hot. So I’m wondering if maybe it because...
Hello, I’m thinking about taking in two more 3wk-1month old peafowls but I already have two 3 month old peafowls. Would it be okay to keep them together or would I have to keep them in separate spaces?
Hello peacock friends, help please.
I have a peacock hen. She is 9 months old and is growing up with chickens.
She is the only one that was hatched by one of our chickens.
For 1-2 day she hasn't wanted to eat or drink anything...she looks tired and likes to sit with her eyes closed. Her poop is...
Hello, I just bought 2 peafowls about two weeks ago and I was told at the place were I bought that they were 1 month old but idk they seem older that but I’m not sure which is why I’m asking😅 also I’m wondering if you guys would know whether they’re female or male peafowls. I will post pictures!
Hi, one of our peahens was dead in the run this evening… did not immediately notice because she was in the corner behind roost. Flies had gone after one eye socket. :(
Did a limited autopsy because the barn cats would not leave me alone. Some possibilities: There is a sharp piece of brown...
Hi gang,
A month ago I bought 4 peafowl eggs from a lovely guy near me. I put them in my (very cheap) hobbyist incubator with little hope but and interest to see what happened.
This morning we work to one hatched and two pipped which was exciting!
By late afternoon, it was clear that the...
I purchased this peahen last year as white, but I observed a rust color and frizzy feathers. Initially, I assumed she was simply dirty. However, even after 14 months, her feathers remain rusty and frizzy. According to my estimation, this peahen should be around 2.5 years old.
Has anyone...
Hey there, I have two young peacocks who are absolutely writhing with lice on their heads as I’ve identified, I was wondering if using “Durvet Ivermectin Oral Paste 1.87% (apple flavored)” would be safe for them? If that’s alright, I do also need the safest dose per pound for them. It’s 91mcg...
We had a peahen wander onto our farm last July. She is seemingly happy and has clearly shown no interest in leaving. She started brooding a few days ago in some tall grass by our garden. I'm not super concerned but I don't think she is sitting on fertile eggs because there is no male...
I’ve posted on here before but haven’t gotten any conclusive answers, i has hoping now that they’re a bit older people would have an easier time identifying them? I have a india blue male (Juno) who i adore and a white peafowl (Fixit) who i have been going back and forth on gender guessing since...
This seemed like the best place for this, but if there is a better one, Mods feel free to move it :)
I am looking to create a mixed poultry flock (for eggs, meat, and fat) for a (future) homestead, and I wanted to get first-hand experience and/or research tips from y'all on species and breeds...
Are vitamins or a higher protein content more important in feed? I am comparing two pellets. Also are the vitamin levels in the lower feed too high for peafowl?
One feed is for meatbirds:
22 percent protein, 1.2 lysine, 0.5 methionine, 3.5 fat, 4 fiber, 0.75 calcium, 1.25 max calcium, 0.6...
We are searching for a breeding pair of peafowl. We had a pair that was almost old enough but sadly our male passed suddenly. We are located in Pamlico County, NC. We are willing to drive a little for them. We have looked with not much luck. T~T
(TLDR: 4 birds missing, including 1 large male, no signs of attack, but no sightings )
Hi everyone, I’m new here and hoping to ask for some ideas/advice. I’m sorry for the long post, but wanted to give some background in hope that someone might have some insight - also I’m really upset at the...