
  1. Faisal12

    Dark Pied or Split White?

    I'm new to Peafowls and I've been reading a lot about them.. I'm confused about the difference between Dark Pied and Split White.. some people said its the same and others said its two different colors.. I bought 2 Peafowls.. first one is a 3 years old Peahen (BTW she produced 3 White and 3 IB...
  2. P

    Hello from Pasadena CA

    Hi, I’m new here. I came here because the neighborhood I grew up in now, has feral peafowl running around it. I started up a YouTube channel Pasadena Peacocks to create a diary of their goings-on‘s. Frankly, it’s turned out to be a lot sadder than I expected. Predators got around 23/33 of the...
  3. goatsandpeacocks

    Selling babies

    I’m incubating IB peafowl eggs and not sure what to price them at. no crooked toes or any abnormalities and i’m in NE Oklahoma near grand lake so i’m not sure how much people will pay. currently i have 13 eggs but the peahens are cooking them up quickly so i might get more
  4. P

    Peacock has damaged wings! Help!

    Hello friends, I bought a roughly 2 year old peacock from a friend who didn’t want to care for him due to lack of time and space. So we have had him 10 months and although he is very skiddish and will not let us touch him he adjusted so well! He grew in a long beautiful train and feathers. Now...
  5. C

    Peafowl on porch

    Hi everyone, my neighbors peafowl freerange in my yard. Im Fine with that, no problem. BUT, now they are liking my porch and of course pooping and tearing up my flower arrangement. Is there anything they are scared of that will keep them off the porch? Or any ideas. Thanks again….
  6. goatsandpeacocks

    how to band without making them scared of you

    How do i band my adult peacocks without making them lose all their trust in me? they’ve just started letting me be close to them and now i have to give them their big-boy bands since they’ve grown out of their baby ones.
  7. V

    Need Advice Peacock can’t use legs.

    Today someone brought me a peacock that is about 3 months old. It can’t stand or walk and never has since birth. It seems pretty healthy otherwise. I know nothing about them, I have emailed my vet but wanted to check here to see if there’s any recommendations or if y’all have seen this before...
  8. Dianadejesus

    Is this a peahen or peacock?? Please help

    my peachicks are about 6 months old. I know one is a boy but the second I can’t tell. I see some barring on its back but I’ve been noticing it going away on his upper back. What do you think?
  9. Dianadejesus

    Peacock or peahen?

    We have two peafowl I know one is a boy but I can’t tell what this one is. I see it has some barring on its back but I think it’s disappearing? What do you think?
  10. H

    Introducing peafowl chicks: Question

    Hello, all! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! I have two - four month old peachicks that I am trying to introduce to the rest of the flock. They will be green spaulding x india blue pied (whatever that is, hah!). My pen is 25x20x16(tall) . I am able to divide this pen with panels -- I...
  11. JordanFamily

    Peafowl Chicks. Pieds and IB and possibly more colors…

    Have peachicks available now. Can ship if needed with USPS. Each chick is $75. Hatching right now. So far some loud pieds and IB Have hatched but more colors may hatch still. All colors pictured can come from same pen since all our adults are housed together. Can also be split to any of these...
  12. A

    Peacock lice?

    Hi. My mother and I just adopted a baby peacock today and I noticed tiny white bugs all over it’s face. They’re very small and go near the eye. They’ll burrow into the fur and leave tiny white particles (what I think might be eggs) on the strange of fur. I’m super concerned. I’ve done some...
  13. B

    Not eating enough because picky? Food & Poo Questions. (attached photo!!)

    My peachick is about 4 days old, and likes cooked egg, but doesn't like starter feed. I can sometimes get it to eat if I moisten the egg and put starter feed on it but its not as effective. I feel it isn't eating enough. maybe a teaspoon a couple times a day. What can I do to get it to eat more...
  14. H

    Peafowl Egg- pipped at wrong end

    Good day all! I have my first batch of peafowl eggs hatching in the next few days. This one has pipped towards the wrong end. It's been about 12 hours with only slight progress. I'm wondering if anything should be done or I should just let it go. This is my first batch of peafowl, I know the...
  15. J

    Peacock body language?

    I'm sorry if this has been covered. I searched the forums, but with keywords I've used, there were no results. My peacock is 4 years old and was hand-raised by the folks who gave him to us. We also have 2 peahens who are 3 this year. My peacock, Argos, is very sweet and loves to be near us. He...
  16. NatureGirl74

    First egg not fertile, could the others be

    The first egg my peahen laid didn't have a bullseye in it. She's laid 3 other eggs and hasn't laid for a few days. If the first egg wasn't fertile could the rest of the clutch be fertile?
  17. F

    Help is this a egg still alive?

    hello i found a peafowl egg that was a pretty cold and immediately brought it back to my home to heat it up. i did the water test and it floats and the air sac seems quite large for for its age which i estimate to be about 1-3 days old. does anyone think it has a chance of being alive?
  18. E

    2 new peahens escaped... What should I do?

    Hi everyone, first time poster here. :) In short: I bought two new peahens this morning to join our peacock family. Despite getting their wings clipped this morning, they managed to fly off as soon as I opened their boxes in our pen (which has high walls, but an open roof out of necessity). I...
  19. achiapponi

    Peafowl egg preparation advice...

    Hi all! I am new to back yard chickens but, have been reading the threads for years. I purchased some Peafowl last year and now have 3 cocks a purple, IB and one that looks like it's a BS white maybe (need help telling what that one is). The white is a yearling. Also, I have a 2 or 3 year old...
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